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Rivered again and again and again

edited January 2013 in Area 51
Sorry sky but I would never play big money on here,your boards are just to suspect,call it what you like bad luck ,more hands played etc etc,all I know is I've been rivered so many times on here more so than any other poker site and the cash tables are just  laughable,the amount of times you Get big pairs against trips on flop is a joke.time to change your random machines or your going to lose out to 888.


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    edited January 2013
    +1 to the 888 comment, when playing there it feels like real poker, here it feels like money is constantly being passed around until they have nothing left to rake, you would think a company as big as sky would be legit, but I don't feel they are they're just another company wanting every single penny off you, getting phone calls every week asking if I want more channels for my sky box is annoying too.

    Try 888 out anyway, only problem is they use $ and when you withdraw they'll use a BS exchange rate which may mess you up a little, but it's better than playing here that's for sure.
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