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Dont normally moan on here, but i need to get them of my chest lol my mrs is fed up hearing me
Running bad the last 3 weeks

its all you ever hear right? lol this is over short period lol
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancetrevor1954Small blind £0.10£0.10£14.32shaun09Big blind £0.20£0.30£24.06 Your hole cardsAA trevor1954Raise £0.30£0.60£14.02shaun09Raise £0.80£1.40£23.26trevor1954Call £0.60£2.00£13.42Flop 4J10 shaun09Bet £1.50£3.50£21.76trevor1954Call £1.50£5.00£11.92Turn 2 shaun09Bet £3.75£8.75£18.01trevor1954Raise £7.50£16.25£4.42shaun09All-in £18.01£34.26£0.00trevor1954All-in £4.42£38.68£0.00shaun09Unmatched bet £9.84£28.84£9.84trevor1954ShowQQ shaun09ShowAA River Q trevor1954WinThree Queens£27.84 £27.84
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceshaun09Small blind £0.10£0.10£23.28JamPokerBig blind £0.20£0.30£28.10 Your hole cards77 shaun09Raise £0.70£1.00£22.58JamPokerRaise £1.20£2.20£26.90shaun09Call £0.60£2.80£21.98Flop 672 JamPokerCheck shaun09Bet £2.10£4.90£19.88JamPokerAll-in £26.90£31.80£0.00shaun09All-in £19.88£51.68£0.00JamPokerUnmatched bet £4.92£46.76£4.92shaun09Show77 JamPokerShow710 Turn 3 River J JamPokerWinFlush to the Jack£45.76 £50.68Typical lol
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceshaun09Small blind £0.05£0.05£37.43crazyboy24Big blind £0.10£0.15£14.70 Your hole cards1010 shaun09Raise £0.35£0.50£37.08crazyboy24Raise £1.50£2.00£13.20shaun09All-in £37.08£39.08£0.00crazyboy24All-in £13.20£52.28£0.00shaun09Unmatched bet £22.68£29.60£22.68shaun09Show1010 crazyboy24Show9Q Flop <span style="margin:0px 0px 0px 2px;padding:0px 0px 10px;background-color:#ffffff;display:block;border:1px solid #9bc3e5;width:15px;text-align:center;font-size:0.9em;background-position:
0 ·
seriously shaun,it makes you wonder sometimes,doesn't it.
still you've been playing long enough to know how it works.
it's all about the long term and as long as u r showing a profit which i know u r then that's all that matters.
you want to be playing these players over 1,000's of hands.yes u will lose some as u have here but u no u will win many more playing your way.
don't let it get u down m8.just look at the big picture.not always easy though,is it.
be lucky
Some pretty horrible spots there.
Keep it going though, you're a very good player