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Randyrambo best DYM player on sky
Left my job to continue my poker career.. keep an eye on sharkscope and sky poker to rise to the top
0 ·
/>Persues a career in gambling
/>Justifies talent with minute sample size
/>Chooses variant that's practically dead
/>"Watch me rise to the top"
Good luck with that.
inb4 busto
Let's say you achieved an absolutely incredible ROI of 33.33% in DYMs at the £5 level, and were able to sustain that.
This means you'd have to grind out 60 of these a DAY, to make £100.
Or, 4 per hour to make ~£6.67 (around minimum wage).
This post isn't meant to tear down dreams, but to wrestle you back into reality. Your goals are unrealistic and borderline delusional. I would highly advise treating poker as a hobby. Even then, not persuing it as a serious career choice until (over a LARGE sample size), you're shown to be a consistant decent winner.
Now there's a graph to die for!
Would you say the same to someone not wearing a seatbelt? A smoker binging on cigarettes? A stone degenerate donking off his life savings at the casino?
I (despite not knowing OP on a personal level) don't want him to go bust, and make poor life choices. I'd like to see him enjoy poker, and make good, well informed decisions. I care about his well being.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
"Left my job to continue my poker career..."
Keep diggin'.
Leave it as a hobby OP, until you have sufficient results to conclusively prove you can achieve a decent win-rate/ROI in the game.