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TURBO Tuesday Show Thread
Good morning!
In keeping with the TURBO TUESDAY theme, on tonight's Show, we shall talk extra fast, & I'm typing this at 300wpm. For best effect, read it quickly please.
First up, once again I have been entrusted with working alongside a new Presenter this evening, Mr Yannis Morgan.
New? Yes. Well no, not exactly.
Those of you who have watched the Show since we first went to air in 2007 (wow, SIX years ago!) may remember Yannis, he appeared most nights when we were in the "Green Studio", & did Leaderboard Updates & suchlike.
Anyway, he is back now, & I hope you will give him a typical Sy Poker Community warm welcome, as you did with Jules recently.
He's a dashing looking young man, too, oh-so-handsome. Viewed in a particular light, some might say he is better-looking than me.
What you reckon? Deffo a step up from that Orford fella.

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7pm - 8pm - Tonight on Sky Poker
All the news of what is coming up on Sky Poker, PLUS.....
Coversage of the key hands from Sunday Night's PRIMO Final Table.
8pm - 9pm - ASK THE EXPERT
Unfortunately, we don't have an expert this evening, unless you want to discuss the merits of reinforced concrete, or the state of the PW on the rail network.
However, send your hands in, & we'll discuss them, & maybe we can spot a little leak which could help your game.
The hands will be like Mr R Turpin - masked - & remember we need the Hand ID's, & they need to be from a Table with a TV Icon.
You can either.....
Post them on this thread, or.....
Send them via e-Mail to
We have had a bit of chuntering that we don't show enough hands - well if you send them in, we will try & show them.
9pm - 10pm - Sky Poker School
Tonight's specialist subject is playing multi-way pots in cash.
Remember, this does not have to be Hold Em, we can discuss Omaha cash hands too.
As an example, here's a question for you.
We are playing Omaha cash, it has been raised up, but we think the pot is going to be 5 way pre-flop, as we are pretty sure none of the others will fold to a Raise from us.
We have bad aces - A-A-9-4, rainbow.
Can, or should, we find a fold?
10pm - 11pm - Sky Poker Highlights
Coverage of the late stages, & hopefully the end, of tonight's £5,000 Guaranteed Turbo Open.
This plays pretty rapid, so there should be plenty of crash-bang wallop, "how could he call?" stuff.
11pm - Midnight - Speed Mastercash
Coverage of as many hands from the MasterCash Tables as we can manage.
Less waffleage, more showhandsage.
We will try to get round as many of the MasterCash Tables as we can, so if you want a bit of TV coverage, get sat down on one of them.
Don't forget,11pm-Midnight is HAPPY HOUR time, too, & with the end of the month hoving into view, a good chance to try & get some more cash 4 points in the kitty. It is a short month this month, so every little helps.
Tonight's Quiz.
We will give away a bunch of Mini Open seats, & maybe a few sests to the BIG £5k Freeroll for the best entries.
There are two questions, you must answer BOTH of them......
Q1 - What Sky Poker Promotion do you most like, or enjoy? I just mentioned Cash4Points, but there are plenty more - for a reminder, see HERE
Q2 - Which PREVIOUS Sky Poker Promotion did you most enjoy, & would like to see repeated?
PS - Anyone who answers "TKO", when I had to do battle, alongside my team of Sky Poker players, with Rich Orford, gets a point deducted.
What time does the Show start?
this is a hand request from a master cash table i was watching the other day.
i am fairly new to poker and still struggle a bit with pot odds.
my questions are.
is the price of the flop raise too high to call with only 8 outs? and if it had missed should we then be calling the turn bet?
hand id 625468920 master cash 7 23/2/2013
thank you
Just a quick update - In the first hour of the show we'll have the final table from Sunday's £30K Super Roller!
Hope you have a great show.
I see from the picture below, you have already been offering advice to "Yiannis" in the make-up department. I havent yet figured out if thats his own hair or yours
ps. The correct spelling of his name is.... "YIANNIS" and not YANNIS btw - although I presume the pronunciation is the same?
Good afternoon Gentlemen.
Thanks for pointing the errors in my OP. If there is one thing we can rely on in life......
We shall be covering action from the Final Table of the SUPER ROLLER, not PRIMO.
And I look forward to working with YIANNIS. No idea who that Yannis fella is.
Welcome to Sky Poker.
Coverage of the late stages, usually from 2 or 3 tables out, will be from 10pm - 11pom.
There is obviously a delay in showing hands, rarely less than 5 minutes.
The Sky Poker Channel is Channel 861 on the Sky Platform.
We have three x 5 Hour Live Shows each week, being Tuesday, Thursday & Sunday. The rest of the output is repeat Shows & archive material.
Tonight's Show wil be from 7pm - Midnight, & will feature a newe Presenter, Yiannis Morgan.
You can contact the Show with messages or requests for poker advice @
You can also get up to date news from Sky Poker via their Twitter Feed, which is "@SkyPoker".
Hope you enjoy the Site, & Show.
Thanks Trev.
PS - I shall deal with your PM tomorrow, remind if I don't, please.
Q1 : £10,000 New Player Freeroll . Pulls in new players , some of which I hope I might have a very small edge against
Q2 ; Golden Ticket . You can't beat a freebie.
Have a good show.
All the best
Thanks for the Quiz Answers chaps & chapesses.
Keep them coming please.
At this rate, all Entrants will get a prize......
It always seems to be where new players are directed to start playing MTT's.
Q2. I liked the old "survivor" series , worth re-introducing with a bigger prize on the end :-)
No, the Monday Night DTD, excellent as it is, is not a "Sky Poker Promotion" as such, it is set up & run by the Community, predominantly Michael, Chris & a good few others.
I do big it up as often as I am able, but that does not mean it is an "Official" Sky Poker Promotion.
I would have to say the current promotion i most enjoy at the moment are all the freerolls that are played daily for pts, allow me, as a new sky poker player, to get to know some people and get to know the software etc.
Q2 - Which PREVIOUS Sky Poker Promotion did you most enjoy, & would like to see repeated?
Well it won't be repeated, but i feel the new player promotion was great in helping me, as a new player to sky, get into tournaments and get a feel for the MTT's and SnG's on this site without dipping into my own pocket!
Thanks, have a great show!
It'll have to be the new final table payout structure (not that i've ever come close) !
Have a good show with your new presenter.
Sigh. "double decker plane"....
Sarah - I took this photo of a cormorant myself, the week before last, on the Thames at Hampton Court.
Pretty good, huh?
Q1.The Freeroll Festival
Q2.Sky Poker Premiership