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Hi there! Another five hours of fun are coming your way on channel 861. The show begins, at 7pm, with highlights from the final table of Thursday's £15k Bounty Hunter . At 8pm, it's Analyse My Play . And we require a volunteer to be the star of the show. So, if you're entering this week's Primo, and would like an hour of mentoring from Redmond Lee, please e-mail your details, or post them in this thread. Between 9pm and 11pm, we'll be focussing on the Master Cash tables, with 60 minutes of Speed Cash , followed by an hour of High Stakes action. Finally, at 11pm, we'll pick up the progress of the players in the £10k Primo . What else? Well, bearlyther recently started a forum thread about the difficulty of explaining to his non-poker playing friends and relatives that poker isn't gambling. Let's turn this discussion on its head, as I ask the provocative question: Why are poker players so keen to pretend they're not gamblers? And, to ensure that things don't get TOO serious, please complete the following sentence: All I want for Christmas is... Good arguments and contributions will be rewarded! The authors of the four best e-mails/forum posts/tweets will receive FREE entry into Tuesday's Mini Open. E-mail: Twitter: #SkyPokerTVI wouldn,t say i wasn,t a gambler as i like to bet on an array of different markets, but i don,t gamble like i used to.
Posted by J-Hartigan
For me personally, I always say I'm not a gambler because I would never play a game with negative expectation where the luck factor outweighs the skill factor (longterm) just for a gamble. I don't play roulette, I don't do any sports betting or any betting of any sort actually.
The reason I don't like to include myself as a gambler is probably because there are a lot of negative connotations that come along with the term. Rightly or wrongly, it's probably linked to the fact some gamblers are seen as degenerates. In reality I guess it all about what you can afford to lose and whether you play within them limits, some people are fortunate enough to have the kind of money where they can go into a casino, blow 50k on blackjack and think nothing of it while bystanders just think 'wow/ouch'.
Although much in the same way people will watch Top of the Pots, see one of the regs lose a 3k pot and think OMG that's horrible, when they'd probably take it in their stride because they have 6 figure bankrolls.
BUT I say all that, and then I occasionally play the National Lottery which is a negative expectation gamble lol so I guess I'm a liar! That's it though honestly lol.
Sorry, I didn't realise this would be so long when I started and I've barely scratched the surface of my opinions.
All I want for Christmas is .... A nice shiny trophy in the living room for having won SPT Luton
To give presenters the opportunity to discuss a topic other than Films, American Football, Bridges, Windmills, Trains, Planes and Automobiles etc. on Sunday evening.
It's only pretend, If you have no self belief!
besides, if you dispel the myth.
What's left?
We'd all become politicians!
David Cameron pretends he listens to what the public wants, then does the opposite! (allegedly)
Bridges, windmills, trains, planes and automobiles? Not so much...
How can the Chiefs be playing tonight? Even if they're not upset about it, surely a sense of decorum should prevent them from playing.
There's a strong argument that "the show must go on." Obviously, there'll be a moment's silence before the game begins, and I imagine the atmosphere inside the stadium (and the TV coverage) will be a tad muted. Also, if sports psychology is to be believed, the Chiefs will be playing harder than they've ever played before!
TommyD is a lifelong KC fan. I'd be interested to hear his thoughts...
I don't see how people can say " I don't gamble, i only play poker" .... If your wagering your money to win more money, it's gambling... plain and simple. It is just gambling that can be done with minimal risk if done right. I know there are alot of people here that will disagree with me.

All i want for christmas is "world peace" ..... ( and a few big tourny wins) .. of course world peace comes first.
have a good show.
I got 2 questions for Ryan that might inspire some interesting debate...
1. I think it's getting to be pretty accepted for the most part that some people play satellites for cash. What is your view on people playing SPT satellites when they've already qualified? With so many people being so desperate for a seat do you think it's a moral issue at all or are you of the opinion 'if I pay my rake, I can do what I like'? Is there any difference between sats where you play and all-in sats for the above? Obviously it's long term bad to play all-in sats that are full, but ones with large overlay are +EV obv.
2. Have you heard of the theory posted online about how flops that are K high with 2 low cards are great boards to just bet bet bet because SO often people won't have a hand that can stand up to 3 barrels. Like on K26 in a raised pot, there is literally about 3 hands that anyone will ever be able to withstand calling down 3 barrels. If so, what do you think of the theory? Obviously a caveat to that is assuming that our opponent is a thinking player.
Thewy is now on the FT of a 100k GTD event at DTD. 26k for the win.
So I think they are different from normal Sats.
But I tell you what, If I win more than one All in.
If Sky let me, I'll buy your action in the SPT
I think your odds are 2500/1 but i'll keep my word if it happens