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Transition from Hold em to omaha
For some reason I have never, up until recently, played any other variant of poker other than texas hold em (played hold em for about 4/5 years). The last couple of months I have been dabbling in Omaha cash.
Now this is a kind of brag/advice/curious about other peoples experiences thread.
I am about £300-£400 to the good from mainly 5p/10p 10p/20p ( I did dip my toe in the 25p/50p and have 1 winning session). I don't know if i'm running insanely hot, that's how it feels. I have only read the basic strategy, not bothered with HiLo and basically played a hold em type mentality with regards to starting hands. I have been fortunate for AAxx hands to hold up quite a lot and have won some really big pots with nut hands vs 2nd nuts etc. To me the game feels really fun. Starting hands can have massive draws/equity when you get double suited/running hands and I never really know where I am in a hand because lots of things are possible. This maybe makes it quite easy for me to lay down big hands (something my hold em game might be lacking lol).
I just wondered what hold em players experiences of Omaha were? Or I am just the weirdo who didn't play both? I take it swings can be quite big due to the nature of the game?
I might start an Omaha diary if I start to play it a bit more. Any advice is also very welcome

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A few players I have talked to at the Omaha tables have said about HiLo being superior to standard. I am obviously aware there is a low hand involved, but its a bit of a mystery to me as to why this improves the game.
Do it!
And if you start a Diary, you'll get tons of advice.
It is really taking off now on Sky Poker, & both versions - PLO & PLO8 - are tremendous fun, with so many things to consider, & the equity of our hands often changing dramatically after every street. (Which is why it is almost never right to "trap" or give "free cards" in PLO or PLO8).
Wonderful fun.
It can, of course, be quite frustrating to flop a Royal Flush & only end up with half the pot, but it can also be quite satisfying if the you have a bad low & get a chop!
We will often see someone flop the abso buts & slow play it, only to allow someone to get half with the low. So even if we flop the nut high, if there is even ONE low card on the flop, a low chaser still has a chance to chop.
You can also have "SCOOP" chances, the whole game is about "SCOOPS", so if we have, say, A-2-x-x with nut hearts, & it comes 3-4-5, with 2 or 3 hearts, we still POT POT POT because the low chasers are going to get quartered, so we need to bloat the pot as much as poss.
Oh, & if you "park the bus", & play defensoively trying to check call to catch a low, you WILL lose all your money in the long run. It makes no sense to put money into the pot just to get half back, except in certain very rare situations. (It MIGHT work 4 way, but then again, 2 of the other 3 might have the same low, so its even worse).
You started that diary yet?
I too have recently started playing hi-lo and without a doubt it takes a bit of getting used to.
I have to say since I started playing this, I don't really play that much NLHE anymore as I find this a much more engrossing game. Only been playing for a few months and am sticking to low stakes for now, but have won one tourney and third in another, so am well chuffed so far.
there are a few threads in the Forum that I have found very useful in getting started - the one by Tikay which includes info on the value of starting hands is well worth a read.
best of luck
ps - tikays thread is called PL08 DYM's, Tips Advice & Help in Sit & Go Strategy forum here
And cheers for the info Lambert. I guess I have a problem with HiLo on a fundamental level, I cant get my head round the best hand not winning the whole pot lol!!
Ive had a little bash on 10p/20p cash tonight and won another £8
I think I will start a diary, although im not sure how much i'll be playing.
and dnt forget if u hit the nuts on the flop doesnt mean it will be good by the river and if the nuts is out there it possibly is