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Player | Action | Cards | Amount | Pot | Balance |
hopp | Small blind | £0.25 | £0.25 | £32.59 | |
stanley08 | Big blind | £0.50 | £0.75 | £49.46 | |
Your hole cards |
| ||||
aBzScOt | Call | £0.50 | £1.25 | £49.00 | |
YogiTheDog | Call | £0.50 | £1.75 | £69.48 | |
DOHHHHHHH | Raise | £3.00 | £4.75 | £124.93 | |
troyg | Fold | ||||
hopp | Fold | ||||
stanley08 | Call | £2.50 | £7.25 | £46.96 | |
aBzScOt | Fold | ||||
YogiTheDog | Call | £2.50 | £9.75 | £66.98 | |
Flop | |||||
| |||||
stanley08 | Bet | £3.50 | £13.25 | £43.46 | |
YogiTheDog | Call | £3.50 | £16.75 | £63.48 | |
DOHHHHHHH | Raise | £16.00 | £32.75 | £108.93 | |
stanley08 | Call | £12.50 | £45.25 | £30.96 | |
YogiTheDog | Fold | ||||
Turn | |||||
| |||||
stanley08 | Check | ||||
DOHHHHHHH | Bet | £31.00 | £76.25 | £77.93 | |
stanley08 | All-in | £30.96 | £107.21 | £0.00 | |
DOHHHHHHH | Unmatched bet | £0.04 | £107.17 | £77.97 | |
stanley08 | Show |
| |||
| |||
River | |||||
| |||||
DOHHHHHHH | Win | Straight to the Ace | £105.37 | £183.34 |
the important thing is you won
Thanx Dav, but Im seriously not after praise or aknowledgment here, but after annoying a few people again today, rightly or wrongly I just thought Id try and highlight a couple of things that cud help people, and also help me, that are actually poker related.
Firstly the importance of being aggressive rather than passive (with a strong starting hand)
And also, from my oppo's point of view, (lets presume he had been aggressive previously, he hadn't) The way to takle advantage of an aggressive image.
He's flopped top set, I love his call on the flop, he has the nuts, its fantastic. - But to check the turn???? He must move here, at least bet, Im bluffing, if he bets 15 quid, or shows any kind of strength, I have to go away! As I cant take him off the hand.
If hes been TAG all game, I might evel call him with A high! yes I do that sometimes, but hes so passive.
Raise, re raise, protect ur hand, or try and get me off mine!
There is a question here, that is what you would have done had Stanley pushed on the turn?
Yes it looks a bit fishy but as someone else said you were aggressive and your opponent gave you the chance to catch your gutshot, by just calling. In poker you sometimes pay the price for patience and get out drawn.
Theres more to the game than 'am I ahead or not' Delta.
I was hoping for constructive replies from people of all levels. - I got lucky, Ive obviously not posted this to show off how good I am I had 3 outs on the river and hit one of them.
I spose ud rather discuss chat box language, or bankroll management or freerolls or TKO, rather than ACTUAL poker hands from which we all, including me, cud learn from!
The way he's played it preflop - he calls and would have to expect to be up against 2 or 3 other players. With jacks that's already a bad move. After that though, despite him playing it a bit odd and a little gambly he doesn't do a heel of a lot wrong. In response to the original question - are you a fish? Obviously not - what like you WANTED the call on the turn?
Just trying to get a proper poker debate going.
Villain paid for being so passive, & Hero was allowed to get there.
A metaphor for poker, really.
Dohhh did not do aything meritworthy as such, he was allowed to get there. If Oppo showed strength on Flop or Turn, I guarantee Dohhhhh mucks sharpish.
If you see a weasel sleeping.......
Very true Col, I try and put myself in his position, on top set there - what wud I do against myself? and Im with you, the pot is big enough to win now, when limping pre then callin the pre flop raise, at this point, Id be happy with taking down a big pot on the turn. - I wud raise the flop against myself too - and probably pre as well.
Limp calling with jacks pre? do we? dont we?
Is it different against tight players? aggro players? what do u guys do? how do u play jacks?
3 limpers pre ur on SB with AQ? do u raise, or take a flop?
Help me guys! Its real life here, not a book!
Cheerz, DOHH
The key to winning any pot is to give yourself the most opportunities to win. You raised pre giving yourself 2 ways to win at that point. You then raised the flop and bet the turn, on each of these occasions you had 2 chances to win. That is having the best hand or making your opponent fold.Yes you were behind all the way but a good bet can easily beat a good hand.
I find absolutely nothing wrong with your play in this hand, not my style of course, but your opponent decide to crank up the risk reward dial by slowplaying his monster and he got burnt by it. Standard play for a cash table the more you want to win the more you have to risk losing.
Right on cue I was just gonna say wheres Talon when ya need him! lol
Good read as ever Talon. I wouldnt say it was hurrendous though. I see ur thinking, build the pot when ur ahead.
Id been here about an hour n half.....first hour I was Tag, been loosening up the previous 15/20 wasnt taken as red that Im gonna go nuts.....
Unless he has notes on me of course....
But I see his thinking...hes flopped the nuts, he cnt believe his luck,. (like i cudnt when I rivered the nuts).....n hes got me all in with 3 he can justify his play as brilliant! I wud if I did what he had. Its the thinking behind the play Im trying to get my teeth into....
Is it the optimum way to play it? In this instance maybe, but maybe not.
Fascinating game innit
I would in that situation raise with JJ to narrow the field and get a bit of info as well, but then i can put them down if an A or K comes.
Back to the origonal idea of the post though, the beauty of a TAG/ and imparticuarly aLAG immage as opposed to a passive one, - Is alot of the time here my mate doesnt flop the nuts, he might flop top pair or a draw etc.
As long as we have position, we can play with them, tickle em, thump em (not literally), whatever we wanna do, whatever we wanna convince them we have, we can do!
Its like playing on a playstation (havent done that for 8 yrs) But I used to control my players with a joypad! lol The same here.
Sometimes Im gonna have the nuts, they pay! Alot of time im gonna have a hand (pair upwards), and gonna take others off their hands! Alot of the time I have nothing, but Im the only one who knows this, so its irrelevant!
After all that point is....
Aggression surely will always beat passive play!!
The fact that stanley08 got a horrible beat doesnt change the fact he got his cash in good however he managed it
stanley08 played the player let him do the work and dohhhhhhhh sucked out - u need to get paid off with a top set and against an aggressive play sit back and watch him dig a hole
We replay that river 9 more times and we all say what excellent play by stanley08 playing the player
The picture that stanley08 painted was that he was on a flush or straight draw dohh bet the turn as stanley08 cannt call with a draw for 30 quid
Dohhhhh im not gonna call u a fish but be honest stanley08 out played u in this hand u have to believe he was on a draw and u tried to bully him out and fell into his trap
The fact that u got lucky doesnt change the fact - top play stanley08 - so so so very unlucky
I dont like the whole check on the turn because the board has become very draw heavy with 1 flush draw and 2 straight draw on offer. For me this is take the money and run territory. But i will add one disclaimer to any comment i have made, i am a really bad cash player so maybe my comments should be viewed with that in mind
I agree millhouse! - He played it well in parts but very poorly in other parts.. I appreciate ur response. No1 can call me a fish tho, i didnt call once.
Pre flop i think he played it poorly, I wud do the same on the flop, but I wouldnt check the turn!
Well chuffed with ur reply, hope to hear more from u!
Talon u cannot possibly be a bad cash player if u understand the game as seem to!
Ure replies are always structured and justified with explanations, u wud make mincemeat of the cash games, I hesitate to say particuarly the lower levels, as I think they wud be BELOW your level and do u an injustice.
Unless ur either quoting a book, or suffer from huge adrenaline rushes that make u do crazy things, I really dont understand why u cannot beat the cash game!
Id like to come have a game with u at whatever level, and see whats going wrong, coz u obviously know ur stuff!
Get stuck in!
I really wud love to know, thanx for ur feeback
He has, but how often does he have top set here??
He could have limp called with 23, played it the same way up to the turn, bet the turn, and I run a mile.
Please understand.....its not all about the hand I posted. It just raises issues that I find fascinating. I know my cards, he knows his, neither really matter until they r turned over. - Its the plays before this happens im interested in.