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Hi everyone.
I have seen a few threads running on this forums as to whether Sky Poker is fair, or fixed etc etc.
these type of topics are perfectly acceptable and i certainly will not be closing them down- i just wanted to give you all our official stance and ensure you all that at Sky Poker and Sky we take fairness very seriously...
i had a quick chat with the compliance and responsibility team at Sky and here is the info should you require it:
Sky Poker, Bingo and Casino are licensed and regulated by the Alderney Gambling Control Commission, ( and Sky Bet is licensed and regulated by the UK Gambling Commission (
To this day Alderney maintains arguably the highest standards to be found in internet gaming and
everything we do is tested externally and approved before launch to ensure that it is compliant with regulation and operating fairly.
Thanks for your time guys, and a massive thank you for your terrific response to the community so far. with your continued support i am sure we can go from strength to strength and make this community even better.
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I've stopped reading the is Sky fixed section or any post on those line, as i'm sick to the back teeth of people whinging about Sky's fairness.
It's not your job to reply to such bad losers, in the appropriate manner so let me do it for.
At DTD on saturday and sunday there where some horrendus badbeats and out draws on the river, THATS POKER ,get over it.
Ok rant over
cheers col
In a way I can see ppls frustration. I have many thousands of hands in my database, and over these, I am a clear winner, however there are periods where I have been on a 3 -4 k hand downswing ( and ppl have more than this). I multitable quite a bit so can soon get through this.
However, most of these ppl that moan about fixing etc, will prob play only 1-2 tables, so getting through that many hands 1 tabling, could take 40 hrs +. ( correct me if im wrong, not sure bout No. hands/hr on here).
If they are playing 3 hrs per session, then they are playing 13+ sessions of being outdrawn/coolered etc, which could be quite demoralising.
I think ppl need to look past this. Another thing, I dont think many winning players moan about fixing.
I was at the casino the other night and someone on my table was saying online poker was fixed. Maybe I am wrong, but I straight away thought `FISH`.
Also, good bankroll management is key to maintaining your sanity when going on these downswings, or all the time for that matter.
Good post Rich, I think the bottom line is that online gaming sites would not be in operation without legal regulation, so to even question it is absurd. Hopefully this will prevent any further such topics being posted.
It might just be me being stupid but, i just cant see the point of sky fixing any game. Why would they care who wins a hand?, they get their rake or buy in fee no matter who wins. i just dont see any reason why they would want to pick a specific winner or loser?
It would be nice to hear from some of the ppl that post that sky is fixed, the reason they think sky would fix the game to make them lose? i mean what do they think sky poker has against them?
i just find the whole thing weird.
By the way, I am not implying in any way that sky puts bots on tables, but if they did want to, they could earn more money, and this does not matter wether the bot wins or loses. Sky, or any other site could win by using losing bots.
Anyway, I came across a site a while ago that gave double points for your session if you were the first one at an empty table.
Maybe sky needs to think about implementing this deal?
I no longer play poker on Sky (NOT due to any concerns about the site being rigged or getting fed up with bad beats) but I’m afraid that I couldn’t help myself when reading through some of these forum entries. I just have to stick my oar in.
My favourite conspiracy theories which I think I have heard on just about every site that I play on are:
With regard to the statistics of monitoring 100 all-in hands and noting the results and comparing the actual outcome to the expected outcome, then I’m afraid that this is next to useless because it is FAR too small a sample to make any assessment on it. The only remarkable thing is the almost exact correlation between the expected and actual results that the guy who reviewed 60 hands observed. We mathematicians would regard this as highly suspicious if we saw it as the result of an experiment since it is “too perfect” to be likely!
In response to the person who said show me quads beaten by a royal flush and I’ll start believing it’s rigged, then sorry mate, it’s already happened in the Sky Open and was shown on tv – a truly remarkable hand. It also happened in the main event of the World Series so that must be rigged too! See: Also, Jennifer Harman bust out with a full house to a straight flush – see . This live poker is truly rigged!
I’m fascinated by the use of “bots” on online sites. I’ve never understood why people are against them. Surely, a good poker player will always beat the predictability of a bot by mixing up his game to a degree that is beyond even the most sophisticated bots. I guess that the advantage that a bot would have is never making any horrendous errors but if the conspiracy theorists are right then playing “perfect” percentage poker will see them lose significantly due to the large number of bad beats – or perhaps bots are immune to bad beats?
I hope that anyone reading this is able to detect how firmly my tongue is in my cheek – it was difficult to convey this without flooding the text with exclamation marks, winks and smiley faces.
Enjoy your poker – bad beats (or suck outs if you’re the one benefitting) and all. Incidentally, for those that say that people who can’t accept bad beats should play chess, I lost a chess game a couple of months ago to a horrendous bad beat. It was about a 5% chance that I would make a really bad move and lose and I did just that! I’ve since stopped playing chess on that site.
You say why would they fix it?........easy enuff its that 7 iron in a 150 stroke 18 holes that soars high and lands soft on the green for a 2 putt par, THAT one shot brings u back to play something u aint very good at.
Put it another way if every losing player stopped playing, where would online poker be? To give a loser a miracle card to take that large pot with a full house, in a session where he/she has maybe lost 5/10/20 quid might bring them back. Its a fair point to say that any site doesnt care who wins the hand as they are 'raking it in', but if the majority of losers dont come back, they lose a huge part of their rake.
Probably not the case, because of regulation and Sky is a multi-billion corporation, in which poker is only a part.
I agree that its stoopid, but what about free speech?
Lets be honest mate ,95% chance you would make a really bad move.
Seriously ,how you doing? I was wondering where you had disappeared to.
Have you learned nothing from the recent banking crisis?
Financial stitutions that have existed for hundreds of years have been found to be bent as a car crash. Who knew within these companies? Generally a few people or less!
Don't make me laugh.
A lot of players state that if you are sure you have a BOT on your table you can clean up
BOTS act on percentages and will not act if the odds are not there, so overbetting the pot will not give the odds it requires to make the call.
What do you guys think
Why not just test athletes at the start of their careers and thats it!
To all the people who think sky poker is fixed would they please explain to me WHY ?
Why would sky want to fix it ? All they want to do is build the brand and get as many people playing as possible. That's how they make their money.
The fact is there will always be people who are pot committed, on tilt or who are 'on a roll' who will call an all-in with 2 live cards and have a chance of winning, however slight.
I also doubt any of the presenters or poker pro's would associate themselves with this site if they felt it was not all above board.
Have come across a few people who are convinced there are BOTS on this site
Well i DON'T believe it and the proof is i reg for a 35p BH SIT & GO at midnight the other day 30 seated fell asleep
woke up around 10am computer still on GAME WAS STILL WAITING FOR PLAYERS
So if there were bots do u not think the table would have been filled within 10 hours on small bet
firstly i would like to quote this from Rich "Sky Poker, Bingo and Casino are licensed and regulated by the Alderney Gambling Control Commission, ( and Sky Bet is licensed and regulated by the UK Gambling Commission (" - This leads me to ask, why is the whole lot not regulated by the "UK Gambling Commission" ?? Aldereny operate out of these rules and make their own up?
And from a friend who posted "It might just be me being stupid but, i just cant see the point of sky fixing any game. Why would they care who wins a hand?, they get their rake or buy in fee no matter who wins. i just dont see any reason why they would want to pick a specific winner or loser?" - Well i can easily believe that Skybet could fix games against people like me who think they are frauds, they maybe want to teach us not to? Well i will keep posting what bad luck ive had in a short period of time to warn others...i sadly trust them "not in the slightest"
as gooda chance of winning as anyone here. Regularly i go all in with the best
hand and what calls and wins is a hand your average novice would know to fold.
I think im disliked more, and they give lesser players a chance by playing God.
AK vs KQ = KQ, A8 vs A5 = A5 i could go on and on, gutshot straights hit despite
putting there tourney in jeopardy to all in (me infront obviously.) If maths says im 60/70%
to win all in, i have honestly won way less than half of those hands over 6 months.
Answers on a postcard as to whether its legit 100% here, for a million quid for a correct
answer only, i bet on this place is run by rats.
sorry about the name no pun intended.if it were a fix ther would need to b a heel of a lot of people involved we all go thro good n bad patches{me mostly bad] ME BADSPELLER ALSOO The reason for the name was on my last site it was all i heardso i picked it to annoy people when i river them