Been putting in a fair volume of dyms on sky last month or so. Not anything interesting to post on them

So thoughts would be appreciated on this hand/spot. Pretty marginal I think, pretty much made a pigs ear i suspect.
6handed NL100. 3 stacks active in the hand, 250bb deep avg.
Laggy button opens button for £3 (no action prior), have a good creative player in the SB who flats, I flat 2 red J's from the BB. Sometimes I'll raise, sometimes I'll flat. Being OOP, relatively deep and vs two chronic peelers it felt like a flat.
£9 in pot (All 3 stacks relatively even).
3d6s7d. Creative SB checks. I opt not to lead, mainly as am planning to c/r to prevent both oppos peeling cheap preety wide. Laggy button obliges, really could have just about anything, but am crushing his range.
He leads £7.
Creative SB raises to £26, but doesnt look entirely comfortable.
Laggy (button) pfopener/flop leader seems to forget I'm active in the hand and basically makes it known he's out. Lot of levelling/history between creative SB and myself.
£9flop + £7r + £26rr £220 behind myself and SB.What do we like and why? (feel like I got this one wrong). All thoughts appreciated.
(Obv issue is our hand is hugely under repped on very wet flop vs two oppos relatively playing atc given position)
As played unless the button gets all dramatic when it gets round to him I'm in flat flop-see you at the river mode.
Opted to raise, as felt like there would be a lot of turns where I just would feel like I was beat, and wanted to charge oppo to get there. Plus didnt want to have to be quite so passive and have to call off potentially two more bets. In fact would likely be folding to alot of fillers.
I made it an even £70. SB shoves I call. Know SB pretty well, he is doing this with draws alot of the time, maybe even some dominated OP's and some weird levelled 1pr hands. On this occasion felt strongly his range leaned far more this way than to made hands.
He showed what I expected Kd 5d for FD, gutshot and over (yuk). Ran twice, statistically behind. Somehow faded both times.
Lolraise (or anyone who would like to respond): When we flat here, is it to exercise a bit of pot control/keep worse hands in/not commit vs better hands? To my mind we are never slow playing? Most people know S+G/MTT has always been my staple, but have far less time to play these days and am playing alot more cash, often deeper than I'm comfortable with. In this spot I'm not afraid of oppo improving, I just dont want to give him the opportunity to do it for free, then be in sigh fold mode or valuetown myself.
Ty for feedback, will think on it some more. I sent you a pm this morning btw.