The FOSP Holdem League Tournie is in SKY LOBBY NOW...... WEEK 1 of FOSP November Holdem League!! Link HERE!! ...... WEDS 5th Oct 7.30pm, 5000 chips, 10 min blinds, Hour late reg!! GL ALL, ALL WELCOME!!!! BIG ADDED VALUE SKY POKER DONATED SEATS FOR WEEKLY & MONTHLY WINNERS Monthly 1st & 2nd get £33 Sky Sports BH Seats 3rd, 4th, 5th get £5.50 Mini Seats! Weekly Winners also get Free SKY FOSP SEATS!! GL ALL & ALL Welcome!! Posted by HITMAN_RV
In Response to Re: Friends Of Sky Poker, 'FOSP' Thread. FOSP PLO League Tornie, Sunday 23rd Oct 7.15pm!! : Hi Dave Its not PLO8 tonight, its PLO. Posted by VespaPX
Champions Runners-up May '11 Team Knightplop Team HitSquad June '11 Team PokerTrev Team HitSquad July '11 Team 51Team PokerTrev Aug.'11 Team PokerTrevTeam 51 Sept.'11 Team 51Team HitSquad Oct. '11 Team HitSquad Team 51 Nov.'11 Team PokerTrevTeam Hitsquad Dec.'11 Team HitSquad Team PokerTrev Jan.'12 Team PokerTrev Team 51 Feb.'12 DYM LegEndsTeam Hitsquad March12 Team HitSquadTeam PokerTrev April '12 Team HitSquad Team PokerTrev May 12 PokerTitans Team Hitsquad June 12 Team HitSquad PokerTitans July 12 Team 51Team HitSquad Aug 12 Team HitSquad Team 51 Sept 12 Team 51 Team HitSquad Oct 12 Team HitSquad Team Diamond Nov 12 Team Diamond Team HitSquad Dec 12 Team HitSquad Team Diamond Jan 13 Team HitSquadTeam 51 Feb 13 Team HitSquad Team Diamond March13 Team HitSquad Poker Titans April 13 Team HitSquad Poker Titans May 13 HitSquad Jams Team Diamond June13 Team 51 HitSquad Jams July 13 HitSquad Jams Team 51 Aug.13 HitSquad JamsPoker Titans Sept 13HitSquad JamsHitSquad Donks Oct 13 Poker Titans HitSquad Donks Nov 13 HitSquad Donks HitSquad Jams Dec 13 Poker Titans HitSquad Jams Jan 14 HitSquad Jams HitSquad Donks Feb 14 Poker Titans HitSquad Jams March14 Poker Titans HitSquad Jams April 14 HitSquad Poker Titans May 14 HitSquad Poker Titans June 14 HitSquad Poker Titans July 14 Poker Titans HitSquad August14 HitSquad Poker Titans Sept 14 HitSquad Dragons Oct 14 HitSquad Outlaws Nov 14 HitSquad Poker Titans
Time to nip this FOSP Wednesday game in the bud? Am I even allowed to suggest this?! Posted by hhyftrftdr
Evening Harry, always a pleasure, feel free to come and play it anytime. People are putting time into organising it and administrating it, Sky are supporting it with great prizes every month. Try it you might like it, would be good to see you enjoying a game with us instead of sniping from the side-lines..... What's not to like about a friendly game of poker with some added value?
Final FOSP Holdem League table for November, well done to MacMonster who wins this weeks game and to ChipsMargo who with two wins from two games takes a fine win in the monthly competition and bags himself a free £33.00 Sky Sports Bounty Hunter seat.
I appreciate the invite Simon but I have zero interest in playing it whatsoever. And you know why.
I have however noticed it's significant decline in numbers, barely making 20 runners weekly. How many people are in the FOSP group out of interest?
It kicks off at the same time as a £200 gtd £5 tourney, and that gets double the numbers of this week in week out....just seems like its a rather pointless tournament clogging up what is already quite a busy night for decent tournaments (Rebuy, mini and megastack all start with an hour of FOSP).
Feel free to keep the blinkers on, but the facts speak for themselves. Surely the people involved realise it needs a kick up the backside to preserve it no? Or are you all just too scared to even speak up?
Simon, do you not have a concern that even with Skys support, this is in rapid decline? Do you not think they might reconsider their position if it continues to get less than 4 full tables of players week in week out?
I appreciate the invite Simon but I have zero interest in playing it whatsoever. And you know why. I have however noticed it's significant decline in numbers, barely making 20 runners weekly. How many people are in the FOSP group out of interest? It kicks off at the same time as a £200 gtd £5 tourney, and that gets double the numbers of this week in week out....just seems like its a rather pointless tournament clogging up what is already quite a busy night for decent tournaments (Rebuy, mini and megastack all start with an hour of FOSP). Feel free to keep the blinkers on, but the facts speak for themselves. Surely the people involved realise it needs a kick up the backside to preserve it no? Or are you all just too scared to even speak up? Posted by hhyftrftdr
It may surprise you to hear that I agree with pretty much all of this, you're right, it has struggled to find it's place in the schedule and I think the clashes you highlight are very valid.
Nobody is blinkered and I'm sure that most of the players who try to play regularly would like to see more runners and a bigger prize pool, arguably some of them (me included, although I'm struggling to find time to play at the moment) would prefer to see a few tweaks to the tournament structure too.
I guess such things are a matter of perspective, some people will see difficulties and immediately be predicting Armageddon, some even doing so gleefully which when you think about it is quite a sad reflection on their outlook in life. Others will try to find the positives in a less than ideal situation, will persevere and will try to find a way to build on those positives and create something good.
Now....... at various times in my life I have been very firmly in both of those camps, and believe me, I'm more than happy to be back in the latter right now because the former is a pretty dark place! I'll continue to help where I can trying to make a success of this fun community tournament. It's a shame you've decided to take the other option, it actually makes me feel a little sorry for you, just think of that big bright world you're missing out on.
Simon, do you not have a concern that even with Skys support, this is in rapid decline? Do you not think they might reconsider their position if it continues to get less than 4 full tables of players week in week out? Genuine questions. Posted by hhyftrftdr
Wow....... for something you have absolutely no interest in you really do seem to be paying it a little too much attention, maybe go out and do something more exciting with your time?
In Response to Re: Friends Of Sky Poker, 'FOSP' Thread. FOSP Holdem League Tornie, Weds 23rd Oct 7.30pm!! : It may surprise you to hear that I agree with pretty much all of this, you're right, it has struggled to find it's place in the schedule and I think the clashes you highlight are very valid. Nobody is blinkered and I'm sure that most of the players who try to play regularly would like to see more runners and a bigger prize pool, arguably some of them (me included, although I'm struggling to find time to play at the moment) would prefer to see a few tweaks to the tournament structure too. I guess such things are a matter of perspective, some people will see difficulties and immediately be predicting Armageddon, some even doing so gleefully which when you think about it is quite a sad reflection on their outlook in life. Others will try to find the positives in a less than ideal situation, will persevere and will try to find a way to build on those positives and create something good. Now....... at various times in my life I have been very firmly in both of those camps, and believe I'm more than happy to be back in the latter right now because the former is a pretty dark place! I'll continue to help where I can trying to make a success of this fun community tournament. It's a shame you've decided to take the other option, it actually makes me feel a little sorry for you, just think of that big bright world you're missing out on. Posted by Slykllist
Simon, I was booted from the FOSP group for having the audacity to question the timing of a post by Dave. It was made clear, in no uncertain terms, that its his way or the highway and out I went. So then do you really expect me to play in their tournament? So I didn't ''take the other option'', it was forced on me.
And if not playing a 20 runner MTT every Wednesday night is me missing out on some big bright be it.
Sounds like there are a few unsavoury characters in that group anyway. Dare to offer an opinion and you're left hung out to dry it seems.
WEEK 1 of FOSP November Holdem League!!
Link HERE!!......
WEDS 5th Oct 7.30pm, 5000 chips, 10 min blinds, Hour late reg!!
Monthly 1st & 2nd get £33 Sky Sports BH Seats 3rd, 4th, 5th get £5.50 Mini Seats!
Weekly Winners also get Free SKY FOSP SEATS!!
GL ALL & ALL Welcome!!
1st & 2nd in Monthly table..
£33 Sky BH Main IrishRose & sherifoo7, is thurs 13th Nov ok??
Free £5.50 FOSP Seats!!
[5x weekly winners & 3rd,4th, 5th in Monthly league]
IrishRose x 2 [Donated to myrrdhin & aiken2001]
pagey1099 x 2 [thurs minis instead]
jawzindawz x 2
All in Tonight..
x2's in next week as well, is that ok???
Donated to myrrdhin & aiken2001 !!!
You ok Tonight lads!!
TY Rose & Sky!!
Fosp Holdem weds Result.
aiken2001 155000 1 £62
AFCDavid 0 2 £38.75
Oban 0 3 £23.25
sumner0754 0 4 £17.05
luvBWFC 0 5 £13.95
sherifoo7 0 6
davecharms 0 7
myrrdhin 0 8
bigballoo 0 9
Wilhelm 0 11
GBUK 0 12
JesterAK 0 13
GELDY 0 14
cmorry67 0 15
Ice_Tiger 0 16
jawzindawz 0 17
RossMc 0 19
IrishRose 0 20
timeforbed 0 21
Banit89 0 23
supertel 0 26
HENDRIK62 0 28
KEITH1960 0 29
bbMike 0 30
wynne1938 0 31
Hour late Reg, £3.30, 3000 chips
TY to Dave, Solarcarro, League Manager for running.
£5.50 FOSP or Mini Seat for the Monthly Winner added Bonus from Sky Poker Ty
LINK to lobby...
Table after 2 weeks
WEEK 2 of FOSP November Holdem League!!
Link HERE!!......
WEDS 12th Oct 7.30pm, 5000 chips, 10 min blinds, Hour late reg!!
Monthly 1st & 2nd get £33 Sky Sports BH Seats 3rd, 4th, 5th get £5.50 Mini Seats!
Weekly Winners also get Free SKY FOSP SEATS!!
GL ALL!!! & ALL ARE Welcome!!
Sorry for lateness, I forgot again! Here's the FOSP league table after week 1 of November. Well Played aiken2001 who takes the early lead this month.
<td class="xl63" height="20" style="border-top:windowtext;height:15pt;border-right:windowtext 0.5pt solid;border-bottom:windowtext 0.5pt solid;border-left:winLast Months Sky Donated FOSP Seat Winners were...
1st & 2nd in Monthly table..
£33 SkySports BH Main IrishRose & sherifoo7, Thurs 13th Nov 8pm
Free £5.50 FOSP Seats!!
jawzindawz, bbMike, weds 12th
pagey1099 thurs 13th, mini 8.30pm instead]
7-15pm with late reg
Valooooooo already registered
Wp Tygerman took it down
Table of Qualified players
Below is table of 1 result players
WEEK 3 of FOSP November Holdem League!!
Lobby & Reg Link HERE!!......
Special TY Simon Slykllist, November League Manager!!
WEDS 19th Oct 7.30pm, 5000 chips, 10 min blinds, Hour late reg!!
Monthly 1st & 2nd get £33 Sky Sports BH Seats 3rd, 4th, 5th get £5.50 Mini Seats!
Weekly Winners also get Free SKY FOSP SEATS!!
GL ALL!!! & ALL ARE Welcome!!
Hour late Reg, £3.30, 3000 chips
PLO8, HiLo THIS WEEK!!!!!!!!
FOSP PLO Varients LEAGUE TOURNIE Nov Week 4!!!!
TY to Dave, Solarcarro, League Manager for running.
£5.50 FOSP or Mini Seat for the Monthly Winner added Bonus from Sky Poker Ty
LINK to lobby...
Then we will be back to Alternating PLO & PLO8 hilo as before!!
is that Ok with all players??
Seems many were missing the PLO8!
if you want it to be PLO8 every week, let me know, consensus was alternate before, but looking to keep numbers up, so TELL US WHAT YOU WANT!!!
Thanks, The HitMan
Hi Dave
Its not PLO8 tonight, its PLO.
They were e-mailed twice!!
Week 4 Single result Players
WEEK 5 of FOSP November Holdem League!!
Lobby & Reg Link HERE!!......
Special TY Simon Slykllist, November League Manager!!
WEDS 26th Oct 7.30pm, 5000 chips, 10 min blinds, Hour late reg!!
Monthly 1st & 2nd get £33 Sky Sports BH Seats 3rd, 4th, 5th get £5.50 Mini Seats!
Weekly Winners also get Free SKY FOSP SEATS!!
GL ALL!!! & ALL ARE Welcome!!
Champions Runners-up
May '11 Team Knightplop Team HitSquad
June '11 Team PokerTrev Team HitSquad
July '11 Team 51 Team PokerTrev
Aug.'11 Team PokerTrev Team 51
Sept.'11 Team 51 Team HitSquad
Oct. '11 Team HitSquad Team 51
Nov.'11 Team PokerTrev Team Hitsquad
Dec.'11 Team HitSquad Team PokerTrev
Jan.'12 Team PokerTrev Team 51
Feb.'12 DYM LegEnds Team Hitsquad
March12 Team HitSquad Team PokerTrev
April '12 Team HitSquad Team PokerTrev
May 12 PokerTitans Team Hitsquad
June 12 Team HitSquad PokerTitans
July 12 Team 51 Team HitSquad
Aug 12 Team HitSquad Team 51
Sept 12 Team 51 Team HitSquad
Oct 12 Team HitSquad Team Diamond
Nov 12 Team Diamond Team HitSquad
Dec 12 Team HitSquad Team Diamond
Jan 13 Team HitSquad Team 51
Feb 13 Team HitSquad Team Diamond
March13 Team HitSquad Poker Titans
April 13 Team HitSquad Poker Titans
May 13 HitSquad Jams Team Diamond
June13 Team 51 HitSquad Jams
July 13 HitSquad Jams Team 51
Aug.13 HitSquad Jams Poker Titans
Sept 13 HitSquad Jams HitSquad Donks
Oct 13 Poker Titans HitSquad Donks
Nov 13 HitSquad Donks HitSquad Jams
Dec 13 Poker Titans HitSquad Jams
Jan 14 HitSquad Jams HitSquad Donks
Feb 14 Poker Titans HitSquad Jams
March14 Poker Titans HitSquad Jams
April 14 HitSquad Poker Titans
May 14 HitSquad Poker Titans
June 14 HitSquad Poker Titans
July 14 Poker Titans HitSquad
August14 HitSquad Poker Titans
Sept 14 HitSquad Dragons
Oct 14 HitSquad Outlaws
Nov 14 HitSquad Poker Titans
Am I even allowed to suggest this?!
Final FOSP Holdem League table for November, well done to MacMonster who wins this weeks game and to ChipsMargo who with two wins from two games takes a fine win in the monthly competition and bags himself a free £33.00 Sky Sports Bounty Hunter seat.
<td class="xl7I have however noticed it's significant decline in numbers, barely making 20 runners weekly. How many people are in the FOSP group out of interest?
It kicks off at the same time as a £200 gtd £5 tourney, and that gets double the numbers of this week in week out....just seems like its a rather pointless tournament clogging up what is already quite a busy night for decent tournaments (Rebuy, mini and megastack all start with an hour of FOSP).
Feel free to keep the blinkers on, but the facts speak for themselves. Surely the people involved realise it needs a kick up the backside to preserve it no? Or are you all just too scared to even speak up?
Genuine questions.
Nobody is blinkered and I'm sure that most of the players who try to play regularly would like to see more runners and a bigger prize pool, arguably some of them (me included, although I'm struggling to find time to play at the moment) would prefer to see a few tweaks to the tournament structure too.
I guess such things are a matter of perspective, some people will see difficulties and immediately be predicting Armageddon, some even doing so gleefully which when you think about it is quite a sad reflection on their outlook in life. Others will try to find the positives in a less than ideal situation, will persevere and will try to find a way to build on those positives and create something good.
Now....... at various times in my life I have been very firmly in both of those camps, and believe me, I'm more than happy to be back in the latter right now because the former is a pretty dark place! I'll continue to help where I can trying to make a success of this fun community tournament. It's a shame you've decided to take the other option, it actually makes me feel a little sorry for you, just think of that big bright world you're missing out on.
And if not playing a 20 runner MTT every Wednesday night is me missing out on some big bright be it.
Sounds like there are a few unsavoury characters in that group anyway. Dare to offer an opinion and you're left hung out to dry it seems.