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TKO III - the future is green.
Ladies, gentlemen, and poker players,
to my obvious expectation, and immense honour, i have the smug right of announcing the result of last nights slaughterhouse rules TKO III tournie!
the final score is:
TK is a upsidedown-smiley big loser,
and DP is nothing less than a poker prince among men.
sing it from the rooftops,
sticker it on your bumpers,
crayola it on your babies faces.
our destiny is now imminent, as the fall of the Kendal Tyranny is before us.
well done to all you guys involved. it really was a great laugh. i mean mission.
the actual cash figures churned out of the pooter today look like this:
GReeN Army Medusa valliently cashed £259.50
The TK Bluerinse Bus managed to pickpocket £240.50
the most important £19 i've never had.
and after we pressed more big buttons and flashy lights, the pooter also calculated the current TKO III scoreboard to read:
1 - 0
oh, i do love the sweet stench of inevitibility.
round 2, yes please.
ah, omaha.
any TKers know how to Omahaha?
i can buy you for many camels.
0 ·
Never in doubt.
Luck of the Irish!!! Can you believe it??
Tell me other than use it for firewood what will you Craggies be doing with this victory?
Onwards & Upwards Tikayers...
snivel, cry , arghhhhhhhhhhhhh
don't shine the trophy yet, we've come back before
Keep up the good work guys and gals, see you all for leg 2!
Onward the march of the....
Superb Result
The burgundy hordes are going down.
In fact, the Horlicks spilling, zimmerframe Angels WON the first leg in each of the first two TKO events!
I hope this puts your mind at rest!
This is why your boss missed the pre-TKOIII forum banter...

Dougledonkplop had to bath twice cause he missed behind his ears the first time and lisadonkplop couldn't have that on his first day....
You're welcome
Enjoy your victory for retribution will be swift