time for a very fun, festive competition that i'm sure 'yule' all love!!
you'd have to be blind, deaf, or an inferior reindeer not to have heard about the very exciting Christmas Santa Sack tournament happening right here at Sky Poker.
Being the Sky Poker Community and the fantastic place that it is we have decided to put another little competition on for you all!
this one is really easy all you have to do is guess the final prize pool in the Santa Sack Tournament (happening on Sunday the 27th of December). please bear in mind that the prize pool already stands at £500 and Wednesday the 23rd is that last day cash can be added.
the closest 2 will win a free seat in the Santa deep'sack' Tournament.
please keep your answers different from others as if more than 1 person guesses the correct answer the first person to post will win.
any more questions just grunt in a reindeer styley (or alternatively, post on the forum!)
In Response to Re: Guess the weight of Santa's Sack... : ah, grrrr forgetful old Rudolph! get your predictions in by Friday the 18th. but be quick as they'll only be 2 winners.... and only 1 guess each. thank you! Posted by Sky_Elf
can i take ym guesss back then? if you got another 17 days to guess may as well wait to see what is in the kitty then before deciding
In Response to Re: Guess the weight of Santa's Sack... : can i take ym guesss back then? if you got another 17 days to guess may as well wait to see what is in the kitty then before deciding Posted by 35suited
afraid not. only 1 guess each. best to get them in quick as someone might get in there first and take the amount you want!
Hello all my Christmassy chums! Rudolph here! time for a very fun, festive competition that i'm sure 'yule' all love!! you'd have to be blind, deaf, or an inferior reindeer not to have heard about the very exciting Christmas Santa Sack tournament happening right here here at Sky Poker. Being the Sky Poker Community and the fantastic place that it is we have decided to put another little competition on for you all! this one is really easy all you have to do is guess the final prize pool in the Santa Sack Tournament (happening on Sunday the 27 th of December ). please bear in mind that the prize pool already stands at £500 and Wednesday the 23rd is that last day cash can be added. the closest 2 will win a free seat in the Santa deep'sack' Tournament. please keep your answers different from others as if more than 1 person guesses the correct answer the first person to post will win. any more questions just grunt in a reindeer styley (or alternatively, post on the forum!) good luck!!! Posted by Sky_Rudolf
i think it will be 2;ooo pounds because sky are very genourous
Ok Lets do an ED Giddings % chance of getting it right to win Competition has been running , what ? 4 days . and already 500 in pot.. so if I re-raise by doing Pythagoras's theorem of "Pye r sq" = 125 per day .... Allow for "TK's Variance" -15 = 110, also add on 2 Oranges for Lisa ) =112 ... Don't forget King Richard and the four Musketeers, so that's +5 =117. Now comes the tricky bit Add DP + 10 for the way he handled "Big Mac" = 127... Now if you add the scrumptious Sara and well give her 1, ?? So that's 128
And last but not least James Hartigan 'sigh' !! Now this where we have to be careful because if he goes on one of his Movie reviews were knackered so if this estimate goes wrong I can blame him, but lets give him +9, so the total is 137 x 23 giving us a grand total of .....
3151 oops nearly forgot to give Lisa 1 as well , so that's a final total of
3152 ... phew me brain hurts now !!
Game over Benny wins !!
No more entries please competition is now closed to further entries !! )
Rudolph here!
time for a very fun, festive competition that i'm sure 'yule' all love!!
you'd have to be blind, deaf, or an inferior reindeer not to have heard about the very exciting Christmas Santa Sack tournament happening right here at Sky Poker.
Being the Sky Poker Community and the fantastic place that it is we have decided to put another little competition on for you all!
this one is really easy all you have to do is guess the final prize pool in the Santa Sack Tournament (happening on Sunday the 27th of December). please bear in mind that the prize pool already stands at £500 and Wednesday the 23rd is that last day cash can be added.
the closest 2 will win a free seat in the Santa deep'sack' Tournament.
please keep your answers different from others as if more than 1 person guesses the correct answer the first person to post will win.
any more questions just grunt in a reindeer styley (or alternatively, post on the forum!)
good luck!!!
ah, grrrr forgetful old Rudolph! get your predictions in by Friday the 11th. but be quick as they'll only be 2 winners.... and only 1 guess each.
thank you!
afraid not. only 1 guess each. best to get them in quick as someone might get in there first and take the amount you want!
winnings plus there might be the odd extra bonus dropped in at any time!
i can almost smell the excitement!
...oh no actually thats something else...
too many carrots for dinner last night...sorry
ill guess 1480
Competition has been running , what ? 4 days . and already 500 in pot.. so if I re-raise by doing Pythagoras's theorem of "Pye r sq" = 125 per day .... Allow for "TK's Variance" -15 = 110,
also add on 2 Oranges for Lisa
Now comes the tricky bit Add DP + 10 for the way he handled "Big Mac" = 127...
Now if you add the scrumptious Sara and well give her 1, ?? So that's 128
And last but not least James Hartigan 'sigh' !! Now this where we have to be careful because if he goes on one of his Movie reviews were knackered so if this estimate goes wrong I can blame him, but lets give him +9, so the total is 137 x 23 giving us a grand total of .....
3151 oops nearly forgot to give Lisa 1 as well , so that's a final total of
3152 ... phew me brain hurts now !!
Game over Benny wins !!
No more entries please competition is now closed to further entries !!
Oh go on then , if you must !!