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edited January 2014 in Community Help & Advice
I want to play on my iPad but can't get abode flash player any tips


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    edited June 2013
    Not speaking from experience but others say they use iswifter but only good for 1 table.
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    edited January 2014
    I tried playing with my iPad to. It let me register for a game but keep on saying there was and error loading table so I couldn't play the game and therefore lost my buy in but I couldn't find anything on the site that state tables won't open with an iPad surely there should be some sort of warning so people don't loss money this way. If I actually lost by playing I wouldn't care but to lose because no-one can be bothered to take the time to write a little message on the home page to inform customers that there tablets my not open tablets is really annoying. Rant over sorry people 
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    edited January 2014

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    edited January 2014

    While considering the pros and cons of buying an I Pad I sought the advice of sky. Sky confirmed that it does have problems as Apple I Pads do not support Adobe Air Player the platform used by Sky Poker. Sky is using a device to overcome the problem but it is by no means secure. In the meanwhile I will with great reluctance continue to use my Windows desk top pc and hope that Sky will speedily resolve the present problem and then announce what measures it has take to provide a reliable service to I Pads.  

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