hi guys great show love to see stapes on the show!
ok British fact... true or faulse Olympic gold medalist Tessa Sanderson is married to a gentleman named peter tickle but not surprisingly she kept her maiden name.
True or False in the 16th century there was a tax of 3 shillings on every deck of playing cards sold. which in todays money equates to £1,550 per pack
The answer is false the tax on each deck of playing cards sold was 2 shillings and 6 old pence which equates to only £1,270 in todays money. (based on average salary 60 shillings in 16th century and today being £31,000)
Hi again guys, Just knocked santa out of the Primo, he was playing like lolufold One more possible fact for Stapes: Buckingham Palace was built on the site of a notorious brothel. It s true Cheers Stewart Posted by Stewart1
you got him then m8 n1........i thought santa was a nice guy but I'm seriously having to reconsider
hi james, jen, joe. question for joe, to be seen as particularly funny is it important to have a particularly non-funny partner? have another good show rob Posted by aussie09
hi jen, james and, joe i am new to sky poker and love the shows. did you know the great fire of london was started at a bakery in pudding lane true
True or False Has joe Stapleton alienated himself from half of Great Britain in land mass with his answers this evening? The answer is:- Who cares!!! it been great entewrtainment!!!
True or False - it is illegal to play live or online poker in a library (TRUE apparently - library offenses act 1898 says its illegal to gamble or bet in a library) Posted by mj8bs[ hi guys, just a quick question do you think, tikay should be put forward for the new step toe and son movie,lol,as he is a dead ringer for albert steptoe
Congratulations to marcnyr , glenelg , mj8bs and bbmike who win free entry in to Tuesday night's mini Open @ 8.15pm! Good luck!!!!!! Posted by Sky_DanB
ok British fact... true or faulse Olympic gold medalist Tessa Sanderson is married to a gentleman named peter tickle but not surprisingly she kept her maiden name.
ofc its faulse
Hand History #595967166 (22:02 09/12/2012)
true or false question for joe.
i am liv boeree's one and only stalker.
ps. yes, that's right. back off joe!
Just knocked santa out of the Primo, he was playing like lolufold
One more possible fact for Stapes:
Buckingham Palace was built on the site of a notorious brothel.
Its true
which in todays money equates to £1,550 per pack
The answer is false the tax on each deck of playing cards sold was 2 shillings and 6 old pence which equates to only £1,270 in todays money. (based on average salary 60 shillings in 16th century and today being £31,000)
Fantastic show team always a pleasure watching!
Cheers waller, sorry you went out to him. Got him with 1010 v A8.
Phew lol
The fastest race horse in the world is currently alive and well in Kent
The answer is true
Stone of Folca trained by John Best ran 5 furlongs in 53.69 seconds making him the fastest horse in the world.
they were held in athens in 1896.......or am I missing something
But....true or false...the british eat twice as many baked beans as the rest of europe....
British fact: All packets of crisps go out of date on a saturday.
Cheers guys, Reece
Has joe Stapleton alienated himself from half of Great Britain in land mass with his answers this evening?
The answer is:- Who cares!!! it been great entewrtainment!!!
There are hundreds of airports across the world named after famous people, but the only one named after a sportsman is in the UK
TRUE - it's the George Best Belfast City airport
Not true.
It was by Jona Lewie
UP (Jens best friend)
Love you Jen, it was a pleasure to be on your table.
Congratulations to marcnyr, glenelg, mj8bs
and bbmike who win free entry in to
Tuesday night's mini Open
@ 8.15pm! Good luck!!!!!!