best xmas pressie winning money on cash poker when u think u have the nuts
worst pressie thinking u have the nuts on a 2 hearts 1 diamond board and u have ace j hearts in other words dnt play drunk its xmasssssss time for drink but in future dnt play poker when drunk sigh
Thanks for showing my lovely royal flush binkage, what a time to get it i knew i was blessed and so went on to win the turbo tournament for my biggest cash in a very long time, thanks so much Anna for advertising this tourney so well as i wasnt going to play tonight until i heard you plug this one. I got the good gut feeling it would be worth playing so right i was, great show u2 have a merry xmas one n all
Eve both. Ryry sort of critiqued my play tonight but I did cash in that 1k turbo in 8th for £50 plus I have also just cashed in the primo after sating in for only £2.60! TY for my free mini entry Anna....I got 57th in that so just out the cash in that one.
worst pressie thinking u have the nuts on a 2 hearts 1 diamond board and u have ace j hearts in other words dnt play drunk its xmasssssss time for drink but in future dnt play poker when drunk sigh
hi anna, ryan,
the jackpot
hi anna,
five jackpot runners left
Thanks for showing my lovely royal flush binkage, what a time to get it i knew i was blessed and so went on to win the turbo tournament for my biggest cash in a very long time, thanks so much Anna for advertising this tourney so well as i wasnt going to play tonight until i heard you plug this one. I got the good gut feeling it would be worth playing
only one left...
(but note to all players this isnt a witty original thing to type in the chat box lol)
the name refers to my favourite hand which is jack nine