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What can you do?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancejoker49Small blind 200.00200.003705.00bignoise10Big blind 400.00600.001820.00 Your hole cardsQQ cleggerCall 400.001000.002857.50westy1985Fold angel0deatCall 400.001400.002847.50joker49Fold bignoise10All-in 1820.003220.000.00cleggerAll-in 2857.506077.500.00angel0deatFold cleggerUnmatched bet 1037.505040.001037.50bignoise10ShowQQ cleggerShow55 Flop 6A2 Turn 5 River 5 cleggerWinFour 5s
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Hand History #595059952 (22:05 07/12/2012)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancebigal36903 Small blind 600.00 600.00 21351.25 popuoff84 Big blind 1200.00 1800.00 39200.00 Your hole cards Q Q Ontopagain Fold herrcliffo Call 1200.00 3000.00 46422.50 steelrod All-in 8480.00 11480.00 0.00 gerrard84 Fold TIS-DUD Fold dylant9509 Fold bigal36903 Fold popuoff84 Call 7280.00 18760.00 31920.00 herrcliffo Fold popuoff84 Show 10 4 steelrod Show Q Q Flop 6 J 4 Turn 3 River 10 popuoff84 Win Two Pairs, 10s and 4s 18760.00 50680.00