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hey guys this hand was in the 10k bounty main on a monday night.
I really think I should fold this on this kinda board?
reads on opponent very loose and kinda fishy one hand I raised in the cutoff with k10dd and he min 3 bet wae k9os flop was kj4 there was me,him and the btn in the hand and he c/r flop i fold and btn went allin he calls both have k9 lol
so do you think I should go broke because looking back I think I should fold at least on turn?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance Small blind 50.0050.005502.50 Big blind 100.00150.005062.50 Your hole cardsAA villianRaise 300.00450.004720.00 Fold liamboi11Raise 900.001350.004846.00 Fold Fold villianCall 600.001950.004120.00Flop QJ10 villianCheck liamboi11Bet 975.002925.003871.00villianRaise 1950.004875.002170.00liamboi11Call 975.005850.002896.00Turn 6 villianAll-in 2170.008020.000.00liamboi11Call 2170.0010190.00726.00villianShowAK liamboi11ShowAA River Q villianWinStraight to the Ace10190.00 10190.00
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Well he's raised 3xBB in 1st pos(HJ)but he's called your 3 bet too. You could expect, i feel, a 4 bet if he had JJ+. Some would 4 bet w/ Ak too but then he's got to catch for sure. That flop and his check min raise stinks of AK tbh but he'd probably do the same with AQ. Blank on turn and he shoves but you are getting good odds but i think you probably called with a sigh.
I know you've seen this player being a bit spewy before but I think we still need to weight his UTG raise/call range towards mainly two high(ish) cards, usually excluding AK, and pocket pairs below QQ. There may be other hands in this players range but these are still the most likely.
On this flop, even the dopiest player is going to see that the board fits nicely with a pre-flop 3-better's range. The min-raise with just 2170 behind is just never going to be a bluff. If he has one pair with a draw, such as KQ, you'd expect either a shove or a call, not a min-raise.
There is one thing you need to give attention to more than the actual hand, though. This statement; "...looking back I think I should fold at least on the turn?" suggests a flaw in your overall thinking. The decision in this hand is on the flop. If you make the call there is 5850 in the middle and 2170 in your opponent's stack. At this stage, you're committed. You might as well 3-bet all-in on the flop if you decide to go with the hand. Folding at any stage after making the call here would be a major error. It would be particularly difficult to defend folding on a turned 6.
So the fold on the flop would seem to be the best play to me... but in the heat of the moment, given what you've seen before, it's very understandable that you got it in.
we can rule out KK, so that only means AQ
unless oppo is raises with KQ type hands - pr + draw
given that fact that oppo flats pre w/AK -would suggest oppo is not aggro so oppo raising should set alarm bells off
Depends on what reads you have on oppo
If a passive type suddenly starts raiising, then your in trouble baby
Would be more inclined to get it on the flop, but don't think a fold is bad on that flop - it hits the flat a 3 bet range UTG so hard - if you think oppo is very likely to get it in with top pair AQ/KQ then yeah shove over flop raise