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50 NL check or value bet river
jakealexSmall blind £0.25£0.25£24.01IDONKCALLUBig blind £0.50£0.75£60.07 Your hole cardsQ10 rufino12Call £0.50£1.25£31.63willhongukFold geordiegigFold ladd02Call £0.50£1.75£10.84jakealexCall £0.25£2.00£23.76IDONKCALLUCheck Flop Q10A jakealexCheck IDONKCALLUBet £1.50£3.50£58.57rufino12Call £1.50£5.00£30.13ladd02Fold jakealexFold Turn 6 IDONKCALLUBet £3.50£8.50£55.07rufino12Call £3.50£12.00£26.63River 8
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Easy bet/fold right?
Half pot. fiver. whatever.