and has for poeple saying sky rigged sometimes it is because wen I was the chip leader I was owning players with A/10 a/j etc finished 3rd in a freeole tourney with 400 players, was on friday(not bad) but I was chip leader until I made 1 error with 10/3 hit 2 pair as well but lost to a fullhouse
my top cards was holding out etc
this post is a brag but i do think sky does favor the chip leader
won £5,50 on Friday 1st Tourney i won money in not bad maybe depsoit again
and has for poeple saying sky rigged sometimes it is because wen I was the chip leader I was owning players with A/10 a/j etc finished 3rd in a freeole tourney with 400 players, was on friday(not bad) but I was chip leader until I ade 1 error with 10/3 hit 2 pair as well but lost to a fullhouse my top cards was holding out etc this post is a brag but i do think sky does favor the chip leader won £5,50 on Friday 1st Tourney i won money in not bad maybe depsoit again Posted by imtoogoo26
In Response to lady luck,rigged or just favour chip leader?: and has for poeple saying sky rigged sometimes it is because wen I was the chip leader I was owning players with A/10 a/j etc finished 3rd in a freeole tourney with 400 players, was on friday(not bad) but I was chip leader until I ade 1 error with 10/3 hit 2 pair as well but lost to a fullhouse my top cards was holding out etc this post is a brag but i do think sky does favor the chip leader won £5,50 on Friday 1st Tourney i won money in not bad maybe depsoit again Posted by imtoogoo26
Well they didn't favour you when you lost the chip lead.
I love reading same old comment threads about chip leaders,wins with shet cards not only me then who says it xD. Like I said prevous post this a brag cause I finished 3rd in a freeole not to moan and it's advice to who ever get the chance to be the chip leader like I did
friendly community lol? I love reading same old comment threads about chip leaders,wins with shet cards not only me then who says it xD. Like I said prevous post this a brag cause I finished 3rd in a freeole not to moan and it's advice to who ever get the chance to be the chip leader like I did Posted by imtoogoo26
So,your advice to players is......."get the chip lead,call everyone's all ins with.."shet" cards, and they will win"?
wow you can read english very wp tell me your poker advice then if u got anything? your all moaning cause i said it's favourite the chip leader you know i'm right. all these new players losing they money from it with playing good cards against shet cards. keep those shet comments comming
Not sure why everyone here is arguing - it is already well established that Sky Poker is rigged, just like the EuroMillions lottery draws, the Football pools, that job interview I went for last week and didn't get - oh, and life itself.
aleast new players agree with me random d@cks thinks it's not sorry about the swearing i would post some hands i had wen chip leader but cba 1 hand was aj vs 99 guest wat i hit 2 pair well then cya it's not rigged then.... Posted by imtoogoo26
Jesus Christ get a grip! It's bloody poker! You were outdrawn in a freeroll, boohoo. Try bricking £800 worth of tournaments in 4 weeks, in prep for the biggest ever UKOPS festival. There are hundreds of hands I could post in here from recent weeks, but I grasp the concept of poker. You don't.
i made 1 mistake and football was on i wanted to lose 3rd place wasn't bad but still my fact is chip leader wins everytime wen all in. I even saw few hands on tv like a10 vs qj etc and qj would win..../3 10 the other day against AK,3 10 hit his straight
i made 1 mistake and football was on i wanted to lose 3rd place wasn't bad but still my fact is chip leader wins everytime wen all in. I even saw few hands on tv like a10 vs qj etc and qj would win..../3 10 the other day against AK,3 10 hit his straight Posted by imtoogoo26
have you ever considered the well known all in situation AK v QQ preflop because that man is a very common all in situation and I can tell you now the winners of that hand is a coin flip in itself, just put in pokerstove AK v QQ and you'll find out AK wins 43%( 46% if suited) and the QQ will win 53%
really it's not much different with AK v 10 3 AK-69% 10 3-30%
the 10 3 here is in the same spot as AK is in when it faces QQ, in other words it needs to hit a 10 or 3. the only added benefit for the AK is, unlike when the AK goes ahead versus QQ here if 10 3 went ahead OTF the AK has got a minimum of 6 cards that would put AK back infront again(providing 10 3 only got 1 pair OTF) whereas QQ only has 2 cards to go back infront when AK goes ahead.
I think the OP might be onto something here. I've gone back over some hand histories and I can see a pattern emerging. And interestingly it is only the chipleader that has it. Would be interested if some of you know it all regs could check your histories as well.
What I've discovered is that when short stacks lose a flip they often get knocked out of the tournament. But when the chipleader does he always stays in. Never can I see an occasion when he gets knocked out - not one - zippo.
you don't become chip leader by being unlucky?! so of course the chip leader has had favourable luck to (a) get to be chip leader and (b) stay there.
It's a bit like saying sky doesn't favour the guys who lose all their chips?!
Just replace the word "sky" with "lady luck" and you'll be closer to what's really going on!
In Response to lady luck,rigged or just favour chip leader?:
and has for poeple saying sky rigged sometimes it is because wen I was the chip leader I was owning players with A/10 a/j etc finished 3rd in a freeole tourney with 400 players, was on friday(not bad) but I was chip leader until I ade 1 error with 10/3 hit 2 pair as well but lost to a fullhouse my top cards was holding out etc this post is a brag but i do think sky does favor the chip leader won £5,50 on Friday 1st Tourney i won money in not bad maybe depsoit again
Posted by imtoogoo26
Well they didn't favour you when you lost the chip lead.
tell me your poker advice then if u got anything?
your all moaning cause i said it's favourite the chip leader you know i'm right.
all these new players losing they money from it with playing good cards against shet cards.
keep those shet comments comming
E'll agroo weth yii ef yii stip wreting "shet"
have you ever considered the well known all in situation AK v QQ preflop because that man is a very common all in situation and I can tell you now the winners of that hand is a coin flip in itself, just put in pokerstove AK v QQ and you'll find out AK wins 43%( 46% if suited) and the QQ will win 53%
really it's not much different with AK v 10 3 AK-69% 10 3-30%
the 10 3 here is in the same spot as AK is in when it faces QQ, in other words it needs to hit a 10 or 3. the only added benefit for the AK is, unlike when the AK goes ahead versus QQ here if 10 3 went ahead OTF the AK has got a minimum of 6 cards that would put AK back infront again(providing 10 3 only got 1 pair OTF) whereas QQ only has 2 cards to go back infront when AK goes ahead.