We await the result of TKO II, but I just want to say how much fun these have been.
We've now had two TKO's, so between them, we had 10 or 11 nights poker.
None of us paid a penny to enter any of them, so we have had 10 or 11 nights of FREE poker fun. How good is that? Free poker, with nearly £8,000 of Prize Money donated by Sky Poker.
And the fun we've had, the banter, the rubs, the craic - unbelievably good.
Amd how much has everyone put into it - no topic on this Forum has even come near as many Posts, or threads, as TKO I & TKO II have.
From me, special thanks to all the foot-soldiers, like SophiesMum & Apollo, who have managed big spreadsheets & stuff, & guys like OnlyOnecT with his inventive Posts & Railing, & so on.
And those Vids that Rossy produced - how good were they? I did the first one, it was horrendously bad, but soon everyone was on the case, doing them properly, including Lisa & Rich.
And to my dear friends Lisa & Rich. We've thrown TKO insults at each other for three months now, but never doubt the truth - they are dear & special friends, & I adore them both.
And most of all, to all the players. Everyone "got" the idea straight away, & there was no bad blood, almost no chat-box mardy stuff, remarkable in 10 nights of poker with upwards of 1,000 runners per Tourney.
So really, just to say thank you to everyone from me.
It's been huge fun, & it's been emotional.
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Well, as you know I decided to say neutral in TKOII, I have given part of the reason previously, I feel I should give the rest of it. As you know I played in the TKO, but, I regreted the decision to pick a team, why, well tikay and Richard and in the short time I have known her Lisa-Marie have become very, very dear friends (yes I know TKO is played for fun, its just the way I am) and thank you all which is possibly why I found it difficult to concentrate and play properly, so I decided to sit TKOII out should it be Lisa-Marie and tikay (as if there was going to be any doubt:)) (and no I couldnt let sky pick because it still wouldnt have felt right)
Still, thank you to sky for doing TKOII and hopefully TKOIII and should the wining captain whoever it may be have me on board I would be glad too
Well done Sky, Tikay, Richard and Lisa-Marie for all your efforts.
I would just like to add my 56 pence worth aswell. Totally agree with everything TK has said above and really hope that SKY POKER do put another TKO series on. I would also like to make two suggestions -
1) Current players have 1st choice of which team they would prefer before going on general free for all and
2) Is there any way Sky could get players to 'register' for each individual leg as it would enhance the playing experience without having players 'away' at tables.
Sorry Tikay if this was just a 'thank you' thread but I just thought I would add the above to see what yourself or others thought.
PS....I also thought the videos have all been brilliant and are worth watching again and again.
* not like that.
The TKO's have been awesome fun in all regards, the games, the banter and comraderie and not to mention the odd pound or two given to the games.
Well done all at Sky Poker.
Bring on TKO III
God bless you all
* not like that.
I utterly concur!
Bless x
We have enjoyed the experience immensely!
Thank you. Yes it has been emotional and fun and competitive..all those great things associated with team allegiance.
TKO has been a truy fantastic experience and I for one will treasure my memories of the event. It`s been awesome! xxxx
I admit however i am feeling slightly smug with myself that i joined a winning team that has WON the whole series and i look forward to participating in next week's £1,000 freeroll!..........
Looking forward to the next one, if there is one.
The TKOs are great fun and, despite the fact that...
...I haven't taken it to heart.
As you can see.
Echo what has been said. The TKOs are a fantastic concept. Thanks for the mention Tony and just for you a congratulations video on the Team Tikay victory