I'm sure as one of the better sky mtt regs you'll do this. Only played you once but I could tell from about 4 hands that you're better than like 72.4% of the players on here haha. gl sir Posted by percival09
Yeah and in them 4 hands you 3 bet/4bet/927bet me 5 times haha. Cheers mate.
6th/42 in main. Someone opens for 4x on 250/500 level with 20bigs. I flat with AQ. Flop AK3. he puts half his stack in. In it goes he has Kings. Nice play lol. Then i scrap down to final 19. AA v 22. And there comes the big stack special lolol ofc. 2 on flop
I wouldn't suggest peeling w/ AQ from a 4x open w/ effective 20bb Posted by percival09
Active opponent. Me in cutoff. Av stack was 30ish bigs at this point. Hes gonna be jamming a tonne of flops after opening 4x plus his 4x opening range doesnt just include As n Ks lol. He 4x'd coz he wanted it in. A hi flop no K this type of player cbets and stacks off
Agree with Perci.. I dont like doing anything against a 4x on sky with AQ... I might even fold pre depending on opening position and the player's tendancies. A jam is always getting called, and we are racing or crushed. There are lots of softer spots Ryan as you know...
edit.... just seen he was active, well i guess we jam and hope he wakes up with AJ lol
Some may say this is ambitous (for a player of my skill level within the specified time period) but I feel its achievable. I've decided to this for motivational purposes. I wont be making any withdrawals along the way. I treated poker from a recreational perspective where I enjoyed the game and the odd of profit was a bonus. This was until October 2012 when I decided to quit my job and use poker to get me by whilst I studied at uni. Although this was poor judgement at the time as I was not very good when I made this decision (that's the great thing about poker everyone thinks there good - delusion - me?). However, I feel my game has improved alot and that confidence is a strong tool when you are trying to achieve in any area. Ive found it difficult to fit in alot of volume with the pressures of being a second year student. I've had to select the "cool-off" option multiple times so that I would actually pick up a book. The main period was for 2 weeks prior to Dec 14th. Dec 14th meant christmas break and I was buzzing to be able to play much more poker. In this 3 week period I was able to make £3k just playing the nightly mains and a bit of cash and reached my highest ever amount of c4ps (4.5k). I decided to withdraw this money, buy a watch and use the rest for holidays in Ibiza and Thailand this summer. This way the money felt real and unlike some Kudos points fluctuating up and down on a computer screen. I returned to uni on the 7th of Jan and had my worst month of poker, where I broke even despite winning the £55bh for £900ish (which is not to be snarled at uni!). During this month I earnt less than 2000 c4p so I guess its my own fault for not putting the volume in. So far February has been a very good month for me. So far my total profit is £2.4k for MTTs and £400 for Cash. This is probably due to volume as Ive already passed my highest c4p and will hopefully make priority for the first time this month. I have made withdrawals so that I can survive for the next month or two. My roll is now £1500 which will be my highest ever starting roll when aiming to achieve something. I will be playing the nightly mains starting tonight. Also I will play a mixture of 20nl-50nl, the odd £11BH, £5.50 velocity and satellites to £55+ and maybe SPT London. I will probably update every 2 days with what tournaments Ive played, the status of my roll and some hands along the way. Whatever the result, I will end this discussion on April 1st. Wish me luck Posted by RyanC7
some chance on this site the way its playing since they were sorry to inconvenience us but they were making changes.....absolutely no big hands are holding up....well....exaggeration....1 out of 12 maybe....absolutely disgusted having pkt kings or ace king pushed all in by 6 3 suited or the like and constantly turned over to fly in the face of the laws of the universe and therefore the law of average...been playing well....so knowing that I keep telling myself ur just being unlucky......for the third month......maybe I don't put in enough money?...maybe when I reach a quota expected by sky i'll start winning.....it's baffling how for most of last year it was hard to keep me out of a decent place money in tourneys.....and now i'm lucky if I don't get blinded out by sitting for perhaps an hour or more without a playable hand...meanwhile at the table the worst players I ever seen are raking it in.....I'm not surprised I don't see the same regulars in these tourney's that were stalwarts last year.....they just quit before me.....I confidently predict an exodus of long time regulars from sky poker this year....me.....I like the numbers and the format god help me....i'll keep playing the odd one til' I can't take the insult anymore......cos I've already comfortably covered my loses and more under a different user name on a different site......
Watched you for a bit when i busted the main ryan, i'm well aware you are dissapointed with 6th but still another very good cash and best to look at the positive side of another good run.
In Response to Bankroll Challenge. £1500-£5000. By April 1st. £2157 : some chance on this site the way its playing since they were sorry to inconvenience us but they were making changes.....absolutely no big hands are holding up....well....exaggeration....1 out of 12 maybe....absolutely disgusted having pkt kings or ace king pushed all in by 6 3 suited or the like and constantly turned over to fly in the face of the laws of the universe and therefore the law of average...been playing well....so knowing that I keep telling myself ur just being unlucky......for the third month......maybe I don't put in enough money?...maybe when I reach a quota expected by sky i'll start winning.....it's baffling how for most of last year it was hard to keep me out of a decent place money in tourneys.....and now i'm lucky if I don't get blinded out by sitting for perhaps an hour or more without a playable hand...meanwhile at the table the worst players I ever seen are raking it in.....I'm not surprised I don't see the same regulars in these tourney's that were stalwarts last year.....they just quit before me.....I confidently predict an exodus of long time regulars from sky poker this year....me.....I like the numbers and the format god help me....i'll keep playing the odd one til' I can't take the insult anymore......cos I've already comfortably covered my loses and more under a different user name on a different site...... Posted by edge215
Sorry pal but im struggling to understand your purpose of writing this.
1) are you saying I am one of these "worst players youve ever seen raking it in"?
2) are you just disgusted with Sky ?
3) is this a desperate plead because somewhere inside you you feel its benter than Berlusconi and that by saying this you might get rewarded lol?
Watched you for a bit when i busted the main ryan, i'm well aware you are dissapointed with 6th but still another very good cash and best to look at the positive side of another good run. Posted by benc
I came 18th mate. That was my position at the time. Cheers for the rub down haha
Roller: had 41k with 90 left. Blinds 600/1200. Open AJ 2400. Opponent peals from a 12ish BB stack. J hi flop, cbet get it in. He has JQ and obviously the river is a Queen. This guy then runs 66 into AA and suddenly hes got 80k. Hello sky bot how you doing must be alright to be the worst poker but be you. I then fell short and jammed 77 for about 15bigs to an opponent from big stack. He had 10s and I dont catch. So yeah decent.
£110 BH. Was 1st for ages going well. Started playing bad as soon as I went out of the roller. Ended up giving my chips away.
Played the 2 £24 sats - lost
Played 2 £22 BHs. FLOPPED THE NUT STRAIGHT got it all in and got runner runnered flush BOTH TIMES.
Won on 100nl 4 tabling and 1 tabling for a while during roller. Not sure exactly how much roughly £200ish. Dont even know why im writing all motivation is gone.
Roll £1940.
In general ive ran pretty good. Just never when it matters. GL Bronx I think you been chosen by the sky lords xxxxxxx
In Response to Bankroll Challenge. £1500-£5000. By April 1st. £2157 : some chance on this site the way its playing since they were sorry to inconvenience us but they were making changes.....absolutely no big hands are holding up....well....exaggeration....1 out of 12 maybe....absolutely disgusted having pkt kings or ace king pushed all in by 6 3 suited or the like and constantly turned over to fly in the face of the laws of the universe and therefore the law of average...been playing well....so knowing that I keep telling myself ur just being unlucky......for the third month......maybe I don't put in enough money?...maybe when I reach a quota expected by sky i'll start winning.....it's baffling how for most of last year it was hard to keep me out of a decent place money in tourneys.....and now i'm lucky if I don't get blinded out by sitting for perhaps an hour or more without a playable hand...meanwhile at the table the worst players I ever seen are raking it in.....I'm not surprised I don't see the same regulars in these tourney's that were stalwarts last year.....they just quit before me.....I confidently predict an exodus of long time regulars from sky poker this year....me.....I like the numbers and the format god help me....i'll keep playing the odd one til' I can't take the insult anymore......cos I've already comfortably covered my loses and more under a different user name on a different site...... Posted by edge215
take this rubbish to area51, look at your own game and stop being bitter towards sky!!!
Come to assess the important things in life. And im afraid poker is not one of these. I have enough £ to get me through to summer now so im thankful to the old skypoker for this. But its way to time consuming for me at the moment and I have to pass uni. Ive been offered a work placement at the Royal Bank of Scotland on condition that I get a 2:1 minimum in order to get this - if i continue to write more words in a blog lol than my work then I will be failing - for the sake of a potential £5k roll, hense not worth it. I'll be hitting the "cool-off" for the next week and will dabble in and out of games there after. I will still be playing but the volume will not be big and neither will the games. Ill probably just be playing the odd main and 20nl so as to make effective use of time. But as soon as the 31st May comes I will be back properly and playing consistently daily. I wish I could fast forward to the 31st of May because I love poker so much haha but poker isnt going anywhere Ill just come back and give it a real shot over summer.
Pretty sick... it's the dreaded curse of the diary!! Seriously anyone who starts a diary is doomed lol. I think sometimes I've suffered with my game when I've been too eager to win so I can post a good result in the diary that I stop playing my best.
Either way, that's all irrelevant now. Crack on with uni, get your 2:1 and I'm sure you'll come back and crush in the summer. Good luck!
gd luck with uni mate! , you have wonga for summer asweell! wen you relied to lambets question, my first thought was that you had gone bust for some , good that isnt the case
oops sorry mate misunderstood the post, still profit is profit can't win them all!
Either way, that's all irrelevant now. Crack on with uni, get your 2:1 and I'm sure you'll come back and crush in the summer. Good luck!