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Should i call or fold the turn? hovering over the fold button but thourght I had the odds to call as i felt hed be all in on a green river.Was the rest of the hand plaed ok?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceflatfeet3Small blind 50.0050.001425.00swiperBig blind 100.00150.003155.00 Your hole cardsKQ nin777Raise 300.00450.006116.00sighcallCall 300.00750.008660.75LnarinOOFold MRBURNS4Call 300.001050.002461.25flatfeet3Fold swiperFold Flop 885 nin777Bet 600.001650.005516.00sighcallCall 600.002250.008060.75MRBURNS4Fold Turn 6 nin777Bet 1600.003850.003916.00sighcallCall 1600.005450.006460.75River 7 nin777All-in 3916.009366.000.00sighcallFold nin777Muck nin777Win 5450.00 5450.00nin777Return 3916.000.009366.00
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As played raise the flop as a semi bluff. You are just about flipping vs 99-QQ and it's very likely that he is just c-betting with ace-high. Even against KK+ you have 30% equity. By calling you are leaving yourself at the mercy of the cards. At least by raising you give yourself a chance of winning without making your hand