Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
Sky Poker Forums is upgrading its look! Stay tuned for the big reveal!
SkyPoker's New Game -- Get In!!
As explained to me yesterday, by Tony (TK) .. The powers that be at head office like to freshen up the front page on the tab ( HOME) ! Well after taking 5 mins to find it yesterday .. Hey Presto.. get In I found it ...
So just to spice things up a bit , SkyPoker have moved it again today ?
But to where ..?
So this is the question for the new game ..
Where on the Home Page is the "Watch TV" button"
The first correct answer can ask "SkyRich" for a prize ..

Cos I cant find It again !
I found Ed G dressed like a model for, "Steam train boiler-man"
in his vest ( Nice one ED )
But no "Watch TV link ??
0 ·
Marvelous thank you "35suited
" what a star , (nothing gets past you mate does it)
OK SkyRich give this man a medal .. he found it for me ...
and dont be moving it again tomorrow ! ( lol )
hope that helped