Long time no see! I haven't been in for a while due to illness- viral meningitis...or man-flu to give it the correct technical parlance.
But I'm 100% now and raring to go for another live show tonight starting at 7 on Channel 861 and streamed from this site. I think it's my 21,467th show or something- I'm sure someone out there has the exact figure!
So, on the billing we have myself, Richard Orford...
And injecting some poker gravitas, thank goodness, into proceedings will be Stuart Rutter...
And here's your show:
7pm- Live Mastercash coverage 8pm-Analyse My Play – following the highs and lows from one of my cash sessions earlier this week! 9pm-TSP final coverage 10pm-Coverage of the Eliminator final at 9.30pm for a seat into Thursday's Charlotte Jackson £1,100 buy-in 6 max 11pm- Late-stage live coverage of the £10K Primo main event Now, whilst I was ill- I managed to chuck up in a bucket which promptly got flushed down the toilet. Nice. The only trouble was that, unbeknown to me, my iPhone had been dropped in the aforementioned bucket earlier by my baby son!
Incredibly though, despite having being submerged in vomit and toilet water, 2 days later the phone was working perfectly!
So, my question this week is...
What's the worst thing you've done to something of yours, from which it lived to tell the tale?
So it could be a gadget or something that belongs to you. Or perhaps a family pet, or maybe a member of your family?! Was it your laptop during a particularly frustrating session of poker?
Did you accidentally let the cat into the tumble dryer? Did you spill a pint of beer on your desktop pc? Did you drop your phone off the side of a building?
The important thing is- it must have survived! Or at the very least it must have been something spectacular that will make us laugh or gasp in amazement.
Get your anecdotes in to us and the best 6 will get freerolled into Tuesday night's mini event.
And of course, even if you don't win, I'll still read out your name and story to everyone else watching at home, so please do take part and share in the show.
Get in touch by using this thread, emailing skyopen@bskyb.com, or tweeting #skypokertv
Looking forward as ever to hearing from you all on this one and I'll see you at 7pm sharp.
There have been A LOT of rumours that the reason you haven't been on the show for a while is that you are disgusted by the TSP board not giving you the TSP players managers spot, after all you have won an SPT side event! Are the rumours true?
glad to see your up and running again...........viral meningitus....i had that some years ago........not nice but i did lose a stone in 24hrs lol.
onto the comp.......maybe not what you want but myself and a unnamed friend had a couple of sherries too many one night and ended up in a multi-story carpark on the 3rd floor...from there we spyed a bar so decided the quickest way to it was to jump over the side....which we did without thinking.......we survived unhurt and even got a few free drinks from people that saw us jump...........til this day we dont know how we did not become a couple of pancakes...............welcome back....from mark (cardu)
Rich, There have been A LOT of rumours that the reason you haven't been on the show for a while is that you are disgusted by the TSP board not giving you the TSP players managers spot, after all you have won an SPT side event! Are the rumours true? Matt Posted by MattBates
Matt, I am being advised to say that I cannot confirm at this time that I did a Tevez and refused to come off the bench due to a disagreement with the current manager i.e Tikay.
A full press conference will follow, where I will deny everything...
glad to see your up and running again........... viral meningitus....i had that some years ago........not nice but i did lose a stone in 24hrs lol. onto the comp.......maybe not what you want but myself and a unnamed friend had a couple of sherries too many one night and ended up in a multi-story carpark on the 3rd floor...from there we spyed a bar so decided the quickest way to it was to jump over the side....which we did without thinking.......we survived unhurt and even got a few free drinks from people that saw us jump...........til this day we dont know how we did not become a couple of pancakes...............welcome back....from mark (cardu) Posted by cardu
Hi Mark,
Yeah, a stone in 24 hours, sounds about right. Throwing up when you have nothing in you to throw up is not one of life's more pleasant experiences, is it?
Good story, btw. Insane. But good. What did you land on? Sounds like a miraculous escape from injury.
In Response to Re: Sunday Night Live with Rich and Stu ***official show thread + competition*** : Ty, ty- it was touch and go for a while, but I managed to pull through... Posted by RICHORFORD
Looks like your chip stack Rich...
.. flat for a while, then a bit up and down but ultimately falling.
In Response to Re: Sunday Night Live with Rich and Stu ***official show thread + competition*** : Looks like your chip stack Rich... .. flat for a while, then a bit up and down but ultimately falling. Posted by Sky_Poker
Good to have you back Richard. There were some serious concerns for your health last week after Tikay said some very nice things about you. I had to rewind a couple of times to make sure I'd heard him correctly. It was pretty shocking.
I'll cancel the whip-round for your family now that you're back, though.
Good to have you back Richard. There were some serious concerns for your health last week after Tikay said some very nice things about you. I had to rewind a couple of times to make sure I'd heard him correctly. It was pretty shocking. I'll cancel the whip-round for your family now that you're back, though. Have a good show. Posted by BorinLoner
Thanks mate-in fact, it was Tikay's nice comments that caused my illness to get worse. Too much of a shock to the system. I assume he was after a cut of the inheritance or something. Although if he wishes to inherit my bankroll, he's more than welcome to it.
Glad to have Mr Richard Orford back. Hope he fighting fit as always.
The worst thing ive ever done to anything and its lived to tell the tale. In my younger days i was known to have a temper. Much more under control now. However one day i had an arguement with a close friend and lost the plot. Instead of hitting him i repeated hit a doori n different ways for about 20 minutes. The door was basically a council flat livingroom door, made from a single pane of thin wood and cardboard. Embarrassingly turning around after id calmed down to sort things out with my mate who was in stiches as on of the worlds worst built doors had taken the beating of a lifetime and not even a scratch to show for it.
I still can't remember what our arguement was about. but everytime we see that door we have a good laugh at my expense. I suspect it was this that made me seek other forms of anger management.
im a celtic supporter and during an old firm cup final. good few years back. celtic were winning and rangers equalised took it to extra time and won in the last minute of extra time .i was steamin and annoyed so i took my frustration out on the telly i threw a tin of tennants right of it and to my amazement it bounced right off lol so the telly survived.
In Response to Re: Sunday Night Live with Rich and Stu ***official show thread + competition*** : Hi Mark, Yeah, a stone in 24 hours, sounds about right. Throwing up when you have nothing in you to throw up is not one of life's more pleasant experiences, is it? Good story, btw. Insane. But good. What did you land on? Sounds like a miraculous escape from injury. Posted by RICHORFORD
my last phone (cant remember what it was, a google phone of some sort), went in the bath with me 3 times and went through the washing machine twice, fair to say im abit clumbsy, everytime i just had to leave it to dry out for 10/12 hours or so and it was working again, only had one problem with it after and that was that the sound wouldnt come through anywhere near as loud as it was suppose to. was sad to see that phone go but in the end i had to catch up with everyone else and get an iphone (yes ok i wanted to play angry birds).
Worst thing I did to something of mine and It lived to tell the tale - Gave my boyfriend food poisioning! I was pretty young at the time and was certainly no Nigella. We arrived home In the early hours from a totally liquid night out and he fancied a pork chop. Having never cooked one before, I flash fried It to a lovely golden brown stuck It In a sandwhich and left my pie -eyed boyfriend to It while I hit the sack. Unfortunately, later, we were on our way to A&E In a taxi with my boyfriend rolling about on the back seat holding his stomach. The poisioning was only mild and I prefer to think It was all the booze he necked rather than my cuisine! Have a good show both. Glad you're well again Rich
News just in- we have coverage of tonight's final of the Eliminator series with a seat at stake in Thursday's £1,100 buy-in 6 max SNG-style Charlote Jackson tournament.
Keep those messages coming in-looking forward to the show. Two and a half hours to go!
Hi Rich, got home from work one Wednesday night,It was an England World Cup Qualifier. Jumped in the bath and sat down and switched the TV on . A message appeared on screen. "Please insert your viewing card". Strange i thought. I went to my skybox and the card was not there. I asked the then wife, whats happened to the sky card ?. Agh she replied, as she gave me the card which was now in 2 pieces. My 2 and 1/2 year old lad had taken it out and bent it till it snapped. The game kicked off in 5 minutes time. I thought GREAT but proceeded to stick said 2 pieces back together with tape.To my amazement when i put the card back in the slot,the TV burst into action. Whoever invented sellotape THANK YOU THANK YOU. Hope you have agreat show as always.
Hi Rich, got home from work one Wednesday night,It was an England World Cup Qualifier. Jumped in the bath and sat down and switched the TV on . A message appeared on screen. "Please insert your viewing card". Strange i thought. I went to my skybox and the card was not there. I asked the then wife, whats happened to the sky card ?. Agh she replied, as she gave me the card which was now in 2 pieces. My 2 and 1/2 year old lad had taken it out and bent it till it snapped. The game kicked off in 5 minutes time. I thought GREAT but proceeded to stick said 2 pieces back together with tape.To my amazement when i put the card back in the slot,the TV burst into action. Whoever invented sellotape THANK YOU THANK YOU. Hope you have agreat show as always. Posted by REDARROW61
I once dropped my 9 month old daughter square on her head on the path. After a very distraught journey to hospital she was given the all clear without a mark on her. One very relieved dad.
high rich i have had two items which were lucky to still work when i was very young i was well known for loosing my temper and smash something one of the times i got angry i picked up my sega and slammed it on the floor but it still worked and i did the same thing a few weeks later with it and it still didn't break. another item that i am suprised didn't break was my nintendo ds i was playing with it while on the toilet then when i stood up to wipe myself i placed it onto the top but while i wiped myself it slid into the toilet so i had to pick it back out aften i flushed it.
Welcome back Richard. Remember that man flu is a lot worse then bird flu so I'm glad you have recovered enough to come back.
After driving to my hotel for the SPT grand final last year I left my car in the hotel car park where I thought it would be safe. I think the handbreak must of failed as when I got back in the early hours of Saturday morning it had rolled out of the car park, down a steep slope and right into and over a great big concrete bollard! The bollard was wedged right under the car and the car wouldn't drive off it. I called the RAC out on Sunday to help get it off and, in all probability, tow me back home. We jacked the car right up and just managed to get the bollard out and, to my big supprise, the car still worked and there was only a small dent in the back. There was about an 18 inch deep hole left where the bollard used to be! They must make focuses tough!
Good luck to everyone tonight and is there any chance of a plug for the DTD tomorrow????
hi rich and stu great show as alway. The worse thing i have ever done to something of mine and has lived to tell the tale. I bought my dads iphone off him.I was having a text arguement with one of my friends i threw the phone across the room the screen had a really bad crack on it and amazingly the screen was not affected it still worked which i was suprised as touch screen phone are really sensitive. LOL-I-CALL aka Mel
Hello guys great show Not long ago was in bathroom singing away as you do just got out bath so my hands was sloppy fort I was real cover trying to get shave and change tune as you can probably tell it didn't end well slipped out my hand and dropped my phone in bath dried it out and amazingly still worked and I fort us woman could multitask safe to say I never sang in bathroom again good luck with show guys
What's the worst thing you've done to something of yours, from which it lived to tell the tale?
I was out walking the dog in the park last Sunday morning (I had just been on the field throwing the rubber ball for the dog) we were on our way through the park to the car on our way home....
There is a lake which we passed & it was frozen, me being a numpty, thought it would be a good idea to roll the ball across the frozen lake !! Next thing the dog sprints over the ice & quickly vanishes about 20 metres from the lake edge. OMG heart going 10 to the dozen & panicking frantically, thinking my dog was a gonner ran over the frozen lake to get her. I quickly sinked into the lake which came just above waist height & started bashing the ice like Mike Tyson with both fists.....I luckily managed to find the dog a metre from where she fell in, quivering & in a right state & managed to get back to dry land, but at least she was ok....Told the wife i met my mate on the way home at the jet wash, & he thought it would be funny to wet me from head to toe lol
evening richard and stu, glad to see your fit and well too richard,
worst thing i remember was when i was younger, me and my 2 brothers had 2 male hamsters, we went on a 2 week holiday and left them in a cage (my younger brother thought it would be a good idea to put them together for company, while we was away)
when we came back to our amazement we had 11 hamsters in the cage, we knew then that they where not 2 males lol, my brother was really excited to have so many.
And here's your show:
8pm-Analyse My Play – following the highs and lows from one of my cash sessions earlier this week!
9pm-TSP final coverage
10pm-Coverage of the Eliminator final at 9.30pm for a seat into Thursday's Charlotte Jackson £1,100 buy-in 6 max
11pm- Late-stage live coverage of the £10K Primo main event
Now, whilst I was ill- I managed to chuck up in a bucket which promptly got flushed down the toilet. Nice. The only trouble was that, unbeknown to me, my iPhone had been dropped in the aforementioned bucket earlier by my baby son!
There have been A LOT of rumours that the reason you haven't been on the show for a while is that you are disgusted by the TSP board not giving you the TSP players managers spot, after all you have won an SPT side event! Are the rumours true?
onto the comp.......maybe not what you want but myself and a unnamed friend had a couple of sherries too many one night and ended up in a multi-story carpark on the 3rd floor...from there we spyed a bar so decided the quickest way to it was to jump over the side....which we did without thinking.......we survived unhurt and even got a few free drinks from people that saw us jump...........til this day we dont know how we did not become a couple of pancakes...............welcome back....from mark (cardu)
.. flat for a while, then a bit up and down but ultimately falling.
I'll cancel the whip-round for your family now that you're back, though.
Have a good show.
im a celtic supporter and during an old firm cup final. good few years back. celtic were winning and rangers equalised took it to extra time and won in the last minute of extra time .i was steamin and annoyed so i took my frustration out on the telly i threw a tin of tennants right of it and to my amazement it bounced right off lol so the telly survived.
we landed on the pavement and did a roll,both stood up,straightened your shirts and walked into the bar lol.
In Response to Re: Sunday Night Live with Rich and Stu ***official show thread + competition***:
my last phone (cant remember what it was, a google phone of some sort), went in the bath with me 3 times and went through the washing machine twice, fair to say im abit clumbsy, everytime i just had to leave it to dry out for 10/12 hours or so and it was working again, only had one problem with it after and that was that the sound wouldnt come through anywhere near as loud as it was suppose to. was sad to see that phone go but in the end i had to catch up with everyone else and get an iphone (yes ok i wanted to play angry birds).
What's the worst thing you've done to something of yours, from which it lived to tell the tale?
this is a story of my brain letting me down ...
i used to play for fun in a darts team.
i thought it would be a laugh to pretend to stab a friend in the shoulder with my dart
in planning, i knew that the more extravagant the lunge the more of a laugh it would be
of course, i didn't want to hurt my friend so had an additional element to my plan
i would hold the dart as normal but place the point of the dart against my little finger thereby cushioning the blow
my friend didn't see the wild lunge, he felt only a nudge on his shoulder, and turned to ask, "what?"
the dart took a wee while to take out of my little finger.
Great responses so far!
News just in- we have coverage of tonight's final of the Eliminator series with a seat at stake in Thursday's £1,100 buy-in 6 max SNG-style Charlote Jackson tournament.
Keep those messages coming in-looking forward to the show. Two and a half hours to go!
Hope you have agreat show as always.
Stu Rutter has arrived at the studios with scrapes and bruises all over his face.
He says he fell over whilst running up a hill...
But what do you lot think? Your suggestions please..!
Good 2 see u back again.
As a forklift driver i was loading a lorry with pallets so high i couldnt see in front of me,
i have had two items which were lucky to still work
when i was very young i was well known for loosing my temper and smash something one of the times i got angry i picked up my sega and slammed it on the floor but it still worked and i did the same thing a few weeks later with it and it still didn't break.
another item that i am suprised didn't break was my nintendo ds i was playing with it while on the toilet then when i stood up to wipe myself i placed it onto the top but while i wiped myself it slid into the toilet so i had to pick it back out aften i flushed it.
I was out walking the dog in the park last Sunday morning (I had just been on the field throwing the rubber ball for the dog) we were on our way through the park to the car on our way home....
There is a lake which we passed & it was frozen, me being a numpty, thought it would be a good idea to roll the ball across the frozen lake !! Next thing the dog sprints over the ice & quickly vanishes about 20 metres from the lake edge. OMG heart going 10 to the dozen & panicking frantically, thinking my dog was a gonner ran over the frozen lake to get her. I quickly sinked into the lake which came just above waist height & started bashing the ice like Mike Tyson with both fists.....I luckily managed to find the dog a metre from where she fell in, quivering & in a right state & managed to get back to dry land, but at least she was ok....Told the wife i met my mate on the way home at the jet wash, & he thought it would be funny to wet me from head to toe lol
worst thing i remember was when i was younger, me and my 2 brothers had 2 male hamsters, we went on a 2 week holiday and left them in a cage (my younger brother thought it would be a good idea to put them together for company, while we was away)
when we came back to our amazement we had 11 hamsters in the cage, we knew then that they where not 2 males lol, my brother was really excited to have so many.
no hamsters where harmed, have a great show.
Fowler, Champion, Hartigan and the like haven't had their play analysed in ages - Cowards!