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3 new year predictions!

edited January 2013 in Area 51
  Here are my 3 predictions for the new year , feel free to add your own :)

   1/ donut64 to be in traction for 4 months after his u-tube song becomes a massive hit and he is mobbed by 50 to 60 female fans.
   2/ spornybol and logdon to be reprieved and to be offered the position as mods.
   3/ Gadaffis son to stand at the Hague accused of war crimes and his plane lands in one piece.(think about this one)

   And as a after thought a delegation of water company cheifs to visit a drought stricken part of Africa and their solution to the crisis is to hike up the price of water,impose hose pipe bans,make everyone have a meter, only to find at the end of 2013 that the country gets its wettest year in recorded history !

                                                          :)    lol


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    edited January 2013
    Mine's a bit of a wet blanket I'm afraid . . . .

    My prediction is that we'll see an increase in the volume of mainstream media advertising by bookmakers and gambling services operators (including online poker site operators) and also an increase in the number of people seeking professional help for problem gambling issues - particularly amongst the under 21s.

    The second one is slightly less likely, but I think there might be a return of the Aliens to Area 51. We'll see.
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    edited January 2013
    a very good thread booboo,made me laugh when i needed to. xxx keep up the good work
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    edited January 2013
       Oh and a few more as this will be my last post for a while.
       The Italian supreme court to cut ex president Bersconis alimony to his ex wife from £2,000,000 a month by £2.46p to a paltry sum of £1,999.997,54 to be fair to all the people who had £2.46 cut off their child allowance due to austerity cuts .

       A down and out to be plucked off the embankment in London at random and announced  to be the next government financial "guru" after they admit that Eton,Oxford,Cambridge etc produce no one capable of running a beer up in a brewery.

       The "health lottery" chief to be laid up with gout,high blood pressure and to spend a month in the Betty Ford clinic.

                                              lol :)

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