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Hand History #596370966 (21:55 10/12/2012)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceraintimeSmall blind 30.0030.001332.50samboram45Big blind 60.0090.002555.00 Your hole cardsJ8 lerkyFold squireav79Fold teejay001Fold smallstackFold raintimeCall 30.00120.001302.50samboram45Check Flop 28J raintimeBet 60.00180.001242.50samboram45Raise 134.00314.002421.00raintimeCall 74.00388.001168.50Turn 9 raintimeCheck samboram45Bet 248.00636.002173.00raintimeAll-in 1168.501804.500.00samboram45Fold raintimeMuck raintimeWin 884.00 884.00raintimeReturn 920.500.001804.50
0 ·
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If you use the browser to both copy and paste the hand, it shouldn't cause that problem.
I'd definitely raise more on the flop, probably to 240 total. It's more convincing as a bluff and it allows you to stack your opponent more easily by the river.
You have to call the turn, though. If you're going to fold, you have to be able to give a better reason than "...really felt I was behind..." The time he takes to make the shove doesn't really give any read unless you've seen him tank with monsters before. Even then, it can just mean he's taking a sip of coffee or he's trying to convince himself you can fold...
A reason to fold the turn could be "This guy has not raised in two hours and plays all his weak and mediocre hands passively". Even then, your hand is very strong and the pot odds are very good. With your reads that he's playing every hand and therefore could be holding any two cards, you really must call. He can have weaker two-pairs, draws, top-pair, all sorts. If he turns up with better you'd be massively unlucky and the call would still have been the right decision.
From what you say he could be playing anything and you do have top two pair. This makes it unlikely tha he has JJ or 88. Its probably the draw thats the worry for you. Maybe your bet-sizing could have been bigger with this in mind as he gets odds of over 4 to 1 to call your raise.. However you should think your ahead so this is a value bet.
I think you should call tbh. Playing these kinds of players can be a pain as you feel the one time i go all the way, he's got trips and his loose/maniacal image has disguised it.
The time taken could mean anything tbh.