Larson your quite right I played that hand terribly, I will take your superior advice and start calling 5xbb with tentwo out of position. pmsl. H1, I would usually 3bet, but nobody was folding anything so it was a call and set mine or shove. I decided the setmining would be more profitable. H2, I was pretty confident villain didnt have much, so was just keeping on the lead and waiting for him to tilt off. Posted by calcalfold
No-one is folding anything, and this puts you off from 3betting one of the best possible starting hands in Hold 'Em?? That's a reason TO 3bet
Please for the love of god if your going to tell someone their not very good can you cover their names. Im not sure how much you would like it if i beat you in a hand if i came on the forums plastered it in a thread telling you how bad you play for the world to see. Particularly given that alot of these players dont post here and maybe dont even know how to find the forums to defend themselves.
I like Larssons hand. Please for the love of god if your going to tell someone their not very good can you cover their names. Im not sure how much you would like it if i beat you in a hand if i came on the forums plastered it in a thread telling you how bad you play for the world to see. Particularly given that alot of these players dont post here and maybe dont even know how to find the forums to defend themselves. Posted by The_Don90
I wouldnt give a mouse sized sheet, post whatever you want son, all I care about is the growth of my bankroll.
Thats one of the reasons I have opted out of poker chat, so I dont get temped to lose concentration talking to any of you whist playing.
Think it was quite funny Larson tried to do that, but considering only his hand was visible, he just highlighted his own bad play.
In Response to Re: If you want to play : I wouldnt give a mouse sized sheet, post whatever you want son, all I care about is the growth of my bankroll. Think it was quite funny Larson tried to do that, but considering only his hand was visible, he just highlighted his own bad play. Posted by calcalfold
did his bluff work? thats all that matters.
And right fair enough, but im pretty sure your here to defend yourself thats a huge difference.
Anyways if you enjoy your bankroll increasing why are you announcing on public forums when you make all your money for someone like TINTIN to find out and steal it all.
One of the most stupid comments I have ever heard, dont be so results orientated. I sincerely hope you do not genuinly think that, and it was just a poor attempt at a comeback.
The most important thing in poker is making rthe right decision with the information at hand, and if you think calling T2 out of position for 5xbb is the right deicsion, then, to be honest its no wonder you have been getting pwned at 10nl
"Anyways if you enjoy your bankroll increasing why are you announcing on public forums when you make all your money for someone like TINTIN to find out and steal it all. "
Please add some punctuation, I have no idea what you are saying lol.
You may know how to play the game well (I have no idea, I've never played you) but you have a lot to learn, imo, about
1) Being respectful to other human beings
2) Understanding about looking after bad players.
If we're playing against the worst players in the world, that's great for us, but no excuse to start bad mouthing them. If anything you should always be nice to them, chat to them if need-be, do whatever it takes to make their time at the table enjoyable. Many people will happily blow £50 if they have fun doing it, not so many people are happy blowing £50 while getting abuse thrown in for good measure.
"did his bluff work? thats all that matters." One of the most stupid comments I have ever heard, dont be so results orientated. I sincerely hope you do not genuinly think that, and it was just a poor attempt at a comeback. The most important thing in poker is making rthe right decision with the information at hand, and if you think calling T2 out of position for 5xbb is the right deicsion, then, to be honest its no wonder you have been getting pwned at 10nl "Anyways if you enjoy your bankroll increasing why are you announcing on public forums when you make all your money for someone like TINTIN to find out and steal it all. " Please add some punctuation, I have no idea what you are saying lol. Posted by calcalfold
Hes obviously not called T2 OOP for 5BB with the iintention of hitting now has he. Ive gave him a hard time on these very forums when ive disagreed when something hes done, im actually sure you can find them if you look hard enough.Hes made a move where he thinks you can fold enough of the time to make it profitable for him. You folded on this occassion so i have no reason not to believe him. Ive never played with you though so i cant comment on personal experiance.
As for my other comment im not even going to waste my time explaining. Thanks for the HU on the soft times ill be there to steal the fish soon.
If anything you should always be nice to them, chat to them if need-be, do whatever it takes to make their time at the table enjoyable. Many people will happily blow £50 if they have fun doing it, not so many people are happy blowing £50 while getting abuse thrown in for good measure. Posted by Lambert180
Good advice this, i know exactly what you mean since when i started playing obviously i wasn't very good and i was in the learning process of the game etc but i wouldn't mind blowing £20odd a week or so playing at the pub every day as long as i was having fun haha.
"As for my other comment im not even going to waste my time explaining. Thanks for the HU on the soft times ill be there to steal the fish soon. " Most sensible thing you have said yet, much better than you going broke at 10nl ....but dont you mean "join" rather than "steal" And dont take it personally, but punctuation is a very useful tool. Best wishes ccf Posted by calcalfold
I dont care if i go broke i play for fun.
I can win at mtts, i know that, im a small losing player at cash i know that. Does that bother me, NO!.
And your still missing the point, but as i said o wont waste my time. Waste of effort and breathe.
lol why does this thread even exist, noone cares if some of the punctuation or spelling in these posts is a bit dodgy. Your original post is a joke, if you wan't to berate play fair enough but erase names and put it in the relevant section, if you play so perfect why are you not crushing the higher stakes..
lol why does this thread even exist, noone cares if some of the punctuation or spelling in these posts is a bit dodgy. Your original post is a joke, if you wan't to berate play fair enough but erase names and put it in the relevant section, if you play so perfect why are you not crushing the higher stakes.. Posted by benc
lol why does this thread even exist, noone cares if some of the punctuation or spelling in these posts is a bit dodgy. Your original post is a joke, if you wan't to berate play fair enough but erase names and put it in the relevant section, if you play so perfect why are you not crushing the higher stakes.. Posted by benc
gotta agree with lambert we should all respect each other no matter what i have had some abuse on here and its no nice i have had threats your mum jokes and hope your house goes on fire stuff like that shoking though
Log on during a night where brit teams are playing European footy. I presume they have won a few quid on the footy and need to gamble some more.
Some the the hands are too funny.
idk if he meant to or not tho!
I did lol
I reckon this thread could get closed now:D
H1, I would usually 3bet, but nobody was folding anything so it was a call and set mine or shove. I decided the setmining would be more profitable.
H2, I was pretty confident villain didnt have much, so was just keeping on the lead and waiting for him to tilt off.
Larson your quite right I played that hand terribly, I will take your superior advice and start calling 5xbb with tentwo out of position. pmsl
I wouldnt give a mouse sized sheet, post whatever you want son, all I care about is the growth of my bankroll.
Thats one of the reasons I have opted out of poker chat, so I dont get temped to lose concentration talking to any of you whist playing.
Think it was quite funny Larson tried to do that, but considering only his hand was visible, he just highlighted his own bad play.
One of the most stupid comments I have ever heard, dont be so results orientated. I sincerely hope you do not genuinly think that, and it was just a poor attempt at a comeback.
The most important thing in poker is making rthe right decision with the information at hand, and if you think calling T2 out of position for 5xbb is the right deicsion, then, to be honest its no wonder you have been getting pwned at 10nl
Please add some punctuation, I have no idea what you are saying lol.
You may know how to play the game well (I have no idea, I've never played you) but you have a lot to learn, imo, about
1) Being respectful to other human beings
2) Understanding about looking after bad players.
If we're playing against the worst players in the world, that's great for us, but no excuse to start bad mouthing them. If anything you should always be nice to them, chat to them if need-be, do whatever it takes to make their time at the table enjoyable. Many people will happily blow £50 if they have fun doing it, not so many people are happy blowing £50 while getting abuse thrown in for good measure.
Most sensible thing you have said yet, much better than you going broke at 10nl
And dont take it personally, but punctuation is a very useful tool.
Best wishes
i have had some abuse on here and its no nice
i have had threats
your mum jokes
and hope your house goes on fire
stuff like that shoking though