Thats a sick un lol.
£5 hu hyper.Cant do much about it.11/06/2012)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancebigtime944Small blind 20.0020.00595.00bignoise10Big blind 40.0060.00345.00 Your hole cards77 bigtime944Raise 60.00120.00535.00bignoise10All-in 345.00465.000.00bigtime944Call 305.00770.00230.00bigtime944Show33 bignoise10Show77 Flop 475 Turn 6…
Just one card to avoid on river!!!
Fistpump with oppo`s shove on the turn, I cant lose here can i? looolzzz PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancedavelufc Small blind £0.15 £0.15 £75.35 AJ_Rockets Big blind £0.30 £0.45 £48.85 G1nger Big blind £0.30 £0.75 £29.70 Your hole cards * 8 * 8 abdul1977 Raise £1.50 £2.25 £26.54 G1nger Fold maccol Call £1.50 £3.75 £28.88…
i remember now why i stopped playing tournaments
an hour and a halfs work undone in 10mins sighPlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance HOLLYWHIT Small blind 100.00 100.00 1335.00 borowhites Big blind 200.00 300.00 3635.00 Your hole cards * 9 * 9 jams88 Raise 500.00 800.00 3855.00 two1s Fold diesel4 Fold MCFCBUCKER Fold HOLLYWHIT All-in 1335.00 2135.00 0.00 borowhites Fold…
i will get 1 soon
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancesteelrodSmall blind 15.0015.001175.00foy555Big blind 30.0045.001895.00 Your hole cardsKK 0rAnGeMfCFold horner08Raise 60.00105.002550.00saddlebagsFold viper26101Fold steelrodAll-in 1175.001280.000.00foy555Fold horner08Call 1130.002410.001420.00steelrodShowKK horner08Show77 Flop 528 Turn 7…
my first ever bbv post
on a 18 buy in downswing at the moment and need to vent. these hands happened during the same session and are the only hands above £10 that i lost. the last one is so sick. he tanked down and called and it is the only hand i can remember playing where i can see why people say its rigged. it just felt like he knew what the…
any idea's if i should continue to keep playing on this site r will things get better over 2 month n
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceDe_menaceSmall blind20.0020.003165.00joss1971Big blind 40.0060.005895.00 Your hole cards1010 steelrodAll-in 1380.001440.000.00GEORGE21All-in 3902.505342.500.00RUNERRUNERFold De_menaceFold joss1971Fold GEORGE21Unmatched bet 2522.502820.002522.50steelrodShow1010 GEORGE21ShowKK Flop 565 Turn Q…
I ran into AA... and AA
BAH! PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancesheffwed18Small blind4000.004000.0069003.32168683Big blind 8000.0012000.0087882.67 Your hole cards7K ameliorateAll-in 49369.8461369.840.00susan1968All-in 42510.00103879.840.00sheffwed18All-in 69003.32172883.160.00168683Fold sheffwed18Unmatched…
all chaser's catch its unreal
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancemgpowellySmall blind 300.00300.004068.75steelrodBig blind 600.00900.009217.50 Your hole cardsKA flynnie709Call 600.001500.008620.00bigun404Call 600.002100.001785.00B00TSY978Fold mal494Fold mgpowellyFold steelrodRaise 1800.003900.007417.50flynnie709Call 1800.005700.006820.00bigun404Fold Flop…
I know I can be loose and very active, but...
Bottom pair top kicker good on the turn?.... Against a shove? PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceameliorateSmall blind £0.05£0.05£6.74RumpyBig blind £0.10£0.15£5.37 Your hole cardsJJ qazokmFold ryderrooCall £0.10£0.25£5.41bolly580Fold aRaise £0.40£0.65£8.05ameliorateRaise £1.20£1.85£5.54RumpyFold ryderrooFold…
the worst part was the table congratualted villian on a nh...
layerActionCardsAmountPotBalance SlickJim Small blind £0.05 £0.05 £9.04 bazroy7822 Big blind £0.10 £0.15 £7.52 Your hole cards * Q * Q aaa Call £0.10 £0.25 £11.43 jams88 Raise £0.40 £0.65 £9.84 xxx Call £0.40 £1.05 £9.18 rambo7777 Fold SlickJim Fold bazroy7822 Call £0.30 £1.35 £7.22 aaa Call £0.30 £1.65 £11.13 Flop * 2 *…
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceeasytig3rSmall blind 100.00100.0020810.00snapieBig blind 200.00300.002776.25 Your hole cards* J * Q kennybadFold gsus22Call 200.00500.008000.00FATJIMFold easytig3rRaise 500.001000.0020310.00snapieFold gsus22Call 400.001400.007600.00Flop * A * 5 * 8 easytig3rCheck…
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceeveletSmall blind 15.0015.006160.00RobHBig blind 30.0045.001970.00 Your hole cards99 pmcginn67Fold steelrodRaise 150.00195.001852.50eveletCall 135.00330.006025.00RobHCall 120.00450.001850.00Flop AA7 eveletCheck RobHCheck steelrodBet 337.50787.501515.00eveletFold…
knocked out of tourney tonight with this 1 aswell lol
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceEBBERDONSmall blind 50.0050.006180.00DTWBANDITBig blind 100.00150.007785.00 Your hole cardsKA ATOMANT55Raise 300.00450.004780.00coniff1Fold spornybolFold shirley02Fold MAXALLYFold meerkat35Call 300.00750.006020.00steelrodRaise 600.001350.003885.00EBBERDONFold DTWBANDITFold…
i think i need to go and play elsewhere hand 1 hand 2 too follow,so sick
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancesteelrodSmall blind 600.00600.0010197.50SDodgerBig blind 1200.001800.006270.00 Your hole cardsKA texsidRaise 2400.004200.002280.00gmac759Fold kev8Fold steelrodAll-in 10197.5014397.500.00SDodgerFold texsidAll-in 2280.0016677.500.00steelrodUnmatched bet 6117.5010560.006117.50steelrodShowKA…
good or bad fold?
ATJIM Small blind 150.00 150.00 4075.00 mangan Big blind 300.00 450.00 7378.75 Your hole cards 1010 shirley02 Raise 900.00 1350.00 7338.75 MRBURNS4 Fold mackarel21 Call 900.00 2250.00 16610.00 ncafc Fold FATJIM All-in 4075.00 6325.00 0.00 mangan Fold shirley02 All-in 7338.75 13663.75 0.00 mackarel21 Fold…
Am I wrong?
Can understand the queens,but the 7 9?Really? 06/2012)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancebrotyconSmall blind 15.0015.001470.00jlgxxx13Big blind 30.0045.002010.00 Your hole cardsAK bettsy882Call 30.0075.004190.00stevemug2Call 30.00105.002400.00LCCAll-in 705.00810.000.00bignoise10All-in 1120.001930.000.00brotyconFold…
Bet sizing help needed here!!
Longest hand i`d seen for a while. ( Not really BBV i know!) Ps, xxxx may post on here so blanked it!! PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancefossy7614 Small blind 15.00 15.00 2832.50 killerlee Big blind 30.00 45.00 3812.50 Your hole cards * 7 * 3 kevkar Raise 60.00 105.00 5827.50 xxxxRaise 120.00 225.00 2067.50 davelufc Fold…
i love it!!
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceChissers Small blind 500.00 500.00 22950.00 BURNShurtz Big blind 1000.00 1500.00 5220.00 Your hole cards * 9 * Q POKERBABE1 Fold WesleyG431 Call 1000.00 2500.00 18602.48 scary2010 Fold Chissers Call 500.00 3000.00 22450.00 BURNShurtz Check Flop * K * 9 * 9 Chissers Check BURNShurtz Check…
NOT a good start to the day :/
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceJeronimo7 Small blind £0.02 £0.02 £2.76 Rocco39 Big blind £0.04 £0.06 £11.54 rollsroyce Big blind £0.04 £0.10 £1.85 Your hole cards * 10 * A hunglikaD Fold christja24 Call £0.04 £0.14 £4.46 rollsroyce Check TINTIN Fold Jeronimo7 Raise £0.10 £0.24 £2.66 Rocco39 Call £0.08 £0.32 £11.46…
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceAlias86Small blind 25.0025.001765.00steelrodBig blind 50.0075.001930.00 Your hole cards75 LO22ACall 50.00125.002695.00JB73Fold InitfunFold binkybCall 50.00175.002130.00Alias86Call 25.00200.001740.00steelrodCheck Flop 855 Alias86Check steelrodBet 150.00350.001780.00LO22AFold binkybFold…
you know ur having a bad day
4 all ins today results PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancedeverall10 Small blind £0.02 £0.02 £4.40 Popeye747 Big blind £0.04 £0.06 £3.96 Your hole cards * A * Q johnson802 Raise £0.20 £0.26 £5.47 thefootb29 Call £0.20 £0.46 £4.09 The_Don90 Call £0.20 £0.66 £3.80 deverall10 Call £0.18 £0.84 £4.22 Popeye747 Call £0.16 £1.00…
Skill Game
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceDons1983Small blind £0.10£0.10£16.22donkeyplopBig blind £0.20£0.30£19.30 Your hole cards77 johnjoe123Call £0.20£0.50£18.39habbinFold logan51515Call £0.20£0.70£12.97HOLESHOTFold Dons1983Fold donkeyplopCheck Flop 1072 donkeyplopCheck johnjoe123Bet £0.70£1.40£17.69logan51515Fold…
How do you progress?
It makes sense to play the lower tables to learn/progress, however the quality of play is so bad, it beggars belief. From the table hopping short stacked all-in merchants, to the dumbest calls ever. Scotty77 said he would play 1000 hands on these lower tables....well mate gl because you will need it. However much I bide my…
Ive seen many things at NL4 but i didnt expect this from a "nit" reg
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancedillon05 Small blind £0.02 £0.02 £2.57 The_Don90 Big blind £0.04 £0.06 £9.18 Your hole cards * A * K 180964 Fold DoyleBrun Fold xCall £0.04 £0.10 £3.64 Vidar Fold dillon05 Call £0.02 £0.12 £2.55 The_Don90 Raise £0.20 £0.32 £8.98 xRaise £0.80 £1.12 £2.84 dillon05 Fold The_Don90 All-in £8.98…
Build and Bust!
Dont ya just love building you role by playing hard, many many hours at limits your role allows.. 7 days to go from £5 to £40.... then you log in one morning and there are hardly any players online let alone seated so you sit at 0.25-0.50 table and decide to play really tight.. 2nd hand=a,q suited. flop nut flush and…
fair enuff did not have many chips did i deserve to lose here,it is not getting any better here wtf
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceHas20Small blind 15.0015.001935.00steelrodBig blind 30.0045.0020.00 Your hole cardsJJ Has20Raise 45.0090.001890.00steelrodAll-in 20.00110.000.00Has20Unmatched bet 10.00100.001900.00Has20Show94 steelrodShowJJ Flop K82 Turn 9 River 4 Has20WinTwo Pairs, 9s and 4s100.00 2000.00
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancecbrownie7Small blind 600.00600.0015787.50steelrodBig blind 1200.001800.0028432.50 Your hole cards1010 Beano9214Call 1200.003000.006812.50LJFerris8Call 1200.004200.007665.00rusty_ringFold natali1991Fold…
free points tourny best hand lost 2 big stack with worst hand what a surprize lol
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceOMGBLUFFSmall blind 4000.004000.0073643.32steelrodBig blind 8000.0012000.0023260.00 Your hole cardsQA Sputnik86Fold eveletFold nagorRaise 24000.0036000.00158908.51OMGBLUFFAll-in 73643.32109643.320.00steelrodAll-in 23260.00132903.320.00nagorCall 53643.32186546.64105265.19OMGBLUFFShowAJ…
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceIintheskySmall blind 40.0040.0017585.00WildabeastBig blind 80.00120.002525.00 Your hole cardsK8 steelrodCall 80.00200.003627.50mac101Fold alanp66Fold baffledRaise 160.00360.0010327.50IintheskyCall 120.00480.0017465.00WildabeastFold steelrodCall 80.00560.003547.50Flop 7J8 IintheskyCheck…
"yeh my 6 is good....i call"
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancesplashiesSmall blind 10.0010.00580.00xBig blind 20.0030.00390.00 Your hole cards* Q * A splashiesRaise 30.0060.00550.00xCall 20.0080.00370.00Flop * Q * K * 9 xBet 20.00100.00350.00splashiesCall 20.00120.00530.00Turn * 3 xBet 20.00140.00330.00splashiesCall 20.00160.00510.00River * K…