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Hi all!
For those of you that I haven't met yet, hiii!! I'm Jules, one of the newbie presenters joining the fab bunch here at Sky Poker. I've done my last two shows with Tikay, so it's my first time meeting Redmond tonight! Third time lucky apparently
shh, don't tell Tikay!
Here's what you've got to look forward to tonight:
Primo final table coverage from Sunday 10th March.
8pm – 9pm – Ask the Expert
Requested hands and Poker questions for Redmond.
9pm – 10pm - Sky Poker School
Playing over pairs to the board – in MTTs
10pm – 11pm – Sky Poker Highlights
Live coverage of the late stages of the £5,000 Turbo Open
11pm – Midnight – Master Cash
Live action from the Master Cash tables
So that's how tonight shapes up! I'm pretty surprised that I actually made it in for the show today, alive, warm, and on time! I live in Brighton, and if you've watched any of the news in the last 24 hours, you would've seen some horrendous reports about people sleeping in their cars, abandoning their cars on the motorway, all due to the snow. I was one of those people!!! Over 8 hours in my car, in the same spot on the road. Starving, bored out of my mind, and desperate for the toilet!! It was one of those moments where I wish I was a bloke...if you know what I mean! So after my epic journey home last night, I'd love to hear about your interesting and epic journeys, and funny tales of your road trips, perhaps to poker tourneys? And have you ever been stuck on a journey? Post on the forum and keep us entertained! And also, as it's my first time meeting Redmond, tell me some facts about him that you think I need to know!
We've got 4 seats into Thursday's Mini Bounty Hunter up for grabs for the 4 contributions we like the best, so get your questions and posts in before 11:45pm.
See you at 7! xx
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Hope you have a great show tonight.
Interesting facts about Redmond..............
1. Unless you interupt him, he will keep talking all night
2. He knows what he's talking about
3. He knows he knows what he's talking about
4. (You may be pleased to know) He knows nothing about Trains or Mallards (Unlike Tikay)
5. He is listed on the "Hendon Mob" Database (Won a few quid too)
Car Trips.
I was heading to the Sky Poker Tour @ Dusk Till Dawn (Nottingham) last year, when my clutch decided to give up. I contacted my brother who offered to take me if I payed for his fuel. I also offered to pay for him to enter one of the side events for helping me out.
I was over two and a half hours late arriving so was unable to enter the main event. We met up with a few players from Sky Poker and were looking forward to playing the side event later. Unfortunately, we were out getting food when there was an announcement that registration was limited in the side event as there were not enough dealers available.
When we got back from eating we went to the desk only to be told the tourney was full. So after breaking down and having an epic journey just to get there, paying twice for my fuel costs & a break down truck etc etc, we never got to play a single hand of poker (: Not to mention the 3 and a 1/2 hour lourney back home)
I would have quite happily been stuck in the snow - It was like scoring a goal in the the last minute of the FA Cup Final only to have it disallowed lol - So close but so far
Will Redmond be doing any analysis tonight with hidden "hole cards"?
Ps. Be gentle with him
Good evening, by the way.
Hand History #631740470 (00:14 12/03/2013)
Master Cash 5p 10p table last night
Can i get this hand analysed please.
Check flop for deception, on such a dry board, as it turns out i bet chances are i lose my customer!
On the turn, i'm thinking pot sized bet, if you have something JJs-KKs ur calling, unlikely event it;s AK/Q/J it's getting called.
When it's called i'm thinking they have a monster KK QQ.
River looks like a blank, didn't think KQ would call on a gut shot.
This player from what i had seen had played really tight. There was a pot last night with quad kings, and only bet 10p on river.
I ship river, don't know if this is the right move or not. Scared it goes check check, i was thinking if your calling abet youll call an all in.
Can i get some feedback on this hand.
I think Natalie's tweet was about my run of 9pm main win on Saturday/Primo win on Sunday and mini win on Monday night. I also managed a second in Thursdays 8pm main. It has been a pretty good week.
Can I just say thanks on behalf of the forums regs to Alan (Maxally) who is posting the results in the tournament results thread in the forum in GaryQQQ absence. It is a great way of finding out how people got on the previous night.
TommyD has said he is winning the 8pm main so I am having a night off to see if the old man can still do it!
Hi guys I have a question for Reds. A lot of the time you see people playing lots of hands and saying things such as “the cards don’t matter” and “playing the player not the cards”, especially in position. When playing how true is this? Should we be entering pots with nothing at all such as 10 3 off for example or should all starting hands have some sort of high value or pair or connectedness when playing 6 max to nine handed? Does this make a difference for tournament poker or cash poker?
Welcome to the forum Jules, your usual post show review will be coming later. ;-)
I made the top 40 and took 5 bounties!
Pinch me! lol
My fold was purely on reads on the player
Knew he was putting me on the type of hand i had and knew he only raises when he has me crushed in that spot.
In his seat i flat call all day there but we all play different ways.
Great show btw
Good evening Jules and Redmond.
Sorry it's taken me all night to think of this question:
A few days ago another player and I had a bit of a debate on the idea of "Betting for information". Is it even possible to be betting solely "for information"? In Redmond's view, is there ever a good reason to do this?
Excellent show. You're quite good at this presenting malarkey, Ms. Sowa.
I reraise pre alot of the time there but i also like to mix it up a bit so decided to take a chance because i know i get a few streets of value on a safe board with position on stackers in the small blind but of course skitzs play changed all of that
Also can i just say that skitz isnt any sort of rock and is capable of moves etc but poker in my mind is player dependant and given the players who were in the pot i dont think he ever makes one there.
Thanks again.
Thank you for the free entry - enjoyed the show Jules wd.
ps. Told you he knows what he's talking about - glad you managed to get a few words in though lol