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£21 hypercharged i admit im not the best hu player do u have to go broke here?
i fancied a heads up game for a change dnt think i played the hand bad maybe raise pre thats about it thoughts PithonSmall blind 10.0010.00580.00IDONKCALLUBig blind 20.0030.00390.00 Your hole cardsA6 PithonCall 10.0040.00570.00IDONKCALLUCheck Flop 2J6 IDONKCALLUCheck PithonBet 30.0070.00540.00IDONKCALLUCall 30.00100.00360.00Turn 10 IDONKCALLUCheck PithonBet 75.00175.00465.00IDONKCALLUCall 75.00250.00285.00River 6 IDONKCALLUAll-in 285.00535.000.00PithonCall 285.00820.00180.00PithonShowQ3 IDONKCALLUShowA6 PithonWinFlush to the Queen820.00 1000.00
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but.... I don't play HU ) deffo raising pre though
Even if we tap table and ace high flops, we under rep versus oppo 2nd pr hands - is this how we more likely to get value - plu from aggro played flopped draws -
Totally hear what your saying with raising with QJ etc..rarther than low A's
Raise pre to 75, if called lead almost any flop, definitely lead with middle pair top kicker.
As played; yes, you have to go broke.
The raise pre or not raise pre is just a debate, i can see both sides.
The intresting part is you bet river, to be called by what ?
It's a straight forward c/c - catch a bluff spot - and I know you know this because you done it to me recently - or did you just bet,bet, - c/c because it's me )
It looks fairly routine to me though with Hu there is a lot of toing and froing because of the dynamics in previous hands and how players 'play' each other.. As for going broke, well it's your choice. Two pair hands would call and he's been betting down the streets. However, so will the flush obviously. If he has that two pair do you feel a pot plus bet is only going to be called by the flush as you seem to have been in calling mode trying to catch a draw or have a medium made hand( med or bottom pair) in his eyes.
As a matter of interest what did you think his bets meant? They were 3/4 pot bets. Also what would you have done if non-diamond overcard came on flop. ....just interested.