Did I Play The Hand Correctly?
Tilt all in lol
I was in a poody cause some guy had played 10 4 off utg so said right next time im utg im going all in with any 2 cards... look what happened.....PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceMagicalman Small blind £0.02 £0.02 £3.90 CATCH-22 Big blind £0.04 £0.06 £4.76 Your hole cards * Q * 3 ClintonH83 All-in £1.21 £1.27 £0.00 anniep…
You just know it`s your night......
....when you get one of these at 4am!!!!! £5 RR btw.PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancedavelufc Small blind 500.00 500.00 0.00 _ARAZI_ Big blind 500.00 1000.00 0.00 Your hole cards * 9 * 2 davelufc Show * 9 * 2 _ARAZI_ Show * 6 * 7 Flop * 5 * J * 5 Turn * Q River * 4 davelufc Win Pair of 5s 1000.00 1000.00
number 2 bubble god i love this game
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancesteelrodSmall blind 200.00200.003790.00davmoliv20Big blind 400.00600.004280.00 Your hole cards99 melvin1958Fold cdiddy84Fold jsbarker28Fold steelrodRaise 600.001200.003190.00davmoliv20Call 400.001600.003880.00Flop 293 steelrodCheck…
played 2x 4.40 sats 10k b/h 1st bubble
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceakagreggSmall blind 400.00400.0012189.00rob12345Big blind 800.001200.006564.00 Your hole cards99 IcemanDB10Fold steelrodAll-in 5215.006415.000.00zigzagggFold jenko22Fold akagreggCall 4815.0011230.007374.00rob12345Fold akagreggShowAQ steelrodShow99 Flop 7510 Turn 10 River Q akagreggWinTwo…
Will people stop moaning about bad beats...
We all give em out too!!!!!!PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceoldgolf Small blind 40.00 40.00 935.00 Papahaveit Big blind 80.00 120.00 4637.50 Your hole cards * A * Q wasnmee Fold davelufc Raise 320.00 440.00 2185.00 delboy21 Fold Jag727 Fold oldgolf All-in 935.00 1375.00 0.00 Papahaveit All-in 4637.50 6012.50 0.00 davelufc…
what are the odds on this hand? tell me?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancerivermunkySmall blind £0.10£0.10£14.68slaine713Big blind £0.20£0.30£8.80 Your hole cardsAA HulkBananaCall £0.20£0.50£9.40Bodie66Fold FORDYCECall £0.20£0.70£18.90rivermunkyRaise £0.90£1.60£13.78slaine713Call £0.80£2.40£8.00HulkBananaCall £0.80£3.20£8.60FORDYCEFold Flop 949…
I suck, run better!!!!
Seems it wasn't to be my night in the mini open!!!!!! lolDivsDreams Small blind 30.00 30.00 2470.00 UncTupelo Big blind 60.00 90.00 1160.00 Your hole cards * A * A edgar08 Fold Mohican Raise 180.00 270.00 1710.00 uncle0nion Fold dartman8 Fold DivsDreams Call 150.00 420.00 2320.00 UncTupelo Call 120.00 540.00 1040.00 Flop *…
Sick flop majorly deep in mtt
This was final 29 players in a MTT on another site, 3000 runners, im currently 5th in chips when this happens, winner of this hand is chip leader. If you go out now you get $18, double potential is $1.2k Tournament #573010964, $2.00+$0.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXXVI (6000/12000) - 2012/05/18 8:11:33 WET [2012/05/18…
DELIGHTED WITH MYSELF. KNOCKED OUT ALL 9 IN A TEN MAN BOUNTY HUNTER. HAS ANYONE DONE THIS BEFORE? tomred64200001£2.50 + £5 Head Prizes + 8 League Points9£0.27philokjs02£1.50 + 6 League Points0£0.20wee_pero03£1 + 4 League…
rebuy number 3 and my last 1 god i love that river lol
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancepoker1Small blind 15.0015.002280.00GaryQQQBig blind 30.0045.002310.00 Your hole cardsAK steelrodRaise 180.00225.001640.00ET1Fold zxghostxzFold iciclesFold poker1Call 165.00390.002115.00GaryQQQFold Flop 5A7 poker1Check steelrodBet 270.00660.001370.00poker1Call 270.00930.001845.00Turn K…
this one is a bit sick after i was going so well
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancehaweraSmall blind 200.00200.006475.00steelrodBig blind 400.00600.0016106.28 Your hole cardsA6 jawzindawzRaise 800.001400.006606.25Woodsmoke1Fold turk3y31Fold frizogFold haweraFold steelrodCall 400.001800.0015706.28Flop 86A steelrodCheck…
solid play
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancewoody207 Small blind 150.00 150.00 12807.50 tarel1973 Big blind 300.00 450.00 14865.00 Your hole cards * A * J thomson160 Raise 900.00 1350.00 10970.00 BURNShurtz Call 900.00 2250.00 16615.00 HULLWHITEY Call 900.00 3150.00 3332.50 Robo2012 All-in 2430.00 5580.00 0.00 woody207 Fold tarel1973…
Anyone beat this for a bluff?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance elleben2 Small blind 600.00 600.00 7345.00 cl00less Big blind 1200.00 1800.00 31527.50 Your hole cards * 3 * 2 ozzy57 Fold itfcbam Raise 2400.00 4200.00 29837.50 blade37 Fold gljukus Fold elleben2 Fold cl00less Raise 2400.00 6600.00 29127.50 itfcbam Call 1200.00 7800.00 28637.50 Flop * 6 *…
If you saw this on TV you would think it to unrealistic
O M G ran like jesus and then 5 minutes of hell. (The last one is SICK!) PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceJeronimo7 Small blind £0.05 £0.05 £15.56 alan81 Big blind £0.05 £0.10 £2.60 Your hole cards * K * Q scoobs56 Fold Jeronimo7 Raise £0.10 £0.20 £15.46 alan81 Call £0.10 £0.30 £2.50 Flop * 3 * 8 * J Jeronimo7 Bet £0.15…
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancesteelrodSmall blind 75.0075.005072.50DARK4NIGHTBig blind 150.00225.006383.75 Your hole cardsA9 Tom281189Fold themessFold mickey2701Call 150.00375.0010185.00steelrodCall 75.00450.004997.50DARK4NIGHTCheck Flop 9A7 steelrodBet 300.00750.004697.50DARK4NIGHTFold…
i love AA on sky
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance 3barrels Small blind 75.00 75.00 2775.00 Louibarr Big blind 150.00 225.00 9020.00 Your hole cards * A * A c0ckneyb0y All-in 950.00 1175.00 0.00 susie2pink Fold Donnelly85 Fold ackley Call 950.00 2125.00 5065.00 3barrels All-in 2775.00 4900.00 0.00 Louibarr Fold ackley Call 1900.00 6800.00…
Life is Wonderful!!
So much has happened recently and I just have to brag about it. May 4th - My 3rd grandchild is born May 6th - Newcastle 0 Man City 2 May 6th - I qualified for VLV final May 13th - That football match, and City win premiership Tonight - I qualified for £20k Super Roller Tomorrow - is my 65th birthday. Life is…
AK vs 34
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceClintonH83 Small blind £0.02 £0.02 £1.82 peewee60 Big blind £0.04 £0.06 £2.20 Your hole cards * A * K POPPETPUSS Raise £0.12 £0.18 £4.30 ?Call £0.12 £0.30 £3.80 clubhammer Fold frankie700 Fold ClintonH83 Raise £0.30 £0.60 £1.52 peewee60 Call £0.28 £0.88 £1.92 POPPETPUSS Call £0.20 £1.08…
Hands i dream of.....
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceharvestmoo Small blind £0.02 £0.02 £2.14 bergerall Big blind £0.04 £0.06 £2.54 RICEONE Big blind £0.04 £0.10 £3.96 Your hole cards * Q * 9 BigFish66 Call £0.04 £0.14 £3.98 ClintonH83 Fold RICEONE Check Rixpage Fold harvestmoo Call £0.02 £0.16 £2.12 bergerall Check Flop * 10 * 9 * 7…
thats my poker for the night,thought i might get lucky here,i must be mad lol
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancewaller03Small blind 150.00150.0015336.25sjt333Big blind 300.00450.009026.25 Your hole cards9Q excelsiorCall 300.00750.004945.00notalotFold NAILS01197Fold steelrodCall 300.001050.003065.00waller03Call 150.001200.0015186.25sjt333Check Flop K52 waller03Check…
Sickest hand i've ever been in.
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance MEREMIEV Small blind £0.02 £0.02 £3.88 Pipunch Big blind £0.04 £0.06 £5.02 Your hole cards * 5 * 5 Woodsmoke1 Raise £0.08 £0.14 £2.43 Pavillion Call £0.08 £0.22 £6.31 Blacko Call £0.08 £0.30 £1.25 goeffrey Fold MEREMIEV Call £0.06 £0.36 £3.82 Pipunch Call £0.04 £0.40 £4.98 Flop * 2 * 5 * 8…
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancesteelrodSmall blind 2000.002000.0042760.00alski2222Big blind 4000.006000.004315.37 Your hole cardsAK shuvFold alpinenutFold efcmikFold steelrodRaise 18000.0024000.0024760.00alski2222All-in 4315.3728315.370.00steelrodUnmatched bet 11684.6316630.7436444.63steelrodShowAK alski2222ShowJ4 Flop…
heads up how sick
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancesteelrodSmall blind 15.0015.001425.00andy247Big blind 30.0045.001530.00 Your hole cardsAK steelrodRaise 90.00135.001335.00andy247Call 75.00210.001455.00Flop A710 andy247Check steelrodBet 180.00390.001155.00andy247Call 180.00570.001275.00Turn K andy247Check…
HOW? all hands in space of 25 mins!!!
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceZedeX19 Small blind £0.02 £0.02 £2.56 TheWicked1 Big blind £0.04 £0.06 £0.77 Your hole cards * 9 * 9 bettyboo06 Call £0.04 £0.10 £2.97 3barrels Raise £0.20 £0.30 £5.69 ZedeX19 Call £0.18 £0.48 £2.38 TheWicked1 Fold bettyboo06 Call £0.16 £0.64 £2.81 Flop * 5 * 8 * 9 ZedeX19 Bet £0.32 £0.96…
thought i would a little heeds up lol
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceKERESSmall blind 10.0010.001540.00steelrodBig blind 20.0030.001430.00 Your hole cardsKA KERESRaise 30.0060.001510.00steelrodRaise 80.00140.001350.00KERESCall 60.00200.001450.00Flop 832 steelrodBet 150.00350.001200.00KERESRaise 300.00650.001150.00steelrodCall 150.00800.001050.00Turn K…
always hitting
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceacebazSmall blind 400.00400.0018730.00steelrodBig blind 800.001200.006880.00 Your hole cardsQQ hisaronuFold KEITH1960Fold QuietmanFold trevluca21Fold acebazRaise 3600.004800.0015130.00steelrodAll-in 6880.0011680.000.00acebazCall 3680.0015360.0011450.00acebazShowAQ steelrodShowQQ Flop 663…
stop hitting on me for god sake lol
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancerickantSmall blind 50.0050.004150.00kateanna18Big blind 100.00150.008030.00 Your hole cardsAQ steelrodRaise 500.00650.005745.001281Fold shiney8110Call 500.001150.008030.00stacksyFold rickantCall 450.001600.003700.00kateanna18Fold Flop 5A7…
there getting there cards against me aswell
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancerickantSmall blind 40.0040.003840.00kateanna18Big blind 80.00120.007430.00 Your hole cards44 steelrodCall 80.00200.009245.001281Call 80.00280.006140.00shiney8110Fold stacksyCall 80.00360.00650.00rickantCall 40.00400.003800.00kateanna18Check Flop 1067 rickantCheck kateanna18Check…
nothing holden up,aswell as the badbeats
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceacebazSmall blind 400.00400.0018730.00steelrodBig blind 800.001200.006880.00 Your hole cardsQQ hisaronuFold KEITH1960Fold QuietmanFold trevluca21Fold acebazRaise 3600.004800.0015130.00steelrodAll-in 6880.0011680.000.00acebazCall 3680.0015360.0011450.00acebazShowAQ steelrodShowQQ Flop 663…