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I'm with you Stan. I don't normally vent my frustrations at these things because I understand that's the nature of the beast with this game.
I need to have some time away from this site because I'm on the verge of tilting and destroying my BR simply because of some of the calls I'm getting.
I know & understand that everyone pays their money and plays their cards however they want, after all they've paid for the privilage. I've said some of the calls are simply outrageous and I can't compete with people who want to play bingo.
Like Stan, I apologise for the rant but I really had to get this off my chest
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Blinds 50/100. Being Robbed left right center.
I get a high pocket pair, and raise 1100, and guess what, I get called by this idiot player.
Flop comes J J J, turn river, rag rag.
Idiot player show J 7. (calls 11xBB with J7 pre-flop) gota be against the law!
CAN WE PLEASE HAVE SOMEWAY TO PUNNISH THESE PLAYERS. Like a button to distroy there computers!
Aghhhhhhh, Im so angry.
P.S. srry for ranting, I feel abit better now!
Phil, last nites game was a very enjoyable game, my lose wasent ur fault at all. GG m8.
Scotty, what the heck are you on about, I dont ever remember playing you, and this post dosent refer to you.
Im not naming the player, dont wana start a flame war!
I left this player with a stack of 12K, 10 minutes later, SHE was out.
Scotty - it's exactly these comments you make, where u dont need to that annoy community members.
Stan - play again tomorrow - I'm gonna play and I GUARANTEE it'll be a better experience.
It's not the site at all, just some of the somewhat questionable calls I've been getting lately that's made me decide to stay away from here for a while.
serious reply is just make a note on the space provider so you know what this players tendencies are....will come in handy when your paths cross again, and on a smallish poker site like sky, the will do soon.
Can I just say it wasnt me! I went out just after you when I ran my qq into 46!!!!!!!!!!!! They called my all in on a 4710 flop and yes another 4 on river. When I left they had over 12k in chips and were also out 20 minutes later!
very ul but keep goin in ahead you will win a nice torn soon..
If someone goes all in early doors after flop even if you have top pair top kicker or AA KK take a few more seconds to decide if your 1 pair is really any good at that point.
ps I lost to trip 3s earlier this week when i raised with pocket kks early doors so I must listen to my own advice at times.
The deepstack structure gives yout the opportunity to fold and wait for a better spot gl at tables.
I folded a full house the other night in the open to my opponents quads (put him on a higher full house not quads) this left me with 1500 chips to play with no happy ending though busted 72cd, 2 off cash but a fold is sometimes a winning move in any tournament.
Anjie by the way i wouldnt of expected him to hold 83, but 88, 33 22 were all possibilities.
Ahhhh but Anjie were they soooooooooted ?????
It's a great Fold in any Tourney. It's a wrong fold in the standard 9pm Open, but a good player can make this Fold in a Deepie. That's the difference between Deepies & the faster stuff.