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TONIGHT Live on Ch 861 and the webstream with Rich and Tikay: the official show thread + competition
Some suggestions from me, off the top of my head...
Best Improvement On The Site:
Late Reg
Most Incredibly Unfortunate Episode:
GregHogg finishing 11th out of a field of thousands, one off a once-in-a-lifetime prize. Sorry Greg. Again.
Best Suntan:
No contest. Carlo Citrone.
Best guest on Sky Poker TV:
Neil Channing
Lifetime Achievement Award:
Tikay. But only because he's old and that's the award they always give to the oldies.
Feel free to make up your own categories! Positive/genuine big-ups, or friendly mickey-taking ones only please. No moany ones thanks!
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So, we've been doing shows together since 2006 and here comes our first show together of 2013. You're right, I can't shake him.
It's me and Tikay.
And here's your show:
7pm: Live Mastercash table coverage
8pm: Ask The Expert: please send those questions in plus hands to be covered up and played from your perspective!
9pm: Sky Poker School: tonight's topic...Set-mining, playing small pocket pairs
10pm: Sky Poker Highlights: coverage of the 8pm £6K Turbo: tonight's main event
11pm: Rapid-fire coverage from the live Mastercash tables
Plus, since it's awards season with the Oscars, Brits, BAFTAs, Golden Globes etc- let's hand out some mock ones. It's...
For all your messaging needs you can use this thread, email, or Tweet #skypokertv
Best in show Dog------Hit Pup
Best Team Award-------- THS
I think, Mr Orford, you mean "tikay & I" or "tikay & myself".
"me & tikay", sheesh.
What do they teach at school these days?
Best Pyjamas: Anna Fowler
Best NFL Team: 49ers (not poker related but just has to be said)
Best community event: Monday night DTDs
Fashion award: Tikay's ever changing ties.
Worst badbeat ever: every poker player that ever played (come on, admit it)
Best alias: Tie between Evilpingu and Lolufold
Sam Razavi last thursday, some comedy gold and very funny little digs at Carlo
Keep them coming- the best 4 win seats into the mini bounty hunter on Thursday night!
Best micro stakesplayer- tintin
The nastiest card-river card
lastly, the i'm always right award goes to- TK who i would say is quickest to point out what was wrong with hands that get posted.
I really didnt know what to do on the turn as i think the turn card is the worst card in the deck i hate to get married to tptk and lose alot of chips anyway thoughts please
good to see maxally also suggesting community award for dtds (like i did first
the dtds are great fun, even for a usual micro stakes sng player like me, learn alot and cheap entertainment.
still trying for my first ft but soon, soon...
any promotion for these is well deserved.
the reason i asked the question was i hit a set of twos then my next hand on that same table was again pocket twos i was thinking of just folding but decided to make the call and hit the third two again and even the 3rd hand in a row was pocket twos although i did miss the set that time