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Turn decision? Oppo unknown
ohnnyhSmall blind £0.15£0.15£25.50cliftonateBig blind £0.30£0.45£13.06 Your hole cardsQQ KKripplerRaise £0.90£1.35£33.78XCall £0.90£2.25£32.47cannon1223Call £0.90£3.15£15.97JohnnyhFold cliftonateCall £0.60£3.75£12.46Flop 423 cliftonateCheck KKripplerBet £2.10£5.85£31.68XCall £2.10£7.95£30.37cannon1223Fold cliftonateFold Turn J KKripplerBet £4.20£12.15£27.48XRaise £10.80£22.95£19.57
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im not calling here on the turn u have to make ya decision to jam or fold as there are draws out cant call and a draw get there and allow yself to get outplayed
tbh the only hand your beating here is aj but why is opponent floating on flop wit aj to me looks like set of jacks or set of 4s its a hard 1 to fold but i dont think your beating much imo
If it's Jxc then yeah just jam it - never a call ofc
A thinking reg might make this move because the jack is a good card for you to barrell. But you need reads that they are a thinking reg and not some nit-fish who only bets with the nuts.