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Poster's freeroll - 'the list'!.... the last list! *UPDATED*

edited December 2009 in Sky Poker Tournaments
Thanks Rich and yes it's been a really enjoyable tourny - was always a great laugh in the chat thing. So thanks to all at Sky who put it together & ran it :)



  • edited December 2009
    hi guys,

    yep i'm afraid that's right. 'like all good things'... this week's will be the last poster's freeroll.  i really do hope all who have played in this have enjoyed it and will continue to take pleasure from and use the community.

    even though there has been the odd spot of controversy i'm sure you'll agree that it has helped bring a few new great members over and certainly livened things up a tad!

    as this is the last poster's freeroll if you can't/ don't want to play please let me know ASAP (either on this thread or private message), i will then enter people who have just missed out.

    all the best,

  • edited December 2009
    Hi Rich

    Thank you to whomever suggested and brought the freeroll into being, the play and banter has been ecellent and shall be sad to see it go, whowever, posting goes on regardless :). Thank you once again
  • edited December 2009

    Cheers Rich and all @ sky poker for putting this freeroll on. I think IT IS APPRECIATED BY MOST of the community.

    Any chance of getting Sky Santa or one of his helpers to play in it this week? Prob pushing my luck, but it would add extra spice to the tourney........

    And while i am asking........can you freeze Barry's buttons this week to give some others a chance of cashing?.....:)

    As always......

    I hope this helps!

  • edited December 2009
      cheers rich, nice one!  always a good laugh this one--shame it has to die--controversy? what controversy?--hope this helps--lol

  • edited December 2009

    Ok apologies, wnt be happening, thanx!

  • edited December 2009
    This has been a great freeroll, good standard of play (apart from mine lol) and banter. I hope it makes a welcome return at some point in the future but fo now at least, those who wanted an end to people spinning up their posts to get into it will have their wish lol

    See all who qualified on Wednesday then !!
  • edited December 2009
    yes this will be a sad event when the posters freeroll dies ;-(

    it is one of the best tournaments on sky for me, asnt got the prize pool of the open or primo but for me this was the tournament i looked forward to and i am sure others did too, this wednesday will be a sad day when the final table finally comes to an end.

    is their a reason why its coming to an end rich? if sky cant carry on pumping £250 into the kitty every week the maybe knock the prize pool down to £100 maybe?
  • edited December 2009
    Hi Rich

    I have really enjoyed these games and they have added a little extra to the forum. 

    Just because Barry & I have had the last three weeks sewn up between us is no reason to cancel the games though:)

    As its the last game how about joining us at the tables, I know everyong will be happy to see you there.

  • edited December 2009
    In Response to Re: Poster's freeroll - 'the list'!.... the last list!:
    Back in the normal routine this week so looks like my daddies gonna be playing for me! Go easy on him, and if he makes a raise that isnt a min raise, please post it on the forum as I will be astounded when I get in from snooker wed night n see it! Lol, DOHH
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    dohhh dont think is allowed mate, nearly certain somebody asked about this a few weeks and it is against the rules, probably best to check with sky rich as i am not 100% certain
  • edited December 2009

    hi rich ,

               normally i give a very long ty to you on this ,

    but not this time because this been the last one ,

    i ask all posters on here to ask you to plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz,

    play in this last posters freeroll,

    you deserve it for all that hard work ,

    you did this week  ,

    especially having to count all the hope this helps posts ,

    your Irish m8 rover

    hope this helps !

  • edited December 2009
    This has been an immense fun tourny and a great income for acebarry.LOL.I thank all of you at sky poker for running this tourny and wd to all of its participants,it will be greatly missed.Perhaps in the future there could be an I HOPE THIS HELPS freeroll?

    PS.i hope this helps
  • edited December 2009
    dav, their is no "I"

    hope this helps
  • edited December 2009
    In Response to Re: Poster's freeroll - 'the list'!.... the last list!:
    is their a reason why its coming to an end rich? if sky cant carry on pumping £250 into the kitty every week the maybe knock the prize pool down to £100 maybe?
    Posted by webby234

    it was only suppose to run for 4 weeks as a little boost to the community. after a few arm twists i got it up to 8 but unfortunately not any longer
  • edited December 2009
    In Response to Re: Poster's freeroll - 'the list'!.... the last list!:
    dav, their is no "I" hope this helps
    Posted by webby234
    LOL....thats told u DAV! Remember, there is no I in team and no I at the start of 'hope this helps'. TUT TUT....

  • edited December 2009

    Thanx guys it wont be happening, no1 has ever done that on my account before, and now I know it isnt allowed, they never will! Thanx for letting me know before I got in hot water, suggestion to sky rich or whoever is in charge, as I wont be able to make it could someone else take my place? the 51st most frequent poster maybe?

    Or some sort of competition on here? I dno....

    Thanx all, DOHH
  • edited December 2009
    ok, well this wednesday lets have one final HOORAH!!!
  • edited December 2009
    In Response to Re: Poster's freeroll - 'the list'!.... the last list!:
    In Response to Re: Poster's freeroll - 'the list'!.... the last list! : it was only suppose to run for 4 weeks as a little boost to the community. after a few arm twists i got it up to 8 but unfortunately not any longer
    Posted by Sky_Rich
    Well Cheers for the additional weeks Rich !!
  • edited December 2009
    In Response to Re: Poster's freeroll - 'the list'!.... the last list!:
    Thanx guys it wont be happening, no1 has ever done that on my account before, and now I know it isnt allowed, they never will! Thanx for letting me know before I got in hot water, suggestion to sky rich or whoever is in charge, as I wont be able to make it could someone else take my place? the 51st most frequent poster maybe? Or some sort of competition on here? I dno.... Thanx all, DOHH
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH

    thanks Dohhhhhh,

    i'll put someone else in
  • edited December 2009
    In Response to Re: Poster's freeroll - 'the list'!.... the last list!:
    In Response to Re: Poster's freeroll - 'the list'!.... the last list! : it was only suppose to run for 4 weeks as a little boost to the community. after a few arm twists i got it up to 8 but unfortunately not any longer
    Posted by Sky_Rich[/QUOTE

    now defo rich you should play last posters freeroll.

    hope this helps
  • edited December 2009
    Shame to hear that this is the last of Acebarry's, sorry, poster's freeroll.  Also amazed to see my name on the list for the first time.  Thanks rich and Sky for this welcome freeroll.

    Look forward to it!

  • edited December 2009
    Thank you for bringing this to my attention webby mate.


    There thats more like it

    i hope this helps
  • edited December 2009
    It is a shame to see the end of what is probably the best tourny on the site. Not because of the free entry or the generous prizes but because of the tourny itself.  It is made up of people who dont know how to shut up and so the chat box is forever moving with some really great banter.I have enjoyed everyone i have been in even when playing badly and going out early.

         My main concern with the end of this is that barry is now going to have to find a new source of income. Hopefully rich and maybe even santa will play in the last one so we can see it off in style

    Hope this helps
  • edited December 2009
    Be sad to see the end of it found it the most enjoyable tourny on sky.  Good luck to all those in it this week and thanks rich for running it for so long
  • edited December 2009
  • edited December 2009
    Thanks rich and sky ;) any chance rich we can keep it going? with say just a top prize of an entry into the deepstack tourney or something very small like that? as it is the best tourney on sky by far with the banter flowing the game just flies by with everyone having a top time!! with players of all different levels coming together for a game. As we're all at different levels it's the one time of the week we all catch up each other for a game;)

    If you can't then it's gonna be a sad day indeed, but very appreciated anyway!!! BEEN A BLAST!!! oh an i am in wed too!!
  • edited December 2009
    sad to see it go, definetly the best tournie all week.

  • edited December 2009

    My 1st Posters Freeroll

    I I I I Feel like I am going to cry,


    See you all there

  • edited December 2009
    Hi Rich, I didn't get In this week but have played In previous ones so would like to say good luck to all this week and thanks to you and Sky for what has been a very fun tourney.
  • edited December 2009
    Grr i'm gutted, the last posters freeroll and I can't make it because I won't get back from work in time =[
    I was going to get someone to play for me aswell, but if its not allowed then I guess i'll have to be taken off the list because I always chat during the tourny so people would know it's not me playing =[

    I would like the 72th most frequent poster to take my place!
  • edited December 2009
    Oh Dear,  well that is sad  news because it wasn't for the money most of us played this event   ,
     it was a get together of all the regular posters and   great fun in the chat box together ..  glk all and thanks Rich
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