This is a call to arms for the greatest team on the planet from their manager.
Come on you YELLOWS!
If you received word that you're in the yellow team make sure you register here to play in tonight's free training session. A timed tournament at 7.45 with cash to go round and a £100 bounty if you knock me out. ALSO MAKE SURE YOU LET ME KNOW YOU'RE PLAYING ON THE OFFICIAL THREAD... WHICH IS HERE
Please feel free to also give as much grief as humanly possible in the respective rival threads. You have my blessing.
Remember- green is the colour of bogeys. And as for purple, let's not go there.
Come on PURPS Green overtaking us on practice entries PS James don't they have T'Internetto in Espana? No excuses for not playing tomorrow. Posted by Phantom66
You cannot log into Sky Poker from Spain. It's a regulated/segregated market and only poker sites licensed by the Spanish government (so-called .es sites) can operate there.
In Response to Re: "POWER TO THE PURPLES!" : You cannot log into Sky Poker from Spain. It's a regulated/segregated market and only poker sites licensed by the Spanish government (so-called .es sites) can operate there. Posted by J-Hartigan
SO... set up a Virtual Private Network to a UK server
In Response to Re: "POWER TO THE PURPLES!" : Don't want to post any links or guides or anything on here - just ask around a group of expats and find someone who is able to watch iplayer ;-) Posted by Phantom66
Looking at the lists of players taking part tonight I believe that we do have the strongest line-up. The line-up includes players like: Sherifoo7 cenachav Slyklist MrCoxy MAXALLY And others that I have definately missed. I cannot see any other team with as many good players as Team Purple have. COYP!!! Posted by greggo1410
Who are you
Who are you
Who are you
Afternoon all.
This is a call to arms for the greatest team on the planet from their manager.
Come on you YELLOWS!
If you received word that you're in the yellow team make sure you register here to play in tonight's free training session. A timed tournament at 7.45 with cash to go round and a £100 bounty if you knock me out.
Please feel free to also give as much grief as humanly possible in the respective rival threads. You have my blessing.
Remember- green is the colour of bogeys. And as for purple, let's not go there.
Green overtaking us on practice entries
PS James don't they have T'Internetto in Espana? No excuses for not playing tomorrow.
Hi Alan