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Download wont progress

When i click the sky poker icon on my desktop, it wont progress from "loading CM menu" Any ideas? 
I have used the downloaded programme from day one and always updated when required so dont understand why it is not loading. 


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    edited February 2013
    Try uninstalling it ( add or reomve programs ) and downloading it again,

    Worked for me.
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    edited February 2013
    This has happened to me a few times. Rebooting the laptop usually solves it.
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    edited February 2013
    I have the same problem but I will just use the browser. Besides when I was on the dowload version I sometimes had problems took ages to load. The browser takes secomds.
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    edited June 2013
    I have a problem with the download when it updates adobe air. it says error and wont let it update. sky said to uninstall the sky poker app and adobe air and reinstall which works but annoying because you have to keep doing that everytime it updates. any ideas anyone?
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    edited June 2013
    I haven't been able to play sky poker for 2 years- because of a faulty sky poker download. I have followed instructions check forproblems etc. + I've been onto windows twice.
    They got me to put an ethernet cable to my computer+router.
    Official from windows, I have a damaged download on my sky poker.Been onphone to sky so many times + no one at sky is able to get the damaged download out of mycomputer, so i cantreplace it, it wont let me. sky have tried most mentioned things above  -  Installing - uninstalling rebooting-cancelling it- .Is there anyone at sky who can sort this mess out. even if I manage to get onto a game, either the screen will freeze within 5 mins orsky poker or sky will stop responding. Ex player, who used to play 7 nights a week. Not hopeful any more??????
  • Options
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: Download wont progress:
    I haven't been able to play sky poker for 2 years- because of a faulty sky poker download. I have followed instructions check forproblems etc. + I've been onto windows twice. They got me to put an ethernet cable to my computer+router. Official from windows, I have a damaged download on my sky poker.Been onphone to sky so many times + no one at sky is able to get the damaged download out of mycomputer, so i cantreplace it, it wont let me. sky have tried most mentioned things above  -  Installing - uninstalling rebooting-cancelling it- .Is there anyone at sky who can sort this mess out. even if I manage to get onto a game, either the screen will freeze within 5 mins orsky poker or sky will stop responding. Ex player, who used to play 7 nights a week. Not hopeful any more??????
    Posted by TORTUS007
    You should still be able to play from your browser.
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