Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
Sky Poker Forums is upgrading its look! Stay tuned for the big reveal!
Such an awkward hand, tempted to make a small raise on the turn?!
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceswiperSmall blind 100.00100.003377.50nin777Big blind 200.00300.004530.25 Your hole cards10K sighcallRaise 400.00700.0012210.25teff6790Raise 600.001300.002815.00flatfeet3Fold swiperFold nin777Fold sighcallCall 200.001500.0012010.25Flop 4A10 sighcallCheck teff6790Bet 400.001900.002415.00sighcallCall 400.002300.0011610.25Turn 9 sighcallCheck teff6790Bet 200.002500.002215.00sighcallCall 200.002700.0011410.25River 5 sighcallCheck teff6790Bet 400.003100.001815.00sighcallCall 400.003500.0011010.25teff6790ShowQJ sighcallMuck10K teff6790WinFlush to the Queen3500.00 5315.00
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