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how should this hand be played?
hey guys a hand from earlier today don`t know if I played it correct.
reads on this player i`ve only been at table 20mins or so he`s been very loosey goosey in a lot of pots showing some junk hands but hitting like the nut hands/hes only on the 1 table also.
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancelooseygooseySmall blind £0.10£0.10£31.82marcus191Big blind £0.20£0.30£31.85 Your hole cardsQA Stew1Fold GOALS1984Fold moke19Call £0.20£0.50£42.15liamboi11Raise £0.80£1.30£18.40looseygooseyCall £0.70£2.00£31.12marcus191Fold moke19Fold Flop 734 looseygooseyCheck liamboi11Check Turn A looseygooseyCheck liamboi11Bet £1.50£3.50£16.90looseygooseyCall £1.50£5.00£29.62River Q looseygooseyCheck ????????????????????????
also will post what happened river after I get views and opinions on how i`ve played so far and what to do river.
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if my guess is correct and you don't know them well enough then i would just check back.
if you did a bet which he then shoves will end up confused wondering does he have a flush or is it a bluff.
the best option would be check back at him meaning he would be the one too lose out if he was the winning hand
As played bet fold £3 on the river and feel bad that you didn't get full value when he shows A4. Sometimes in these spots a fish will have you beat, but don't let that lead you into playing scared when you have a big hands that's not the nuts.