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i think we should let him back, one of soundest guys you could wanna meet, and hes a good laugh. he got banned for a heat of the moment thing which everyone has, cant he be given another chance. hes been to all the spt events and got along with everyone, just ask the likes of dylan12, gliterbabe, ljamesl, delta, ed giddins and orford etc etc plus no doubt alot more players have met him and had a good laugh. i think sky should give him another chance, mainly because then i dont have to write threads for him

haha naaa im just kidding, be good to have his banter back on the site and not just in the live games.
what do people think, comeon sky
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I don't know the detail of the offence (he's never once whinged or complained about his ban to me)............ but do we need to have such a 'hanging offence' ban on the forum?
I don't think so.
i have never met him ,
but from what i hear ,
he is very very sadly missed by loads of players on here ,
can he get a skypoker pardon please bernie ?
just put conditions on his reprieve,
this way everyone is happy !
Does seem a little unfair that some people get only a month ban while others get a life ban. I know Sky Rich has put the forum rules up but I still think that the forum/chat ban is still a grey area.
Micky was the one shinning star that got this forum going, always fun, always helpful answering players questions on poker ..
Sure there were and are many players who make great contributions here, but if ever there was a player who was more fun and helpful it could be found in Micky's thread .
This forum is so much the poorer for not having him here, he's a winning player, and I for one would like to see him back...
As pointed out by others he's at all the live events chatting with all the people that run the live shows on TV !!
So, I suspect even they would like him back but this is the strangest politically correct forum, with so many players being banned for having opinions that aren't in-line with the marketing of SkyPoker ..
As I've said before here, this forum was originally supposed to have been set up for the players, it's evident it was not for them but a marketing tool for the company !
Yes this forum needs more people like MickJenn and not the propaganda machine !
I think a clean slate is the common sense decision personally.
met him twice at spts
not a bad word to say
come on sky theres worse than mick on here
lol .. that wouldn't be politically correct now would it ...
note i have already said bring him back in a previous post on here
guys note this before reading on .
the group including myself need to come up with away for him to get
a reprieve without skypoker looking like its backing down from forum pressure ,
otherwise skypoker will feel if it gives in on this one ,
it is setting a precedent for others ,
so us guys/gals need to come with a idea to suit both parties ,
to open up this,
my idea would be,
maybe through someone who best knows
m ic k ,
a severe apology from m ic k should be put up on the forum ,
also in this he should warn others not to behave like he did ,
along the guideline it not worth it etc .
this would be a good start and show skypoker he is really
sorry for his behaviour and wish to put himself forward as a example
for others not to make the mistake that he did .
note i am trying to be of help ok guys/gals .
roborover and idea out !
I really enjoyed reading his thread and anytime I asked for advice/help he went out of his way to answer as he did with lots of people.
Please give him his chat back just so he can explain why he keeps calling my raises with any 2
Gl with this Hurst.