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Hey guys, This hand from a 5p action table its also no limit. Only read on villain is he raises pre then folds when misses flop. I'm obviously behind on the flop but with my flush draw should i have got it all in on the flop?
Hand History #610123451 (16:42 15/01/2013)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancejimbarrettSmall blind £0.05£0.05£1.79chrisbhoyBig blind £0.05£0.10£5.25 Your hole cardsAJ8A thomas87Raise £0.15£0.25£8.191-on-uFold jimbarrettFold chrisbhoyCall £0.10£0.35£5.15Flop J26 chrisbhoyCheck thomas87Bet £0.26£0.61£7.93chrisbhoyRaise £1.13£1.74£4.02thomas87Call £0.87£2.61£7.06Turn A chrisbhoyAll-in £4.02£6.63£0.00thomas87Call £4.02£10.65£3.04chrisbhoyShow2527 thomas87ShowAJ8A River 2 chrisbhoyWinFour 2s£9.85 £9.85
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i would only shove draws if i were also holding sets because a FH is much easier to get in omaha and the chances are if you did shove you would only get called by a person who is holding a set himself which reduces the amount of flush card to even less.
i myself am not good with omaha.
deffo fold turn
one pr is nothing in this game
+ really need to see stack sizes
my bad should pay more attention in class, ofc call on turn nh