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Hand History #610093982 (15:09 15/01/2013)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancexSmall blind £0.15£0.15£27.52bolly580Big blind £0.30£0.45£38.87 Your hole cardsK4 SREGFold srijitFold BigHawk89Raise £0.90£1.35£29.40xCall £0.75£2.10£26.77bolly580Call £0.60£2.70£38.27Flop 659 xCheck bolly580Check BigHawk89Bet £1.50£4.20£27.90xCall £1.50£5.70£25.27bolly580Fold Turn 3 xCheck BigHawk89Bet £4.20£9.90£23.70xRaise £8.40£18.30£16.87BigHawk89Call £4.20£22.50£19.50River J xAll-in £16.87£39.37£0.00
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keep worse/bluffs in
overpairs+heart seem unlikely
I had similar spot little while ago, crushes your soul when they turn over nut flush though ::S
ya gonna say he had Straight flush !!
as to the hand i would of played same way most would and calling the turn is the best option u keep bluffs 2 pairs in theres no need to reraise