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Set of 2s in £1000 BH - should i have lost all my chips???
I had got off to a good start in the BH doubling up early and i managed to flop a set of 2s. I raised and was called by the villain and then saw an Ace on the turn. I hoped this was a good card as he might have limped with a weak ace. When he re-raised i thought that he prob didn't have AK, AQ etc as he would of raised pre-flop but i put him on 2 pair A5, A2. However thinking back when he went all in he prob wasn;t doing that with 2 pair so should i have folded my set or is it just one of those things.
Cheers in advance for any help.
d History #610991951 (20:45 17/01/2013)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancexxxxxSmall blind 15.0015.003815.00hughes0172Big blind 30.0045.001930.00 Your hole cards22 D96RNWECall 30.0075.003945.00HoneyAACall 30.00105.001850.00RoyalgazFold pipusFold xxxxxCall 15.00120.003800.00hughes0172Check Flop 529 xxxxxCheck hughes0172Check D96RNWEBet 60.00180.003885.00HoneyAARaise 120.00300.001730.00xxxxxCall 120.00420.003680.00hughes0172Fold D96RNWERaise 240.00660.003645.00HoneyAACall 180.00840.001550.00xxxxxCall 180.001020.003500.00Turn A xxxxxCheck D96RNWEBet 510.001530.003135.00HoneyAAFold xxxxxRaise 1020.002550.002480.00D96RNWERaise 1620.004170.001515.00xxxxxAll-in 2480.006650.000.00D96RNWECall 1370.008020.00145.00xxxxxx
Show43 D96RNWEShow22 River K xxxxxx
WinStraight to the 58020.00 8020.00
0 ·
Flop bet is ok, I probably flat the raise cos the board is so dry.
I might go a bit bigger on the turn, when you get clicked back again, it's pretty disgusting but I think you have to get the rest in.