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very poor customer service i am afraid
a few months back i witnessed two players playing softly against eachother (softly as in not actually playing any hands eachother and checking down every street)
i reported this to customer care at the time and was told i would receive an email when sky had looked into this
no email
and worse still the same two players were doing exactly the same thing last night. This is not a dubious case and sky have still not reprimanded the players involved (or at least it appears that way)
were is the incentive to report collusion?
once again i will compare sky to starz (ok somebody will tell me it is a bad comparasion as starz are a massive site e.t.c e.t.c)
reported somebody i just suspected of collusion last week on there site , received an email within two days confirming collusion and two buy ins on affected games refunded.
0 ·
Reported - dealt with within a day.
See my thread:
Hi Bugs,
Such matters are VERY serious, as are any potential penalities or bans.
Before the business can make a decision on such matters, it is absolutely essential that the facts are properly established, & this involves a lot of delving through past records.
In addition, in many cases, collusion is VERY hard to prove, & I don't think (personally) that a player can safely be banned after a single reported incident UNLESS the evidence is absolutely watertight.
Rushing to judgement is all very well, as is "outing" players, but imagine someone took a dislike to YOU & then decided to make groundless accusations that you were colluding? The very least YOU would expect (& rightfully) is that the accusation is thoroughly tested & verified before action takes place.
A public Forum is not the place for such discussions, in my personal view. Cusatomer Care is the correct & only route.
Where collusion is proven, the appropriate penalties ARE imposed, but only after due process.
Rushing to judgement without carefully checking & proving all the evidence on such matters where people's reputation is at stake is never acceptable.
[QUOTE]i do like sky and there cc is good on other matters dont get me wrong but when it comes to reporting someone its poor the only thing i can say is find a way to use what they do to your advantage and bust them both
Posted by ckd
Hi ckd,
You have twice Posted along these lines today.
Please see my previous post.
Imagine, for a moment, that you upset another player, or bust him & he gets the losers curly lip.
So he thinks it would be clever to report you for collusion, without a shred of CREDIBLE evidence. ("credible" is the key word here).
Would you expect.....
1) Sky Poker to insta-ban you & seize the funds in your account?
2) Sky Poker to investigate it THOROUGHLY?
The answer will ALWAYS be 2).
And the outcome will never be made known on this Community. Data Protection rules & all that.
It is very easy to criticise the business for this that & the other, but imagine if the accusations of collusions were made against you?
Posted by Tikay10