Tbh, I find it difficult for anybody to say any online site is safe lol. Facebook especially. Everything we do is monitored, and we don't even know who by. Including any personal details other than your name on fb is kinda stupid imo. Wasn't there some kind of legislation passed recently where the government have access to anything we send on facebook/texts/ANYTHING can be tracked by them? No matter how private we intended that message to be? Not so much of a free society after all. Kinda off topic I know, but I need my nightly rant. Can somebody start a thread on hating banks so I can join in pls kbye
Tbh, I find it difficult for anybody to say any online site is safe lol. Facebook especially. Everything we do is monitored, and we don't even know who by. Including any personal details other than your name on fb is kinda stupid imo. Wasn't there some kind of legislation passed recently where the government have access to anything we send on facebook/texts/ANYTHING can be tracked by them? No matter how privately we intended that message to be? Not so much of a free society after all. Kinda off topic I know, but I need my nightly rant. Can somebody start a thread on hating banks so I can join in pls kbye Posted by percival09