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improving how i bet my hands
raise pre, although open limping 33 at 4nl prob ain't too bad
raise flop, why didn't you?
raise the turn much bigger
do these and then jam river, as played i'd go alot closer to pot
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from what i read in my last few post i sense that some of my pots could be so much bigger than they are and where the biggest mistake seems to lie is going from my flop bet into the turn
raise flop
raise turn more
love nl4
a) raise
b) call
which of those two options puts more money in the pot? Its that simple.
Your opponents were the winners in this hand because they should have lost more money but you let them off easy.
When you have a top pair or better hand against fish who don't fold. Get as much money as possible in the middle before the river, so that the river bet almost becomes a formality. Sometimes they will suck out on you but w/e most times they won't.
Prefer a raise PF but guess limping in with small pairs at 4nl is ok as players wont notice your limping small pairs, suited connectors etc and 4x your big hands but dont make this a bad habit when you move up stakes.
Why do you call flop bet? should be raising here 100% of time somewhere in the region 45-50p.
Turn check raise is far to small again whats the thinking behind this? By betting flop to 45-50p we can bet turn around £1 which then leaves around a pot size bet on river.