Wow what a night of Poker, only 2 pts seperating Top 3, We had 94 who played all 3. Many Thanks to SLYKLLIST for doing a Superb Job of the Tables Once again. 1st & 2nd both scored 19 pts, so the count back rule is in place so here are the results & Prizes. Very Well Played to all 3.
1st Place was NEIL1970 (Team 51) with a score 19 pts & he wins Entry to Saturdays £33 BH
2nd Place was HITMANRV (Hit-Jams) with a score of 19 pts & he wins Entry to next weeks Forum DTD
3rd Place was SOLACK (TKP) with a score of 21 pts & he wins Entry to next weeks Forum DTD
VWD to -
DTD1 was won by DAY4EIRE76 (Hit-Jams) & DTD3 was won by SIZZLING (ALCH)
Well Done to all that made Final Tables & to Everyone that cashed tonight
<td align="center" style="border:
Team Points scored as follows
NameTeam PtsDTD1DTD2DTD3ScorePosNEIL1970Team51 10+1172133191HITMAN_RVHIT-JAMS 945109192SOLACKTKP 8156108213ZXGHOSTXZIND32372264GIESAHAUNIND42254265SIZZLINGALCH 5 + 128791296BARBIE59HIT-DONKS 426908347ACIDMAN27TNP 375529368MACMONSTERHIT-DONKS 2102642369MAXALLYTKP 13217223910
+1 Win Bonus point day4eire HSJ wins DTD1
Forum DTD Team Result Week 2 July
Team Runners Wins TeamPTS LeaguePTS
Team51 8 1 11 7
HitSquad Jams 24 1 10 6
Knight Poker 5 - 9 5
Alchemy 1 1 6 4
HitSquad Donks 15 - 6 3
Ninja Plonkers 2 - 3 2
Poker Titans 17 - - 1
T-Munky 2 - - 0
Diamond 4 - - 0
Dragons 5 - - 0
BringIT 1 - - 0
Forum DTD Team League Table Week 2 July
Team Runners Wins TeamPTS LeaguePTS
HitSquad Jams 50 2 36 13
Team51 13 1 17 13
Knight Poker 9 - 9 5
Dragons 14 - 6 5
HitSquad Donks 30 - 6 5
Poker Titans 31 1 4 5
Alchemy 2 1 6 4
Diamond 11 1 1 3
Ninja Plonkers 3 - 3 2
BringIT 2 - 0 1
T-Munky 2 - 0 0
Thanks for doing the tables/scoring.