Oh Lordy Lordy...
Dudeskin8Small blind 40.0040.00730.00xBig blind 80.00120.00150.00 Your hole cards* 9 * 9 Dudeskin8All-in 730.00850.000.00xAll-in 150.001000.000.00Dudeskin8Unmatched bet 540.00460.00540.00Dudeskin8Show* 9 * 9 xShow* 6 * 3 Flop * 4 * 6 * 4 Turn * 2 River * 5 xWinStraight to the 6460.00 460.00
Royal flush bink :)
dannicoSmall blind 800.00800.002550.00IDONKCALLUBig blind 1200.002000.000.00 Your hole cards10Q daveyt1987Fold gilinatorFold dannicoRaise 2400.004400.00150.00dannicoUnmatched bet 2000.002400.002150.00dannicoShowJ7 IDONKCALLUShow10Q Flop AAK Turn J River 4 IDONKCALLUWinRoyal Flush2400.00 2400.00
This was tough.....
xSmall blind 25.0025.00460.00Dudeskin8Big blind 50.0075.00465.00 Your hole cards* 8 * A xRaise 75.00150.00385.00Dudeskin8All-in 465.00615.000.00xAll-in 385.001000.000.00Dudeskin8Unmatched bet 30.00970.0030.00xShow* 3 * 2 Dudeskin8Show* 8 * A Flop * J * 7 * Q Turn * 2 River * 6 xWinPair of 2s970.00 970.00
garbage hands
how can 1 person be dealt so many garbage hands in one night, then when you get a hand get outdrawn by plebs going all in with 2-3 /9-6 /q-3 and many more like that since 8 last night. some proper jokers on here
Limp calling FTW.
Sigh......... an SPT semi final and I still can't fathom out the reason behind his call pre. Sigh some more.layerActionCardsAmountPotBalance Mariusz80 Small blind 25.00 25.00 1570.00 Flan999 Big blind 50.00 75.00 360.00 Your hole cards * A * 8 Mohican Raise 150.00 225.00 4840.00 dichoh Call 150.00 375.00 1425.00 glencoelad…
Blind shove lols
Playing at the casino in a 45 player MTT and I suffer a bad beat for most of my stack with AK vs Q8 (guy 3-bet bluffed thinking I was raising in early possition with rubbish presumably) any way... Next hand I have 3 BBs UTG+1 and after UTG folds I shove without even touching my cards because I know that it's the right…
AA cracked...standard i guess
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceMOGGY23Small blind £0.10£0.10£10.51FLOOKBig blind £0.20£0.30£8.95 Your hole cardsAA LastogoFold bolly580Raise £0.60£0.90£17.60MDKFold rakiqFold MOGGY23Raise £0.90£1.80£9.61FLOOKCall £0.80£2.60£8.15bolly580Raise £1.40£4.00£16.20MOGGY23Call £1.00£5.00£8.61FLOOKCall £1.00£6.00£7.15Flop 5Q2…
What's this guy folding lol
xSmall blind 10.0010.00450.00Dudeskin8Big blind 20.0030.00520.00 Your hole cards* J * 10 xRaise 30.0060.00420.00Dudeskin8Call 20.0080.00500.00Flop * 10 * J * 10 Dudeskin8Check xCheck Turn * 10…
coldasalSmall blind 150.00150.003265.00penguin7Big blind 300.00450.001190.00 Your hole cards* A * A Dudeskin8Raise 600.001050.004752.50wrongguessFold WWFCBlueAll-in 2217.503267.500.00lawsy1912Fold coldasalFold penguin7Fold Dudeskin8Raise 3235.006502.501517.50Dudeskin8Unmatched bet 1617.504885.003135.00Dudeskin8Show* A * A…
xSmall blind 10.0010.00430.00Dudeskin8Big blind 20.0030.00540.00 Your hole cards* Q * Q xAll-in 430.00460.000.00Dudeskin8All-in 540.001000.000.00Dudeskin8Unmatched bet 120.00880.00120.00xShow* 5 * 7 Dudeskin8Show* Q * Q Flop * 7 * 10 * 5 Turn * J River * 4 xWinTwo Pairs, 7s and 5s880.00 880.00
With 5 players left and being second. Would any fold with this hand? and History #455719465 (23:44 28/12/2011)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceshell44Small blind 3000.003000.00140180.00gagsy19Big blind 6000.009000.00139666.34 Your hole cardsKK meanmach20Fold tayo_mufcRaise 12000.0021000.00342087.16neelyjFold…
evil game
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancescottwood Small blind £0.04 £0.04 £16.12 rancid Big blind £0.08 £0.12 £11.51 Your hole cards * 9 * 9 Jimb Fold tonbino01 Raise £0.24 £0.36 £5.58 dusithurt Call £0.24 £0.60 £2.76 3barrels Raise £0.56 £1.16 £8.24 scottwood Call £0.52 £1.68 £15.60 rancid Fold tonbino01 Call £0.32 £2.00 £5.26…
this guy just owned me lol
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancerobyoungSmall blind £0.20£0.20£36.46gokeithgoBig blind £0.20£0.40£22.08 Your hole cardsAJ arthur1965Call £0.20£0.60£44.55MizroeFold xscool29Raise £0.80£1.40£21.54robyoungCall £0.60£2.00£35.86gokeithgoFold arthur1965Call £0.60£2.60£43.95Flop QJ9 robyoungCheck…
Yikes, this stung just a tad....
TRUCKERJOESmall blind 400.00400.0014755.00DARK4NIGHTBig blind 800.001200.009480.00 Your hole cards* 9 * 9 gilch60All-in 6640.007840.000.00DTWBANDITFold Dudeskin8All-in 8885.0016725.000.00TRUCKERJOEAll-in 14755.0031480.000.00DARK4NIGHTFold TRUCKERJOEUnmatched bet 6270.0025210.006270.00TRUCKERJOEShow* J * 10 gilch60Show* A *…
Nice Flop
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceemeryv92Small blind 15.0015.001422.50ROBBIEROTTBig blind 30.0045.009817.50 Your hole cards65 trevor333Call 30.0075.004680.00smarrCall 30.00105.009260.00SUPERSNEDDFold emeryv92Raise 135.00240.001287.50ROBBIEROTTFold trevor333Call 120.00360.004560.00smarrCall 120.00480.009140.00Flop 874…
here it is jjjach
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceBeecham Small blind 75.00 75.00 16650.00 nuttyboy1 Big blind 150.00 225.00 3025.00 Your hole cards * K * Q jjjach Raise 300.00 525.00 6675.00 j3ono Fold shirley02 Fold 3barrels Raise 450.00 975.00 4362.50 Beecham Fold nuttyboy1 Fold jjjach Call 150.00 1125.00 6525.00 Flop * A * Q * 2 jjjach…
Second hand in the £600 bounty hunter so sick.
Im truely amazed by this, next time i must remember to play AA weaker. Hand History #457489439 (20:08 01/01/2012)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance-LEON-Small blind 10.0010.001970.00COOLHANDBBig blind 20.0030.001980.00 Your hole cardsAA whizzbombFold…
Love it when a plan works out
This is a brag post because I felt so clever. I'd seen this player try to steal pots before after his opponent showed little interest. He turned a pair which gave his opponent a straight draw and bet but was called on the turn and the river gave his opponent a better pair so he lost some money. I have seen that my opponent…
charlene24Small blind 10.0010.00550.00Dudeskin8Big blind 20.0030.00420.00 Your hole cards* 8 * A charlene24Raise 70.00100.00480.00Dudeskin8All-in 420.00520.000.00charlene24Call 360.00880.00120.00charlene24Show* A * 8 Dudeskin8Show* 8 * A Flop * J * 4 * 2 Turn * 10 River * 7 charlene24WinFlush to the Jack880.00 1000.00
should i have folded??
ActionCardsAmountPotBalancetommyy Small blind 15.00 15.00 5455.00 hilton893 Big blind 30.00 45.00 4450.00 Your hole cards * K * J Bloodpak Call 30.00 75.00 3980.00 spornybol Call 30.00 105.00 6216.25 barpile Fold SUSYJR Fold tommyy Call 15.00 120.00 5440.00 hilton893 Check Flop * K * J * K tommyy Check hilton893 Check…
A well overdue cash but more importantly confidence booster for me :)
I know its not a sky tourney but its a overdue nice cash online for me 192nd out of 34287 runners in the storm maybe my 'variance' is going positive this year :) fingers crossed my luck continues on sky this year too lol Or maybe if i stopped losing concentration and donking it and playing proply as i just have maybe this…
Beat - Brag - Thank you very much...
I know i'm the short stack here, but was he right to call me and hence let me then go on to win the DYM in 1st spot? (nocking him out in the process... LOL Even without the River 7 to rub salt in to wounds... oops... Hand History #457581651 (22:26 01/01/2012)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceTwenny_PSmall…
Really is hands like these that make me despair :p
Madison28 Small blind 30.00 30.00 1311.25 irik Big blind 60.00 90.00 2567.50 Your hole cards * A * 3 * A * 4 pete740 Call 60.00 150.00 2192.50 ilove2h8pr Raise 240.00 390.00 6651.87 bert244 Fold Tadukas Fold Madison28 Fold irik Call 180.00 570.00 2387.50 pete740 Fold Flop * J * 2 * A irik Bet 60.00 630.00 2327.50…
Awful bad beats this morning
lost 4 SNG's on the run, last one was a 3.15 buy in i think, short stacked on the bubble with 805 chips so decided to push with A Q off suit, got two folds but big blind called with 5 9 off suit and then hit two pairs on the turn / river gutted!!!
Sooooo..... what did I do wrong here.....
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancesjt333 Small blind 20.00 20.00 4780.00 GeordieT3x Big blind 40.00 60.00 3540.00 Your hole cards * J * J kbyles Call 40.00 100.00 4100.00 pomfrittes Fold Slykllist Raise 200.00 300.00 4110.00 MojacarGil Fold sjt333 Fold GeordieT3x Fold kbyles Call 160.00 460.00 3940.00 Flop * 6 * 3 * 5…
Omaha is cruel
Out of both Omaha side-events, both times as massive favourite. Sometimes I hate Omaha. PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceflossySmall blind 15.0015.002570.00countyBig blind 30.0045.001965.00 Your hole cards108107 Tommo07Fold…
I just... sigh
Hey guys hartshorn here. Recently blocked my account due to bad beat after bad beat, lost the love of the game and trust in this site, so just using a mates account to post this. I gave an external site ago with a 15$ input as friends were telling me to stop playing here with all the beats i was getting. Anyhows, big…
They think it's all over...
£10 DYM and it's all gone pete tong... PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancePoker_FailSmall blind 300.00300.001475.00JingleMaBig blind 600.00900.001215.00 Your hole cards* 10 * J escobar79Fold D96RNWEFold Poker_FailAll-in 1475.002375.000.00JingleMaAll-in 1215.003590.000.00JingleMaUnmatched bet 40.003550.0040.00Poker_FailShow*…
First hand of a micro stakes tournament - the title says it all!!! I get Aces and eventually after a number of bets all the money goes in pre-flop. My opponent has K10 and the flop comes K blank blank. Blank on the turn and then another King on the river to give my opponent trips and knock me out. Playing micro stakes cash…
Merry Christmas...... :'(
What a lovely way too boost my festive spirit.....