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Introducing "THE LEAGUE".
Starting today, Thursday April 1st, the Thursday Night Main Events will all form part of "THE LEAGUE". (NOT to be confused with the normal "Poker League", which will continue, see below).
In April, THE LEAGUE will run for 4 Thursdays - April 1st, 8th, 15th & 22nd.
The winners of the first 3 THE LEAGUE games, on April 1st, 8th, & 15th, will each be given free entry into the £220 "SKy Sports Double Stack" on April 22nd.
The TOP 150 players from each discipline - MTT, STT & Cash - in the normal Poker League, will be automatically entered into a Monthly Freeroll. The "last ten standing" players in this Monthly Freeroll will each win a seat into the £220 Sky Sports Double Stack on April 22nd.
The first monthly Freeroll will be on Sunday 11th April, & will incorporate the top 450 (150 from each discipline) from the March Poker League.
The first £220 entry, £8,000 Guaranteed Sky Sports Double Stack will be on Thursday Aprl 22nd, & NOT Thursday April 29th as was indicated yesterday. You can buy-in direct, or qualify via Satellites, but it will be capped at an overall total of FIFTY PLAYERS.
The Thursday night Schedule - the Tourneys vary from week to week - will follow, in the next Post.
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Sounds like a good plan to me
The Schedule for THE LEAGUE in April is as follows.
Thursday April 1st.
£22 to enter £12,000 Guaranteed "Sky Sports Bounty Hunter". Satellites are running, some Freerolls into it too, or direct buy-in.
Thursday April 8th.
£11 to enter, £5,000 Guaranteed "Sky Sports NLH". Entry as above.
Thursday April 15th.
£55 to enter "Sky Sports Bounty Hunter", £5,000 Guaranteed. Entry as above, with Satellites running 2 weeks in advance.
Thursday April 22nd.
£220 to enter "Sky Sports Double Stack", £8,000 Guaranteed, 5,000 chips, and 12 minute Blinds.
Entry to this will be by.....
Satellites over the previous 28 days. (Details to follow).
The 10 of the top "Poker League" Players from their Monthly Freeroll (see first post).
The three winners of the Thursday night "ThE LEAGUE" Tourneys on April 1st, 8th & 15th.
Direct buy-ins.
Please note, that in a FIVE WEEK MONTH, on Week Three of the five weeks there will be an £11 Double Stack Tournament with 10 minute Blinds, in addition to the schedule outlined above.
The "old" £22 Bounty Hunter WILL still run, on a reduced Guarantee as appropriate, but in future, it will ron on a non-televised evening.
Satellite Schedule for the £220 Sky Sports Double Stack.
Weekly £48 Semi-Final on a Wednesday into the Event, 1 player in 5 wins a seat.
Daily £10.50 Quarter-Final at 9.30pm, 1 player in 5 wins a seat into the Semi-Final.
Daily £2.20 Satellites into the Quarter-Final, 1 player in 5 wins a seat into the daily Quarter-Final.
There will be a variety of satellites on the day of the event.
Good night.
James Hartigan & myself do the first Show tonight, and I needed to know the ins & outs before that, so reading the brief, & then translating it into normal-speak on here, was the best way for me to get a proper handle on it.
I now understand it. I think.
A tournament for the serious players on here
A tournament that offers reward to the loyal players on here, who have the chance to gain entry through the leagues.
and finally thanks to the various satellites, a tournament for all players on here with ambition and aspirations to mix it with the 'big boys'!
I am sure this will be a success, well done Sky people!
Seems a good concept but just on the wrong night for me too!!!!! There are other sports like darts, pool, cribbage etc etc etc........
Yes, it WAS a bit complex to Post. Note the time I posted it, too.......
We will try & turn into into easy-speak during tonight's Show, too.
carry on the good work sky, how about a OMAHA Bounty Hunter ???
The number of Seats given away each month will vary slightly, depending whether it's a 4 week month or a 5 week month, of course, as the winner of the Thursday night Tourney each week gets a Seat, & you never know, there may - or may not - be other giveaways.
What I don't see changing is the 10 Seats given every month to the last ten standing in the League Freeroll - I think they will get those 10 seats for as long as the idea lasts. The League Freeroll being exclusive, as described in earlier Posts, to the "League Playoff" between the top 150 Points earners in each of the three League Categories - MTT, STT & Cash.
I should also point out, for clarification really, that the Thursday Night Tourneys will not all be Simulcasted on Sky Sports - on average, Sky Sports take our Thursday Show & Tourney 3 weeks in 4. But I think that every £220 Thursday Night Biggie will be simulcasted.
On a personal note, I hope the Roster Fairy is kind to me, & I get the analyst gig occassionally on that £220 Biggie - it'lll be something really special to commentate on a Tourney structured as well as that, & with so many excellent players in it.
In fact, the Tourney was Televised live on the Show last night, & I was the Studio Analyst, so I watched & commentated upon your victory. 4-4 was the final hand Heads-Up, yes? Nice one.
I was actually, throughout the Show, curious about your alias. I know the "Bhoy" part means you are a Celtic supporter, but what does "snod" mean, I've not heard that before? I googled it after the Show & it seems to have a variety of meanings - "headband", "cool", etc. Satisfy my geeky curiosity, please.
P.S Is there any chance i can see last nights show again?
I don't expect you have been Registered by the Suits yet - it's a Bank Holiday, & most of them wiill be off all weekend. Keep an eye on the Lobby next week, & if your name does not appear, Post on this Thread, & I'll remind them. I hope this serves as a reply to the PM you have just sent me, too.
The Show will be repeated - frequently I expect - but I'm afraid I don't know when. Just keep an eye on 865 in the next few days, including today, & you'll likely see it. You featured in a lot of hands, throughout the Show. If you are unsure what Show to look out for, I believe we had a "LEAGUE" backdrop during the Show, & the Presenter was Mr Hartigan.
I don't see them changing the 10 seats thing in the League Playoff, though.
What happens if someone double qualifies? I've no idea. They won't get double starting chips though...... They will deal with it, if & when it happens, I'm quite sure, it's not exactly a difficult problem to resolve, or worry about, imo. Why not qualify twice, then you will find out?
So what happenen last nite with all the tourneys as the poker was down big time. i gave it a miss so have i missed out.
[QUOTE]So what happenen last nite with all the tourneys as the poker was down big time. i gave it a miss so have i missed out.
Posted by scouse1515
The site was operating normally last night, & the 8pm Main Event got a whopping 686 runners, attracting a Prize Pool of £13,720.
Oh, & daiiawn if you play any poker this weekend.