My 1st part is named after my son and heir, MAX. The 2nd part is a mixture of my 1st name, ALAN and my work vocation which is a purchase manager of a aluminium stock holders. There you go.
Can I just add ,which is totally in the wrong thread i know, but after I met and watched all the TP ers @ Luton at the weekend I have won my 1st tourney on Sunday night for ages and just cashed in the £1000 B/H in 7/168. I must of learnt something of you guys n girl. CHEERS!
My last name is Walker and i had a carpet company called Airwalker as a result ( as in walking on air on your new fluffy carpet lol ). The name was used by a naff trainer manufacturer a few years later.
It has stuck with me throughout other companies, so i used it because it sort of fits in with poker as a name.
Well all my friends call me Don so theres the Don part. The well that adds some sort of caracter to the name and 90 well year i was born lols. Simple really.
I was listening to Champagne Supernova from What's the story Morning Glory by Oasis when I was setting my account up and as Supernova and Nebulae are one of my passions it seemed appropriate.
It could have been alot worse looking back at my album collection :-D
I use the name as it was my cats name, we got him when he was about 1 year old from my niece, she named him Bowie after, well guess it, we called him BowieBoy and had him for about 18 years before he passed away.
I use the name as it was my cats name, we got him when he was about 1 year old from my neice, she named him Bowie after, well guess it, we called him BowieBoy and had him for about 18 years before he passed away. Posted by BowieBoy
A man who calls himself after his cat must be completely nuts )
In Response to Re: YOUR SKYPOKER PLAYER NAME AND REASON FOR PICKING IT! : A man who calls himself after his cat must be completely nuts ) Posted by elsadog
Well i called my first born after me, now thats nuts, lol
Sophie is my 4 year old cocker spaniel and other dog walkers never remember any person's name but always the dog's so I'm widely known as Sophiesmum amongst the local dog-walking fraternity.
My name was given to me by workmates many years ago when they found out that i was a volunteer for a medical research facility in Leeds. Paid great money and had some good laughs.
Oh yeah! i was born in 64, but thought would be too obvious
In Response to YOUR SKYPOKER PLAYER NAME AND REASON FOR PICKING IT! : lol Irish, when ever I see your name on here I think of Shane from the Pogues singing "Irishrover" ) No offence lol ) My name was from the 1997 Derby winner.. Benny the Dip ..John Gosdens first Derby winner ridden by Willie Ryan and screamed home by me !!! I was very happy that day ) Posted by bennydip2
i think a blackfish is another name for a killer whale (not sure on the accuracy of this but we can pretend)... in poker you get fish, sharks etc... what trumps that?? The killer whale king of the ocean baby!! and then 3 is my favourite number... why is 3 my favourite number? I decided when i was 3 years old it would be my favourite number and it stuck Posted by BlackFish3
When the moment of truth came to register I tried to think of a clever name, unfortunately the best I could do was to reverse the two words of a rival site - cut to shot of passing tumbleweed.
Elsa was my Dobermann who died a few years ago. The picture is popdog my jack russell/greyhound cross, and she's the brains behind the poker team.
My 1st part is named after my son and heir, MAX. The 2nd part is a mixture of my 1st name, ALAN and my work vocation which is a purchase manager of a aluminium stock holders. There you go.
Can I just add ,which is totally in the wrong thread i know, but after I met and watched all the TP ers @ Luton at the weekend I have won my 1st tourney on Sunday night for ages and just cashed in the £1000 B/H in 7/168. I must of learnt something of you guys n girl. CHEERS!
It has stuck with me throughout other companies, so i used it because it sort of fits in with poker as a name.
If i win of course lol.
I was listening to Champagne Supernova from What's the story Morning Glory by Oasis when I was setting my account up and as Supernova and Nebulae are one of my passions it seemed appropriate.
It could have been alot worse looking back at my album collection :-D
A man who calls himself after his cat must be completely nuts
Sophie is my 4 year old cocker spaniel and other dog walkers never remember any person's name but always the dog's so I'm widely known as Sophiesmum amongst the local dog-walking fraternity.
Oh yeah! i was born in 64, but thought would be too obvious
plus some guy says it in a film i think.
he is actualy my better looking brother !
have to ask tic ,is this a nit ?
The CT bit is my initials (Actually it's CTT but i don't like my middle name very much so i didn't include it lol!)
Hogg because i "hogg" chips.... or used to before i started donking em off....
so perhaps i should change it to Gregdonk now?
people know me as "hoggers" though
mines is pretty obvious peeps. my name is damon, nickname damo and i support celtic so Damo_Bhoy
was born
I have no imagination. My surname is Parton, hence "Dollie" after my singing American "cousin". Intentionally spelt it wrong to be different.
I was a major disappointment to somebody when I attended SPT Manchester, they expected me to be female, single and under 30!
I really can't see where you got that name from.